Plastic Card Tracker...Stamped location, date, VSC, waiting...

received my card today...


I received my card today. (ordered on April 8th).
As of Friday (April 12th), My wife\'s card is NOT ordered.
I don;t know why.

BTW, You are right. Pachai Attai (Tamil) = Green Card.

Let\'s keep in touch.

Pachai Attai.
To Chaiwala... I just spoke with an IIO... good sign

Hi Chaiwala,

I just called VSC (AVM still sings the same song for my wife\'s case).
Then I talked to an IIO. She talked very nice. I told her that I received my card today and asked her about my wife\'s case. She asked me my wife\'s case number. I gave her....

After a while she came back and told me that her (my wife\'s) file is in transit and She should receive the card within 30 days.

That was a better answer from an IIO than I expected.

I will keep posting as and when the status changes. You also keep checking the status of your wife\'s case and keep me posted.

Pachai Attai.
Hi Pachai Attai - Card ordered for wife

Hi Pachai Attai,

Our lawyer called INS last Friday (April 12) and got the standard reply. But, guess what? Today, I checked the AVM and it says that card was ordered on April 13th. The differential between me and my wife was approx 3 weeks.

Btw, the lawyer said that the IIO at INS said "wait for 30 days". This checks out with your answer as well.

Keep checking your AVM, I have a feeling you will hear good news within the week.

Just checked the AVM / RD 07/23 , FP 01/10/02

It still says " Your I485 has been approved .... " No talk of Plastic card as yet. Looks like it would take another 15-30 days.
PP Stamped 3/29 @ NYC, Still Waiting.....

I moved from One state to another and did a change of address. I am hoping this would not cause any delays in getting the Plastic Card.
Any similar experiences????
LAK69....Nope my card is not yet ordered.....I am still in the queue.

PP : 3/29/02
Loc : NYC
Now @ TX
Did a CHange of address after stamping.

I wish my card was ordered.
