Philadelphia Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

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good news!!!

Just learned from AVM - my LC has been certified! The case status was updated on December 4th. For information such as DOT code and RIR/Non-RiR etc, please refer to the updated tracker attached. Best of luck to all who are still waiting...
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Great News!


Congrats! That is great news! The first approval in months. Looks like the Philly DOL office has woken up. Hopefully there will be many more to follow soon.

All june/July applicants please keep everyone updated.
RIR AD requirement @Philly

Dear all, first forgive me if you think this is not the thread I should post. But I think this is the best place I can get best answers.

I am preparing RIR petition (from Philly). I only have 3 days ads at Philly Inquirer & company internal posting. Is that enough? I heard that some states require Ad at Does Philly require that? What did you guys do, especially those guys filed from Philly?

Your help is greatly appreciated! Best wishes to all.

When was your case added to the AVM? My application was transferred to the DOL on July 7th (EB3) and AVM still says "There are no more cases" for my Employer.

Anyone else?
Originally posted by rsingh123

When was your case added to the AVM? My application was transferred to the DOL on July 7th (EB3) and AVM still says "There are no more cases" for my Employer.

Anyone else?
AVM says my case was received in the regional office on July 17th, and I believe I could get that message soon after that date. It IS a bit weird that you can't get your case status after such a long time. Are you sure you get the right employer phone number? Good luck...
No receipt

New to this thread. My LC was sent to Phily on October 31, 2003. No receipt yet. Also check the AVM with "There are no more cases".


is it your labor that was approved or somebody else. the tracker shows your as reciept date 08/18.


Confirmation from attorney - LC was received. I am going to move on to a new forum. Thank you all for the support and kind words. To help each other get through this difficult time, please continue to make your contributions to this forum. It has meant a lot to me and I believe it does to many others too. Good luck!
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Another approval

Another approval in my company, it's not in the tracker. Received at the end of June, approved Dec 1. RIR, not IT.
Strange, the attorney called DOL a month ago, they told him there were ~450 cases ahead of that one and they estimated the waiting time to be like 8 months.
Why is everybody lying to us???
I'm waiting for mine now.

Oh, hey, the phone system says that the phone # I'm searching by cannot be located, even tough there were like 3 cases last time I checked. Anybody experienced the same?
Driver licence in PA

OK guys, I know it's a different topic,
but maybe somebody had an experience with this....
PA driver licence. They say they will issue you one if your visa and I-94 is good for at least a year, not if less. So what if I have 13 months left on H1, and after that I'm eligible for a 6 month extension. Will they also extend my DL for 6 month or will I have to walk to work? Also, do they recognize EAD as an evidence of status?
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