Philadelphia Regional DOL Tracker

Looks like not a good idea ??

As per doesnot want to consider expediting cases and do not want to listen to any particular case....

Whatever we do,,they are going to work as they want...we waited for 3 years and nothing happened and nobody took our previous letters seriously...

It is a waste of time and energy..I suggest to wait till they start processing at BRC....

Filed Aug 2001 in MD and still wating at DOL
Guys- I have a Q that has not been answered in the main forum--can you answer

If filing by regular LC:

- Are the recruiting instructions sent (by SWA) when the date you filed matches the current processing date (which is Jul15th. 2002 for VA non-RIR)?


- Are they issued few months after LC is filed (as part of there process) with SWA? If so, is the decision made once your filing date becomes current?.

I am trying to find out when the recruting instructions are received and then for how much time company does recruiting efforts and then submits a report to the SWA. Then how much time they take to make a decision. And the timing for those efforts.

Would really appreciate the answer. Please let me know if I should clarify something above.
dcmetro22042 said:
Guys- I have a Q that has not been answered in the main forum--can you answer

If filing by regular LC:

- Are the recruiting instructions sent (by SWA) when the date you filed matches the current processing date (which is Jul15th. 2002 for VA non-RIR)?


- Are they issued few months after LC is filed (as part of there process) with SWA? If so, is the decision made once your filing date becomes current?.

I am trying to find out when the recruting instructions are received and then for how much time company does recruiting efforts and then submits a report to the SWA. Then how much time they take to make a decision. And the timing for those efforts.

Would really appreciate the answer. Please let me know if I should clarify something above.

I am not a lawyer or an expert but according to my experience (I have a non-RIR app pending at the DOL) the SWA picked my app up and sent advertising instructions when the date for my app becaame current, once the recruiting report was sent back, they took another 4+ months to forward my app to the regional dol which leads me to believe - once the recruitment instructions are sent and the report received, the app goes down to the bottom of the pile until some lazy ass dude or duddette decides to finally take a break from their personal life.
BRC different from regular Philly DOL?

Hey guys

this idea of BRC seems very good, but how is it going to reduce backlog? they are still going to look at each and every application, and make a decision. Why will it be faster than what was happening earlier? are they going to change the procedure of how they adjudicate applications? so far it seems they are just creating more work (keying in all the data again e.g.) and thus delaying the process even more. any thoughts.....
spidey said:
I am not a lawyer or an expert but according to my experience (I have a non-RIR app pending at the DOL) the SWA picked my app up and sent advertising instructions when the date for my app becaame current, once the recruiting report was sent back, they took another 4+ months to forward my app to the regional dol which leads me to believe - once the recruitment instructions are sent and the report received, the app goes down to the bottom of the pile until some lazy ass dude or duddette decides to finally take a break from their personal life.

Thanks spidey. Really helped your answer.
I think it's more number of people working on the cases and thats difference between BRC and Phily DOL


Garfield said:
Hey guys

this idea of BRC seems very good, but how is it going to reduce backlog? they are still going to look at each and every application, and make a decision. Why will it be faster than what was happening earlier? are they going to change the procedure of how they adjudicate applications? so far it seems they are just creating more work (keying in all the data again e.g.) and thus delaying the process even more. any thoughts.....
Contact Info...

Tomshu and Others,

Is there a phone number that, we can call and check the case status with BRC/BEC? Will there be any announcement from BRC/BEC before they start sending out letters.



Will this affect us in anyway......


10/14/2004: DHS Decided Not to Privatize Immigration Officer Jobs!!

The Homeland Security Department has halted a controversial public-private competition for roughly 1,300 immigration services jobs. Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge told congressional appropriations committee leaders in an Oct. 8 letter that he had decided to cancel the competition. Tom Ridge cancelled the public-private competition to allow Citizenship and Immigration Services more room to focus on reducing a backlog of immigration-related paperwork. The immigration services jobs should never have been classified as commercial on Federal Activities Inventory Reform Act lists in the first place. Reportedly employees at the Vermont service center are in an atmosphere of utter jubilation on the news. Wow! Read on.
My thoughts...

In a way that's true, they are creating more work (God knows, who to be blamed?).
As a preliminary step BRC/BEC will be sending out letters to attorney's/employer's requesting there intention of pursuing there corresponding LC application. As soon as attorney/employer responds to the letter, BRC/BEC will process that application based on the priority order received.

Source: Refer to tomshu's posting few weeks back...


