Philadelphia Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

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Hi bud2003,
Is company head quaters in Delaware?
Only 1 application remanded...right? Any approvals in the last 3-4 months?
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A posting from the Chicago DOL thread.

Latest from Attorney:
The DOL is not processing permanent labor certifications, and because of this, the petitions that have been filed are currently being put on hold. What this means is that the time involved in processing the cases has gone up, and it will take them longer to make their decisions. We (attorney) were not given an indication as to how long they would continue to process temporary petitions before resuming the processing of the permanent petitions.
DE based Cos.

Hi Guys,

It seems even my Co. has one application remanded and DOL is asking some applicant specific as well as some DE location specific questions like number of employees at the location, Sq. footage, lease agreements etc.

My application received date is same as the application that was remanded. And, as far as I know, there is at least one application from the same Co. approved as late as in Dec.

Any updates from the Cos that replied to NoFs/Remands, or anymore information from Attorneys etc., other than recommendation to withdraw cases? I am told that our Co.s attorney recommended to reply the Remanded case, instead of withdrawing!!!


Originally posted by rincytom
Hi bud2003,
Is company head quaters in Delaware?
Only 1 application remanded...right? Any approvals in the last 3-4 months?
Talked to DOL employee

I talked to a DOL employee yesterday, and it seems they are putting the cases on hold these days. I specifically talked my case, and I know it is probably the right thing to do.
He said it would take a couple of months for the same.
Re: Talked to DOL employee

Is there any reason he told you that they are putting the cases on hold?

Originally posted by settling_withgc
I talked to a DOL employee yesterday, and it seems they are putting the cases on hold these days. I specifically talked my case, and I know it is probably the right thing to do.
He said it would take a couple of months for the same.
Re: Talked to DOL employee

Originally posted by settling_withgc
I talked to a DOL employee yesterday, and it seems they are putting the cases on hold these days. I specifically talked my case, and I know it is probably the right thing to do.
He said it would take a couple of months for the same.

Hi settling_withgc:

What number did you call to talk to a person ?

Re: Talked to DOL employee


Did they justify, why they put'em on hold? What is the hold-up?


Originally posted by settling_withgc
I talked to a DOL employee yesterday, and it seems they are putting the cases on hold these days. I specifically talked my case, and I know it is probably the right thing to do.
He said it would take a couple of months for the same.

03/24/2004: DOL PERM and Backlog Reduction Centers Locations

DOL has disclosed to the AILA the locations of the PERM reengineered labor certification processing centers and Backlog Reduction Centers as follows:
PERM Processing Centers: Atlanta and Chicago
Backlog Reduction Processing Centers: Philadelphia and Dallas
DOL has reported that there are over 300,000 permanent labor certification applications pending at this time. The two Backlog Reduction Centers should help to reduce the backlog cases once the centers open. The Backlog Reduction Centers are expected to be manned by private contractors and according to the unconfirmed sources of information, such contract may not be offered until May 2004. Our earlier report that some state offices started transferring backlog cases to contractors turned out to be outsourcing of backlog cases to overseas contractors by the Texas state labor certification office. It is unclear how far the overseas outsourcing of permanent labor certification applications will go in terms of the involved large states. Please stay tuned.
Some good news ..

One case from my company (delaware based small company ) was approved on march, 23 2004. I got this news from avm. When i checked avm 4 days back, this was the case that was remanded to employer.

case details :
dol date : 07/16/2003
Remanded to employer on 03/19/2004 ( as per avm )
Approved on 03/23/2004

I spoke to my company and they told me that my attorney got a call from Philly dol and they asked all our company details on march 18, 2004

I have a question for you guys ..
I have a pending labor (waiting at philly dol) , can i feel safe about my case.

Check the following message posted by me few days back ...

I just checked avm with my company's phone number and found that one case from company was remanded to the employer. Dol receive date is july 15, 2003. Message was updated on march 19.
I will try to get more info from company and the law firm.
dot code 030-062-010. it was rir ( not sure eb2 or eb3 )
Re: Some good news ..


