Philadelphia Regional DOL Tracker

Any order they follow?

The letter was rcvd by some one in this forum, whose dat of received at Philly was Oct,03. I'm sure that there are people waiting from July,03. So I was expecting they will receive the letters. But doesn't look like any order is being followed.
Nope. No order being followed and I guess till a significant number of ppl receive the letters, we cannot establish anything. i am Aug 03 RD at Philly and waiting for a long time now. No letters yet to my attorney/employer.
BRC letter seq:

They should follow the priority date rather than random selection. They dont understand our labor pain
New applications will be fwd to BRC too?

Will the applications which are being approved (e.g. those approved by VA SESA in Sept 04) be forwarded to newly opened Backlog Reduction Center for Phillidelphia? What priority will they have?

My Lawyers law firm has not still recieved any letters from BRC though they are aware that letters maybe coming. Those who say that their lawyer got letters can confirm that once more please?

Letter not received

I spoke to my lawyer, this morning nothing has been received from so called BRC. But My lawyer expecting once the election is over all the letter will start shoot out.

VA SESA Receipt Date: 01/02/2003
Phily DOL Receipt Date: 07/26/2004
MY state labor got cleared in Jan 2004 and got NOF in Feb'2004 from regional office, philly answerd to the NOF in march response since then.

any one have same situation but different response

Bad News for DOL Chicago Region Labor Certification Processing

* The DOL Region V in Chicago's RIR processing time has been at standstill for several months but there is no reliable information and explanation for the freeze. Now, we hear some worse news. Unconfirmed sources of information indicate that the Chicago DOL Region is relocating to a new building and they are busy in packing files in boxes. The information also indicates that the current Certifying Officer in Chicago Region retired a couple days ago. Apparently, the Region office is moving into the future National Processing Center location which will be in charge of PERM program. As people know, another National Processing Center will be located in Atlanta, Georgia. DOL HQ has released the information to the AILA that they were recruiting the Certifying Officers for these two Centers. At this time, there is no information about the fate of the current DOL Regions once the PERM is launched and actively operated. This is particularly true with the two Regions in Chicago and Atlanta.

* The new location of the Region V and National Processing Center is known to be: U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Division of Foreign Labor Certification, 844 North Rush Street, 12th Floor, Chicago, Illinois 60611. The moving may be completed by November 1, 2004, according to the sources.

* Just bad news after bad news! The White House is holding the decision of the PERM regulation indefinitely despite the underlying mandates for the OMB in the relevant Executive Order.
DOL HQ Issued Stern Warning Against Any "Expedite" in Labor Certification

AILA has reported the September 21, 2004 Memorandum by Bill Carlson, Chief of Foreign Labor Certification, DOL to all the Center Directors and Certifying Officers warning that no expedite was and would be permitted in the labor certification processing. The Memo particularly emphasized that the following situations which have been from time to time expedited by the local SWA and Regional COs should be uniformly denied for expedite : (1) Child age-out; (2) Child Medical Treatment; (3) Otain a Home Care Attendant to Care for a Terminally Ill Patients.
No letters for anyone ???

After all the talks about letters , It looks except for one odd case there has not been any letters . Why?????
tomshu can you check your hotline?
DOL is another rotten dept

orissa said:
AILA has reported the September 21, 2004 Memorandum by Bill Carlson, Chief of Foreign Labor Certification, DOL to all the Center Directors and Certifying Officers warning that no expedite was and would be permitted in the labor certification processing. The Memo particularly emphasized that the following situations which have been from time to time expedited by the local SWA and Regional COs should be uniformly denied for expedite : (1) Child age-out; (2) Child Medical Treatment; (3) Otain a Home Care Attendant to Care for a Terminally Ill Patients.

I think all these big shows (BRC) etc are aimed to create additional work for DOL.They dont work but sit and create additional work!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

As long as we don't have any info. on what's going on is not worth discussing !! Doesnot look like our waiting will end soon with BRC...

It is ridiculous..

Filed : Aug 2001/ DOL receipt : Nov 2003 ----Still waiting !!
After all the frustration about NOF, my company is filing again from florida. I hope atleast this comes. Still keeping my fingers crossed on Phily.

Regional recv'd date: 8/15/2003
NOF issued: 02/2004
NOF responded 03/2004
No sign of letter

Spoke with my Paralegal and she said there is no sign of any kind of letters for any of their cases out of Philly DOL :-(
With this thread becomes silent again, I feel BEC(or BRC) is kinda mirage. Anybody shouts loudly if you get sth. new. :D