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Please help about birth certificate


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Hi good folks.
We gotta situation here and i need a good advice from you guys.
My aunt was born on april.In former soviet countrys they do a lot of mistakes on BC,so they with handwritng wrote apr and on top of it july.So on all of her documents she have july(passport, marriage lic,).
But the main concern is issue date is JUNE:confused:.
And translator translated as DOB July XX 19XX, issue date June 05 19XX
What you think my dear friends would it be very noticeable, i mean thats not her fault,and every single doc she got its says dob july.
Please help,any similar situation?.
Thanks for your answers.
It looks like she was born in April, not in July. That is what should be written in electronic form.
So, in electronic form it was April?
In what papers was it July?
There it should be April as well.
No in electronic forms is july (plus july in passport, marriage license, diploma etc.)
My concern is.
On original BC july was wrote on top of the word apr(they wanted to write apr but decided to write july- i don't know why).But the problem is issue date is june -but date off birth is july....
Was i clear ?.Thank you very much.
Why was it July in electronic form if the BC says it was April? Now the entry will most likely be disqualified for incorrect date of birth
Changes in biographic details is usually reason enough to disqualify the entry because of suspicion in duplicate entries. DOB is an important parameter in checking for duplicate entries. That is why any discrepancy in DOB will most likely cause disqualification.
Why was it July in electronic form if the BC says it was April? Now the entry will most likely be disqualified for incorrect date of birth

Please read my posts carefuly.
Clearly she was not born in July, because her birth certificate was issued in June. That is why her entry will most likely be disqualified for suspicion in duplicate entries, as I said. Her DOB is April, that date should have been present in her electronic form and in DSP-122 and DS-230 forms.
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Clearly she was not born in July, because her birth certificate was issued in June. That is why her entry will most likely be disqualified for suspicion in duplicate entries, as I said. Her DOB is April, that date should have been present in her electronic form and in DSP-122 and DS-230 forms.

But every doc it says july.Why she would put april if every her doc is july?
BC not the other documents is a proof of DOB. DOB in other documents is irrelevant. That is why the electronic form and DS-230 and DSP-122 should have been based on her April DOB, not on her passport DOB e t.c.
The only relevant doc says April.

No Raevsky in BC its says july the word april is been wrote halfly- apr. crossed with the pen and been wrote july.
Thats how it looks-july and her passport initaialy was given based on BC.
This BC is a prima facie evidence the DOB was not July. That is more or less enough to disqualify the electronic entry saying the DOB is in July. No further proof is needed.
At the same time it is pretty much obvious the BC says April. If the electronic form said April, as well as DS and DSP form, it would have been OK.
Where is the problem?

Hi good folks.
We gotta situation here and i need a good advice from you guys.
My aunt was born on april.In former soviet countrys they do a lot of mistakes on BC,so they with handwritng wrote apr and on top of it july.So on all of her documents she have july(passport, marriage lic,).
But the main concern is issue date is JUNE:confused:.
And translator translated as DOB July XX 19XX, issue date June 05 19XX
What you think my dear friends would it be very noticeable, i mean thats not her fault,and every single doc she got its says dob july.
Please help,any similar situation?.
Thanks for your answers.

Dear if your Aunt, still living in Russia, or she has problem to go there at ant time if she left the country, Why not she claim new BC reissuing, using her other documents COPIES (BC, Passport, etc....) which showing her July birthday, so by this she will avoid the problem of June month issuing date, let her try it, she is not making any sin or cheating any party, it's the same action we used to take in case of any document lose !!!!!!!! What do you think?
Dear if your Aunt, still living in Russia, or she has problem to go there at ant time if she left the country, Why not she claim new BC reissuing, using her other documents COPIES (BC, Passport, etc....) which showing her July birthday, so by this she will avoid the problem of June month issuing date, let her try it, she is not making any sin or cheating any party, it's the same action we used to take in case of any document lose !!!!!!!! What do you think?

I'ts a huge problem now for reopening archives,and we just keep that option as a last move that we will do(if from consulate they would send her to bring a new BC)
The consulat won't request another BC. I'm pretty sure once they have seen it, they disqualify her on spot. :(
Why not she claim new BC reissuing, using her other documents COPIES (BC, Passport, etc....) which showing her July birthday, so by this she will avoid the problem of June month issuing date, let her try it, she is not making any sin or cheating any party, it's the same action we used to take in case of any document lose !!!!!!!! What do you think?
I think the reissued certificate will have the correct DOB in April.
The consulat won't request another BC. I'm pretty sure once they have seen it, they disqualify her on spot.
I agree.
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The consulat won't request another BC. I'm pretty sure once they have seen it, they disqualify her on spot. :(

And if the birth certificate with the incorrect DOB were to become suddenly "lost" or destroyed by a fire before the interview? :D