Garfield said:
Hey guys

this idea of BRC seems very good, but how is it going to reduce backlog? they are still going to look at each and every application, and make a decision. Why will it be faster than what was happening earlier? are they going to change the procedure of how they adjudicate applications? so far it seems they are just creating more work (keying in all the data again e.g.) and thus delaying the process even more. any thoughts.....
It's not clear but...

have references to immigration officers and backlog!

Homeland Security cancels immigration officer job contest
By Amelia Gruber

The Homeland Security Department has halted a controversial public-private competition for roughly 1,300 immigration services jobs.

Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge told congressional appropriations committee leaders in an Oct. 8 letter that he had decided to cancel the competition. Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., pressured Ridge to halt the contest for immigration information officer and contact representative jobs, said Charles Showalter, president of the American Federation of Government Employees' National Homeland Security Council 117.

But Valerie Smith, a Homeland Security Department spokeswoman, said Ridge cancelled the public-private competition to allow Citizenship and Immigration Services more room to focus on reducing a backlog of immigration-related paperwork. The contest yielded many "good ideas" on improving immigration services work and wasn't a waste of time, Smith said.

CIS initiated the competition in August 2003. In a Sept. 27 letter urging lawmakers to strip the Homeland Security Department's fiscal 2005 appropriations bill of language blocking funds for the competition, Ridge noted that CIS has invested a lot of time in the A-76 study. "A competitive solicitation is being finalized, and a significant amount of work has been completed in the preparation of an in-house bid for the work," he wrote.

Despite Ridge's requests and a veto threat, House and Senate negotiators stood by the appropriations bill language. The House approved the conference report, including the block on the CIS competition, on Saturday. The Senate cleared the final version of the $32 billion spending package on Monday.

"Secretary Ridge made the right decision on behalf of the American public," Showalter said. Department officials must now address other "vital" management problems, including a lack of training and support for customs and border patrol officers, he added.

Mary Lynch, an AFGE official at CIS' Vermont service center, said the decision grants federal immigration services workers a long overdue reprieve and a chance to concentrate on mission-critical work. "All along, we've been trying to say that continuing this study was a detriment to reducing the backlog," she said.

The immigration services jobs should never have been classified as commercial on Federal Activities Inventory Reform Act lists in the first place, Lynch said. She noted that as long as the jobs remain "commercial," CIS officials retain the option of initiating another job contest.

But for the time being, employees at the Vermont service center are happy. "We are in an atmosphere of utter jubilation here," Lynch said.

The head of the Office of Management and Budget's competitive sourcing program declined to comment on Ridge's decision to cancel the immigration services contest. He referred all questions back to the Homeland Security Department.
No Change

According to latest LCA processing times(Regional Processing times), there is no change in Philly. They are still processing July 2003 applications for RIR.
U still checking LCA processing times?

The LCA processing times do not hold relevance in the light of all BRC developments for Philly , now in the age of process improvements and increased transparency trend for processes, the DOL and labour immigration process in US wants to move backwards with no transaparency and prompt communication to all concerned. The only aim is to keep people in dark, so that they can take forever to carry out their work. Welcome to backlog Elimination

There is no way to check your status now.
loma said:
The LCA processing times do not hold relevance in the light of all BRC developments for Philly , now in the age of process improvements and increased transparency trend for processes, the DOL and labour immigration process in US wants to move backwards with no transaparency and prompt communication to all concerned. The only aim is to keep people in dark, so that they can take forever to carry out their work. Welcome to backlog Elimination

There is no way to check your status now.

Correct me if I am wrong, I understood BRC/BEC was for LC not LCA ?
What the hell LC and LCA?

I undersatnd LC is for Labor Certification, and LCA is for Labor Certification Application.

LCA-Labor Certification Application
LC-Labor Certification
BRC-Backlog Reduction Center
BEC-Backlog Elimination Center
orissa said:
I undersatnd LC is for Labor Certification, and LCA is for Labor Certification Application.

LCA-Labor Certification Application
LC-Labor Certification
BRC-Backlog Reduction Center
BEC-Backlog Elimination Center

Nop.. LCA = Labor Conditioning Approval... LC = Labor Certification.

LC is required for Employment based GC & LCA is required for visas like H1B.
Also, LC takes for ever in many states (several months to years). LCA processing time is very quick (matter of a few days).
Does anyone know the phone number of the backlog reduction center in MD. If a lawyer calls them and asks (according to my lawyer), they do give information on how much time it might take, what is the procedure etc. My lawyer would not oblige me with the questions that I want her to ask; she asks 'general' questions that have little relevance. So if you have the phone number and a friendly lawyer, ask him to make a call to the office. As always, don’t call them unnecessarily and delay the process further.