That's really a good news. Makes us believe philly dol is
still working.....:confused:

Could you please share your case details?



Originally posted by bud2003
One case from my company (delaware based small company ) was approved on march, 23 2004. I got this news from avm. When i checked avm 4 days back, this was the case that was remanded to employer.

case details :
dol date : 07/16/2003
Remanded to employer on 03/19/2004 ( as per avm )
Approved on 03/23/2004

I spoke to my company and they told me that my attorney got a call from Philly dol and they asked all our company details on march 18, 2004

I have a question for you guys ..
I have a pending labor (waiting at philly dol) , can i feel safe about my case.

Check the following message posted by me few days back ...

I just checked avm with my company's phone number and found that one case from company was remanded to the employer. Dol receive date is july 15, 2003. Message was updated on march 19.
I will try to get more info from company and the law firm.
dot code 030-062-010. it was rir ( not sure eb2 or eb3 )
I talked to my lawyer about the work stoppage at Phily, she said she has not heard anything of that sort and what the DOL employees might be referring is that they have stopped non-rir and started RIR.

My 2 nya paisa

Interesting article... Source:

DOL Updates - 03/24/04

Number of applications processed to completion in each region last year

Boston 10,199
New York 11,667
Philadelphia 12,916
Atlanta 12,917
Chicago 12,124
Dallas 5,737
San Francisco 13,329
Total 78,889

Number of permanent Labor Certification applications in the backlog in the State and Regional Offices.

As of 10/31/2003
States 265,163
Regions 50,498
Total 315,661

Processing of PERM applications

According to the center the current probability is that there will be two PERM processing centers, located in Atlanta and Chicago, reporting to the national office. DOL remains committed to implementing PERM and believes that PERM is a major reform that will solve many problems in the existing foreign labor certification program. For example, two important goals of PERM are faster and more consistent adjudications. Between the publication and implementation of PERM, DOL will post information on its website explaining the PERM form, the process, and the differences between the NPRM and the final regulation. DOL also plans to hold four public education seminars on PERM in various locations across the country.

Backlog reduction plan.

It is currently anticipated that there will be two Backlog Reduction Centers located in Philadelphia and Dallas. DOL plans to hire contractors to work on backlog reduction. DOL's RFP for the Backlog Reduction Centers is posted on their website. However, by statute, the Secretary of Labor is responsible for issuing labor certifications. Therefore, there will continue to be substantial federal oversight through certifying officers and senior analysts who will continue to be DOL employees, not contract workers. Some of these positions may be filled by staff currently at the Regional Offices in Philadelphia and Dallas.

Budget impact on the plans for backlog reduction centers

DOL has funding for the Backlog Reduction Centers. It is difficult to estimate exactly how many of the cases in the backlog will require processing since it is anticipated that some of the cases will drop out because the employer is no longer in existence or no longer interested, others will be converted to PERM. DOL hopes that many employers take advantage of PERM conversion. DOL does not yet know whether the Backlog Reduction Centers will be up and running at exactly the same time as PERM implementation. The Backlog Reduction Centers will report to the national office.

Funding of SWAs

Since the actual implementation of PERM is unlikely to be prior to October 2004, the SWAs are funded for this fiscal year.

Before the budget was passed, the government was operating under a continuing resolution, which meant that the SWAs were funded based on last year's allocation. Now that the budget has passed, the SWAs will be funded based on a formula that takes into account workload, productivity, and other factors.

Anticipated start date for the new Backlog Reduction Centers to start processing cases and the role of SWAs as the backlog reduction centers become operational.

The SWAs will continue to accept cases until the actual implementation date of PERM. On that date, the size of the backlog will be fixed. DOL's goal is to start up the Backlog Reduction Centers as soon as possible, but the actual date will depend on PERM implementation, as well as other factors. DOL is currently planning for the transition of backlogged cases to the Backlog Reduction Centers and how that transition will be implemented, preserving existing guidelines and processing cases in the order of their receipt. After full implementation of PERM, the SWAs will retain responsibility for prevailing wage determinations. The National Office is currently reviewing the cost of the prevailing wage function across the country and is aware of the fact that some states are not providing prevailing wage determinations for permanent applications and/or for H-1B LCAs.

