Philadelphia Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

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How come response time at the end of 2003 was 45 days (per the letter) when we are stuck in July 2003.

rsiv said:
Hi All,

Here is the representation to Philli DOL.

Thanks to Rajiv and Suman, they are kind enough to spare some time and helped me in getting this letter a shape.

Please take a copy, sign and mail it to the address provided on the top. Please do not delay, we need to put some pressure by sending as many representations as we can. Please forward this copy to other Philli DOL group members. Also, post to this forum if you know some other contacts where we can send these representations.

Let us give a BIG and LOUD wake up call to Philli DOL.

rsiv said:
Hi All,

Here is the representation to Philli DOL.

Thanks to Rajiv and Suman, they are kind enough to spare some time and helped me in getting this letter a shape.

Please take a copy, sign and mail it to the address provided on the top. Please do not delay, we need to put some pressure by sending as many representations as we can. Please forward this copy to other Philli DOL group members. Also, post to this forum if you know some other contacts where we can send these representations.

Let us give a BIG and LOUD wake up call to Philli DOL.


thanks rsiv i have printed this letter and planning to send it today itself... i dont think they can make our situation worse than what it is....
sick_of_waiting said:
How come response time at the end of 2003 was 45 days (per the letter) when we are stuck in July 2003.

Yep. There are a couple of minor typos. I think it should be 2002 instead of 2003. Also, at one place, it is 'form' instead of from. You can make the corrections and then mail the letter. I would wish to make the corrections and post it with this message but this stupid machine I'm writing this from does not have MS Word installed on it. :p
I found this info on

NEWSFLASH : A review by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) of an interim final rule to change the validity period of certain Employment Authorization Documents (EADs) was completed on June 2, 2004. This rule has not yet been published in the Federal Register. The Law Office of Sheela Murthy, P.C., will continue to monitor the status of this rule and its publication, and keep our readers informed of any changes.
I just sent the letter to Philly DOL. I corrected a few typos in the original letter (2002 instead of 2003, 'from' instead of 'form') and added a sentence mentioning the fact that out of turn processing is not limited to 2004 cases. (Several 2003 cases upto Oct have been processed).
I have uploaded the corrected letter with this post.

Will sending letters make a difference? I dont know, and I'm not interested in the answer either. All I know is that its better to do something than sit on our hands. Also, I know that one letter will certainly not make a difference. If letters do matter, they do so only when there is significant volume. I therefore urge all co-sufferers to put aside their cynicism and send the letter!
I sent the letter

Thanks rsiv & Rajeev Khanna...
I printed and sent the letter today. I am also thinking of composing one specifically to be addressed to the State Senators and local Congressmen... will keep this forum posted..

Agian guys, let's all send the letter drafted by rsiv...we have only to gain by sending the letter...
I'm the other lucky guy.

I just checked the automatic voice retrieval system, and mine has been certified as of yesterday. I'd like to share my case.

My case was approved at Virginia SESA and was transferred to Philadelphia DOL about 2 weeks ago.

Case details:

Filing date: April 30, 2001 under 245(i) - EB3 RIR
Receipt from VA SESA: June 2001
Ref from VA SESA: May 2002
Transfer to Philly DOL: Sep 5, 2002
Philly DOL denied RIR case: Mar 6, 2003
VA SESA ordered new ads: Nov 2003
New Ads: Nov 30, 2003
Sent the results to VA SESA: Feb 17, 2004
VA SESA approval and transfer to Philly DOL: May 12, 2004
Certified: Jun 8, 2004

DOT code: 199.267-034

It took less than one month, but whole time is over 3 years.
Anyway I think I'm lucky.

Good luck to everybody.
I'll also send the letter to Philly DOL, too. :)
NON-RIR Applicants..


Any updates pertaining to the NON-RIR application?

Pinkubenu, what happened to you case status? Did you hear anything back from DOL?


This is a rough list of people who have sent letters to Philly DOL:


Hope this list gets longer..

If anyone has sent the letter, please add your name to this list.
Re: delays and irregularities in Philli DOL processing

The letter by rsiv,
should we include our names at the end or just sign and send it?
Thanks rsiv for drafting the letter,
jaocanada, can you pot the addresses of State Senators and local Congressmen that you are planning to send the letter to?
Still No News

Moved from State (VA) to Phil on July 31st. The Fed site ( says that they are updating July so I'm hoping it comes through soon.

What is the news about them moving applications to chicago and Dallas? Does this mean the above website isn't accurate. Wait a sec, was I trusting a site maintained by the DOL?

