Philadelphia Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

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PhillyJulyLC's job title/category...

also seems to be non-IT. Can PhillyJulyLC or some one please confirm. I am not trying to establish a trend here, but if the only 2 cases we see approved recently are non-IT it is probably another cause for concern!

Any thoughts???
Originally posted by Lc_va
one more approved!!!
Case Received on6/24/2003
Approved on 12/04/2003

This case is definately IT case,
PhillyJulyLc's case is not IT is chemistry related case
Thanks pessimistic...

thanks for pointing out that case!

Probably I should take your name ;-) let us hope for the next few days/weeks ahead!
Re: Driver licence in PA

Check posts by Cinta, who is also from around Philly. He had quoted some issues with someone (not sure if it were himself or somebody else ) having issue with their drivers license app. It was appraently picked up as a story by the Philly Inquirer, following which someone from PennDOT actually called the person and worked with him to ensure that the license center accepted other documentation (EAD, AP, etc).

Not sure what you mean by "They say they will issue you one if your visa and I-94 is good for at least a year, not if less" Where did you find this information? Who's the 'they'?

On a side note, here advice - if it's merely an extension, file for it online, using PennDOT's website - you get your documentation for the photo card in the mail. Show up at the center, get you picture taken and you get your 'new' license in 15 minutes, no questions asked :D :D Just make sure you do not volunteer any information the person on the counter does not ask for...

Don't worry, you won't have to walk to work :)

Originally posted by sotiredofwaiting
OK guys, I know it's a different topic,
but maybe somebody had an experience with this....
PA driver licence. They say they will issue you one if your visa and I-94 is good for at least a year, not if less. So what if I have 13 months left on H1, and after that I'm eligible for a 6 month extension. Will they also extend my DL for 6 month or will I have to walk to work? Also, do they recognize EAD as an evidence of status?
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Help ..........

Hi Guys,

Iam not able to download the spread sheet to update my details, I appreciate if somebody update the tracker.
My details:

DEL Jan 16 2002.

Moved to DOL on Oct 27 2003.

DoL Phone Number

I have been trying to hear the status update at 215-861-5286 but I have been getting an engaged tone all the time - is this just me? I have tried at several times during the day from early morning to late evening.

My RCPT Date at Philly is Nov 28, 2003 (EB2, RIR) - so I guess it will be a long time before I see the light of day, but I just thought I'd check.

Philly RIR processing dates reverted

Latest DOL updates on processing dates say that Philly is processing Feb'03 as of Dec. I am still wondering if this is a typo or DOL is really taking their steps backwards..
Re: Philly RIR processing dates reverted

I hope it should be typo error

Originally posted by PHGUY
Latest DOL updates on processing dates say that Philly is processing Feb'03 as of Dec. I am still wondering if this is a typo or DOL is really taking their steps backwards..
To Ibud2

Hi, Ibud2,

If you still browse this thread...any updates for the remand case from Philly DOL? Has your company finished the readvertising? Wish you all the best!
Re: Re: Philly RIR processing dates reverted

Originally posted by vskumar
Is there any way we can make sure of the dates.


I think they flipped the dates for RIR and NON RIR. But still May-03 is terrible. Hope they catch up.
Re: Re: Re: Philly RIR processing dates reverted

yes U r correct..

they swaped the RIR / non RIR date.

RIR date remains same

Non RIR date moved to "FEB-03" from "JAN-03"

for november DOL timings,pls click the link below

Originally posted by driveto

I think they flipped the dates for RIR and NON RIR. But still May-03 is terrible. Hope they catch up.
:mad: :mad: :eek:
Can you guys tell me how much time is Philly DOL taking. The tracker says avg. 57 days or 147 days. What is the right answer.

Philly DOL jumped forth in Regular LC: May 03, but RIR remains May 03. Hope from now on they can shift their focus to RIR and speed it up. But we have July cases apporved per previous posting, interesting. What can we say?

This site was just updated last night.

Originally posted by akela
Can you guys tell me how much time is Philly DOL taking. The tracker says avg. 57 days or 147 days. What is the right answer.

My SESA filing date was 12/5/02 which got filed at DOL dated 08/25/03. cases from my company for which DOL was filed in June, 2003 has been cleared. Mine is the only pending case. I am new to this forum so below questions may have been asked many times so please bear with me again.
- Is it correct to assume that the hard path of labor is SESA level. I mean this is the stage where things go wrong and people's cases delays for long. And getting thru this and entering into DOL level means that things are fine and most probably its matter of some time that LC in complete gets cleared and I-140/485 is filed. OR are there still chances of happening some bad luck.
- what is the probable time period when I could be issued an EAD.
- For the past 4 months since August I assume DOL hasn't worked on any case. Any info what is going on.
Is this possible?

Hello all,

I have been a silent spectator for sometime now but I wanted to get some opinions and thought you'll maybe able to help out.

Here's my background:
Phili SESA recpt date: 04/16/2002
Advertising done and recruitment report received by SESA 12/04/2003

How much longer before this gets to the Regional DOL?
thanks in advance for your response.

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