H-2A and H-2B applications processed at the PERM centers

DOL foresees that in due course H-2A and H-2B applications will be processed at the PERM centers, with staff cross trained on the temporary and permanent programs in order to be more responsive to changes in workflow.

How would a wage analyst respond to a prevailing wage request when the salary exceeds $70 per hour?

DOL has informed the Certifying Officers that when the Online Wage Library reports a wage as "at least $70/hour," $70/hour should be treated as the prevailing wage.

One State Office reports that prevailing wages will be updated two times per year in March and September.

DOL affirmed that prevailing wages are updated annually and would like information as to the state or states that reported this information.


There is no expedited handling or fast-tracking by occupation. Labor certifications are handled in the order of priority date.
managed to talk to someone at DOL

I managed to get a person at DOL number. I asked her about status of my case ( becoz AVM does not have latest information ) the person has taken my number and promised me that will request analyst handling my case call me back.

Awaitng for the call will update you guys, if I ever get a call.
Re: managed to talk to someone at DOL


Please, keep us all posted as soon as hear from DOL analyst?


Originally posted by pinkubenu
I managed to get a person at DOL number. I asked her about status of my case ( becoz AVM does not have latest information ) the person has taken my number and promised me that will request analyst handling my case call me back.

Awaitng for the call will update you guys, if I ever get a call.
Guys, I have a question of Labor certification. My employer makes employees pay for their Green cards. Recently I saw that a guy 'A' got his labor approved though my employer.
The employer saw an opportunity for a project and found a suitable candidate 'B' whom he hired with a promise of fast green card processing. With 'B' he is getting lot more money in comission compared to 'A'. Educational qualifications for both 'A' and 'B' are similar. Looking at labor delays 'B' wanted to leave unless employer arranged for preapproved labor and did substitution. Now my employer played a game and fired 'A' while he was still on project and used his approved labor for 'B'. I want to help 'A', since he paid almost $3,000 towards lawyer fees and application fees, waited for four years, is about 4/5 months away from getting his 140 approved, and now has to leave without anything to start allover again at any other employer. Is there a provision where he can get the approved labor application ported alongwith him or cancel it and not let the employer misuse it?
hiring freeze affecting homeland security agencies

There is a hiring freeze at home land security and this may impact new planned recruitments at immigration and labor departments. They suspect that it maybe because of a computer glitch at the agency:)

Lets hope this doesnt affect the backlog reduction recruitments.

Waiting for labor - 3rd year going....

That shows how far these Greedy employers can go....

Cheap guys.

DOL / BCIS has to give a fitting reply (Action) to these guys in someway.


Originally posted by srajuco
Guys, I have a question of Labor certification. My employer makes employees pay for their Green cards. Recently I saw that a guy 'A' got his labor approved though my employer.
The employer saw an opportunity for a project and found a suitable candidate 'B' whom he hired with a promise of fast green card processing. With 'B' he is getting lot more money in comission compared to 'A'. Educational qualifications for both 'A' and 'B' are similar. Looking at labor delays 'B' wanted to leave unless employer arranged for preapproved labor and did substitution. Now my employer played a game and fired 'A' while he was still on project and used his approved labor for 'B'. I want to help 'A', since he paid almost $3,000 towards lawyer fees and application fees, waited for four years, is about 4/5 months away from getting his 140 approved, and now has to leave without anything to start allover again at any other employer. Is there a provision where he can get the approved labor application ported alongwith him or cancel it and not let the employer misuse it?
latest approvals

I just checked AVM. From my company 5 cases got approved on march 25th . In these 5, 1 recieved dol on dec 10th, 3 received on dec 17th and one on march 2004.

All are with DOT code of 030-062-010.
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