Philadelphia Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

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NON-RIR Applicants..


What's happening with NON-RIR queue? I haven't seen any approvals lately.
Does anyone have any input pertaining to this?


Okay I admit I was bored but this is depressing

I just scanned back through the Phill DOL archives listed on this website and compiled the following very depressing list of wait times for RIR processing.

It is amazing to think that 2 years ago that Philly DOL was processing RIR inside 30 days. In 2 years we have now gone to a 10 months (300 day) backlog based on the published statistics. That plus the frustration about hearing of some applications being approved in 2-3 weeks (and not just for gardners or circus acrobats!) Oh well maybe when they finally appoint some one to the backlog director position.... then recruit the additional staff....then train everyone...then shake out the wrinkles of RFE's and unwarranted denials and appeals, we might see some more approvals. As you will all have seen RIR approvals have been as rare as hens teeth this last few months.

Feb-02 30 Days
Mar-02 30 Days
Apr-02 30 Days
May-02 30 Days
Jun-02 30 Days
Jul-02 30 Days
Aug-02 Jun-02
Sep-02 Jun-02
Oct-02 Jul-02
Nov-02 Aug-02
Dec-02 Aug-02
Jan-03 Aug-02
Feb-03 2-Sep
Mar-03 Sep-02
Apr-03 Sep-02
May-03 Mar-03
Jun-03 Mar-03
Jul-03 Mar-03
Aug-03 May-03
Sep-03 Jul-03
Oct-03 Jul-03
Nov-03 Jun-03
Dec-03 Jun-03
Jan-04 Jun-03
Feb-04 Jun-03
Mar-04 Jun-03
Apr-04 Jun-03
May-04 Jul-03

PA DOL RD Oct-03
Thanks for the reply AwardMYGC,
By change of title i meant addition of I II Sr etc.

I have no clue why Philly is taking such a long time on Non-RIR's. Is there somekind of hold on Non-RIR processing.

RIR, NON_RIR, extra-RIR, super-RIR..., everthing is on hold.
We call Philly DOL as ALD, Al-Khaida of Labor Depts.
ALD seems so sick of Capitalism related labor approvals.... heck!

share your pessimism about Philly. The applications have been stuck in June/July 03 for almost 9-10 months..

does any one know what the story is. I mean surely the number of applications havent jumped in June this much to justify this delay!!

Whats going on at Philly?
We should send them complaint letters

When I was at the state level lc, the processing was really slow. Some of the members of forum including me started sending emails and letters to complain. I don't know whether that helped or not, but the process sped up a lot afterwards.

It doesn't hurt to try this on Philly. I just don't know who we should send the letters to.

Looks like you have filed from VA, which is relatively a rich state. As I heard, they hired extra consultants to clear the backlog in 2002 itself. States like NJ, NY can't afford to hire even now.

I don't think our complaint letters would be of any help, if not hurt the processing further.

VAhoper said:
When I was at the state level lc, the processing was really slow. Some of the members of forum including me started sending emails and letters to complain. I don't know whether that helped or not, but the process sped up a lot afterwards.

It doesn't hurt to try this on Philly. I just don't know who we should send the letters to.

Yes, sending letters, e-mails and faxes really worked to speed up state level processing and I think we have to do this again now …

The irregularities in application processing and pending application for years clearly indicate chaos in DOL application processing. DOL is experimenting with jobs and lives of people, and they are neither doing justice to the eligible unemployed nor companies that are need of talented work force.

I drafted a letter to DOL listing some of concerns expressed in this forum and sent a draft copy of this letter to Rajiv for verification; I am expecting a reply form Rajiv on Monday.

I strongly encourage all of you to try every possible method to escalate our concerns. Please Post details of any known contacts in this matter. Here is one contact where you can send letters (this is from DOL website)

Ms. Lenita Jacobs-Simmons
U.S. Department of Labor, ETA
Suite 825 East , The Curtis Center
170 South Independence Mall West
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Any new approvals?

Hi Guys,
Any one with a DOL receipt date of Aug 2003 in Philli DOL has his labour cleared?

