Number of applications shipped from SWAs to the BRCs
A little over 180,0000 applications have been shipped from SWAs to the BRCs. About 86,000 applications have had data entered into the new database systems and about 40,000 45-day letters have been sent out from the Center. Approximately 300 withdrawals have been logged through February 2005.
Atlanta and Chicago will continue to process temporary work only. They are in the process of shipping all other cases to BRCs and there are about 10,000 cases.
Number of contractor personnel at each BRC site
There are around 100 hired or trained contractor personnel at each site. These contractors have begun to review cases and DOL is training them. The satellite offices - New York, Boston and San Francisco will continue to process the cases they have until January 2006.
Current projection for backlog reduction
If DOL has enough resources the current projection for backlog reduction would be 24 to 30 months.
Data entry in all cases is anticipated to finish by the end of summer 2005 with the help of additional resources from DOL. Once the data entry is over, workers will start processing cases.