Also where can I get my receipt number from ? When I ask my lawyer he gives me an 8 digit number that doesn't match the INS website. Any suggestions what I should be asking him for?
deep_labor said:
The letter by rsiv,
should we include our names at the end or just sign and send it?
Thanks rsiv for drafting the letter,
jaocanada, can you pot the addresses of State Senators and local Congressmen that you are planning to send the letter to?
Following are the Senators for Pennsylvania

1) The Honorable Rick Santorum R - PA
120 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-6324

2) The Honorable Arlen Specter R - PA
711 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-4254

Following are the Senators for Delaware:
1) The Honorable Joseph Biden, Jr. D - DE
221 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-5042

2) The Honorable William Roth, Jr. R - DE
104 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-2441

Following are the Senators for Maryland:
1) The Honorable Barbara Mikulski D - MD
709 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-4654

2) The Honorable Paul Sarbanes D - MD
309 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-4524

Following are the Senators for Virginia
1) The Honorable Charles Robb D - VA
154 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-4024

2) The Honorable John Warner R - VA
225 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-2023

Following are the Senators for West Virginia
1) The Honorable Robert Byrd D - WV
311 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-3954

2) The Honorable John Rockefeller IV D - WV
531 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-6472
deep_labor said:
The letter by rsiv,
should we include our names at the end or just sign and send it?
Thanks rsiv for drafting the letter,
jaocanada, can you pot the addresses of State Senators and local Congressmen that you are planning to send the letter to?
Also, to post letters to the local Congressmen, please go to, then enter your zip code and the website gives you the name and address of the local Congressman.

I'm still waiting too .. Non-RIR , recd at DOL in Feb-04 ..please let us know if anybody in non-rir has recently had an approval..
Report from Philly - PERM and Backlog Reduction Program Status

* The Chief of Foreign Labor Certification Division of DOL has confirmed what we reported day before yesterday. The DOL requested OMB for 30-day extension of OMB review after the 90-day deadline expired on May 21, 2004. The extension was necessary as the DOL had received comments and inputs from the related government agencies such as DHS, DOS, etc. and had to revise part of the text to reflect the comments. The final version has then been submitted to the OMB for their completion of the review. Accordingly, as we reported, the review may be completed as scheduled on June 21, 2004 as the OMB is authorized only one extension for 30 days. Once the approved petition is forwarded to the DOL, it stil has to decide how quickly it will have to publish in the federal register. It sounds, though, that it may be published fairly promptly, not beyond July 2004. The final regulation will provide that if will take effect 120 days after the date of publication in the federal register. During the 120-day period, it will schedule orientation/training sessions in the order of Atlanta, Chicago, San Francisco, and Washington, D.C. As we reported, the PERM Processing Centers will be opened in Chicago and Atlanta. Clerical processing will be undertaken by contractors but adjudication and management will be done by public officials of DOL.

* Apart from the PERM program, the Backlog Reduction Program has been progressing fairly smoothly and the Directors of the Philadelphia and Dallas Reduction Processing Centers are expected to be offered the job in the next few days. Additionally, the contractors have also been selected and will be offered the project in the next few days. Once the contract is accepted, the two centers will go into operation within 60 days. Just like the PERM centers, the Reduction Centers will also be managed and adjudications will be made by the DOL officials but the clerical processing will be done by the contractors. Initially, the two centers will focus on the backlog cases in the regions and states that fall under the jurisdiction of the Region II (Philadelphia) and Region III (Atlanta). The DOL is targeting at removing all the backlogs within two years.

* DOL strategy is to resolve the backlog problem by removing the backlog cases in the backend of the pipeline and at the same time by preventing any new backlogs in the frontend by processing and adjudicating the new cases in a very short period of time through the online filing system of the PERM program. The pressures on these two systems will depend on the behavior of the backlog cases. Should the applicants either withdraw and file a new application or convert to the PERM cases, if eligible, the backend workload can be reduced, while the frontend workload of new cases under the PERM program will proportionally increased.


orissa said:
* DOL strategy is to resolve the backlog problem by removing the backlog cases in the backend of the pipeline and at the same time by preventing any new backlogs in the frontend by processing and adjudicating the new cases in a very short period of time through the online filing system of the PERM program. The pressures on these two systems will depend on the behavior of the backlog cases. Should the applicants either withdraw and file a new application or convert to the PERM cases, if eligible, the backend workload can be reduced, while the frontend workload of new cases under the PERM program will proportionally increased.



Thanks, orissa!

But I think there is a different DOL 'strategy' here: They knew last year when they had their pilot backlog reduction programme that one day there would be a full-fledged backlog reduction center. So, if they just let the files sit, one day they would be included in the backlog, and thus become someone else's headache.
In fact, their current 'crusade' against forum-shopping is not the cause of the delays, but the other way round - Once they had made up their minds about not processing the existing cases, they were free to persue the forum-shoppers.
Think about it - doesnt this sound more plausible? :p

I'll update the list of letter senders in the evening.
kbhalla said:
Moved from State (VA) to Phil on July 31st. The Fed site ( says that they are updating July so I'm hoping it comes through soon.

What is the news about them moving applications to chicago and Dallas? Does this mean the above website isn't accurate. Wait a sec, was I trusting a site maintained by the DOL?

Also where can I get my receipt number from ? When I ask my lawyer he gives me an 8 digit number that doesn't match the INS website. Any suggestions what I should be asking him for?


Isn't the 8 digit number your case number? I have an 8 digit number and I called (215) 861-5286 and put in this number. I was able to get status of the case. Of course, so far, It has always been "received on xx date".

Good Luck
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