We need to get come update from DOL

The recent link on indicates that the goal is to reduce the backlogs both regular and RIR within 2 years of PERM implementation. That seems like an awfully long time.
Besides there seems to be no indication by Philly DOL is stuck for so long in June 2003. If some people are filling from the wrong jurisdiction why should everyone else be suffering.
I wonder what Rajiv has to say on this as most of our lawyers simply dont resond to queries like when will things start moving at Philly.
With processing times like these what if there is some ridiculous NOF after 3 yrs of waiting. DOL needs to be concerned here. Or at least someone needs to be concerned. Why should labor certification take this long. H1 B processing doesnt take this long even, LCA doesnt take this long. Maybe the two are not comparable but there needs to be some process to speed things up.
My company has filed several LCA from where I am applying and for the position I am applying for. Why dont they spend their resources on investigating newer companies than on applying the same process to old established companies.
Perhaps Rajiv can help our cause.


My hypothesis is that Philly has set aside all the cases that it received starting June 2003 (till, may be, Feb 2004) for processing at the yet-to-be-established backlog reduction centers(BRC) (chicago and dallas). They seem to be processing only those cases that have been NOF'ed (DE cases especially) or those that have been received since March 2004. In that case, all the 06/2003 - 03/2004 cases may have to wait till the BRCs ramp up their contract employees AND %$%*^@$# hire the directors... Even heavens prolly dont know when they actually start the processing...

Is there anyway Rajiv can confirm whether this hypothesis is true ?

But, I think it would be quite dumb on DOL's part to first set aside the cases and then wait for the BRCs to start chugging.... that would be downright unfair ...
rsiv said:
Yes, sending letters, e-mails and faxes really worked to speed up state level processing and I think we have to do this again now …

The irregularities in application processing and pending application for years clearly indicate chaos in DOL application processing. DOL is experimenting with jobs and lives of people, and they are neither doing justice to the eligible unemployed nor companies that are need of talented work force.

I drafted a letter to DOL listing some of concerns expressed in this forum and sent a draft copy of this letter to Rajiv for verification; I am expecting a reply form Rajiv on Monday.

I strongly encourage all of you to try every possible method to escalate our concerns. Please Post details of any known contacts in this matter. Here is one contact where you can send letters (this is from DOL website)

Ms. Lenita Jacobs-Simmons
U.S. Department of Labor, ETA
Suite 825 East , The Curtis Center
170 South Independence Mall West
Philadelphia, PA 19106
thanks for raising concerns with Rajeev.
Can you please post the letter you drafted to DOL, so we can send the same individually to the DOL contacts.
Also, if possible can you include the tracker spreadsheet with your letter which has all the cleared and pending cases, this will show the irregularities clearly.
Life Lesson

Life is unfair...
And nobody ever told you that life was going to be fair.
I am in the same boat... Waiting... My case was received in Feb so I am an unlucky one in a long string of unluckiness.
I might have a chance to get my GC another faster way but nothing's for sure yet.
Keep believing.....


I haven't followed recent approvals closely. Do you have any supporting evidence for you hypothesis? Have we seen a lot of approvals for cases filed after Mar. 2004?

Perm Update

I found this on

PERM Update

June 4, 2004

In our last update on PERM, we reported that DOL sent the PERM regulation to OMB on February 23, 2004. See: Based on updates we received this week, OMB is still reviewing the regulations. OMB has up to 90 days to consider the regulation but can seek an extension.

In what should be considered an encouraging sign, we were recently informed that the Department of Labor has begun advertising for Directors of its anticipated two PERM labor certification processing offices as well as its
anticipated two labor certification backlog reduction centers. All four
positions are advertised as temporary.
Backlog Reduction

I have a question about backlog reduction centers in Dallas and Philadelphia. Are they going to reduce backlogs of the regional office and the SWAs hire their own contractors to reduce backlog on SWA side OR are these offices in Dalls and Philly going to cater to SWA backlogs as well.
If the latter is true then I dont see hope of getting our philly regional dol labors cleared for a long time as the time frame for backlog reduction is within 2 yrs of implementation of PERM.
What this means is that apart from having to bear the pain of waiting for ever ( I have waited more than 2 yrs now as i filed from Virginia) we also have to bear to salt on our wounds when PERM people get their labor cleared faster than ours.
Re: delays and irregularities in Philli DOL processing

Hi All,

Here is the representation to Philli DOL.

Thanks to Rajiv and Suman, they are kind enough to spare some time and helped me in getting this letter a shape.

Please take a copy, sign and mail it to the address provided on the top. Please do not delay, we need to put some pressure by sending as many representations as we can. Please forward this copy to other Philli DOL group members. Also, post to this forum if you know some other contacts where we can send these representations.

Let us give a BIG and LOUD wake up call to Philli DOL.

Thanks rsiv,
That was a great job! I've already printed the letter. Will be dropping in the mailbox on my way to the office tomorrow.
I encourage everyone to do the same.
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