Plastic Card Tracker...Stamped location, date, VSC, waiting...

Card ordered for me, but not yet for my wife...

Today I checked the AVM. It said Card ordered on 04/08/02 for my case.
For my wife\'s case, AVM still stays.. "On March 12th this case has been approved...blah blah blah..."

Is this strange or just normal?

Pachai Attai.
Message for Bret

Appreciate your updating the list. However it may be easier to have it sorted via name of stamping location.
Baba Yaga 3/29/02 4:47pm
You may update mine or I can do it; just buzz me.
wait never ends

passport stamped on 2/5 in Boston. Since then haven\'t heard of anything. Card is never ordered. Called INS yesterday. They said my case was put in a special shelf waiting for I-89. But then they said the computer system indicates they have received the I-89. What a crap! If I hadn\'t called, my case would have been on the shelf forever. Probably six months after I died I would got the card finally.
similar problem in nyc

I have a similar problem with I-89 issue. I had my passport stamped in feb 2002 case was approved december 2001. they told me i am finished i will be getting plastic card. last week i get a note to come to nyc office and bring my passport re: I-89. i was told i am finished with case why do I need to go back. I had my attorney call a supervisor at INS for me who confirms they have everything they need to make the plastic card and that i do not need to come in for I-89 or anything else. I am nervous that i will never get my plastic card and feel like i should go to this appointment or my plastic card will be delayed for a long time. very frustrated and upset in nyc.
Cards Received

Yesterday(04/11) my plastic card in mail but not received wife cards.
Did not checked AVM.
Updated List Enclosure
To lak69...

I am also in a similar situation. Card has been ordered for me on Apr. 8th. For my wife\'s case, the AVM still says "This cas has been approved", meaning the card is not ordered yet.

So, lak69 please keep in touch and update your status regularly.

Pachai attai.
To Chaiwala....

Hi Chaiwala,

Can you please update your case? Did your wife receive the card?
Please post the details like ordered date, received date etc.,

I am in the same situation like yours, Card ordered for me, but not yet for my wife.

Please respond.

Pachai Attai.
Reply to Pachai Attai

My wife still waiting for card. AVM still says case approved...
For us PP stamped Newark 1/30; for me, card ordered 3/22, recd. 3/29.
Lets keep in touch.

Btw, Pachai Attai = Green Card (tamil)?
Still waiting PP stamped 3/5/02 boston, ma

wife got the card 15 days ago. I am still waiting. AVM says Case approved.

I spoke with IIO, not very helpful. She said We have not ordered your card, did not say why. I asked is my application, photos etc OK? We said everything is fine but card not ordered yet????
Case same as you ..

On saturday, I checked AVM... message is same as you .. Need to find out what is the next course of action .. Please update when your wife\'s case card ordering status changes .. Thanx
Cards received on April 12, 2002

Cards received last week, have not been this website for some time,
it took about 27 days after PP stamped to get the card.

Hope everyone the best,

Please help--change of address after PP stamping

I am going to do PP stamping tomorrow. But I have to move at the end of this month. What should I do for the change of address then? Does this affect my plasic card mail?

Thank you in advance