Philadelphia Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

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Can you please clarify the actual reason behind this NOF. Is this regardig prevailing wages or something to do with Advertising.
My SESA moved from Harrisburg to Philly on Aug. 18, 2003. In EB2-RIR.

My Lawyer called Philly DOL for some other reason but tells me my case is expected to processed by End of Dec. 2003 (Hope not move further looking at Holidays in those time frame).

He also tells me that with this new information on US GDP getting improved and expected improvement in Job market ( I dont see that anywhere !) it is better if actual processing of my case is dalayed upto 2004 ??

Anyone around same time as mine have any other information?
Mine was also moved on same day... But I do not have any info related to my case. I was pushing my company to find about it. Hope I get some reply from them
mine too

mine received in regioanl office in aug 18th. my lawyer doesn't have any info.

but one of person I know whose was received my DOL aug 15th got certified.

I saw the timing in this sites, it says its processing for the month june/july.
scary.. god know when its going to happen...
anyone any other info..
hi bmgc, when did you apply in harrisburg, my case was applied on may 6th eb2-rir, no news yet. has anybody's case applied in april/may timeframe got approved in state??? pls share

hi sesa_harisburg,

mine was applied from harrisburg, late january. It passed the state and went to DOL on aug 18th. I am waiting for the DOL approval since then.
Originally posted by sesa_harrisburg
hi bmgc, when did you apply in harrisburg, my case was applied on may 6th eb2-rir, no news yet. has anybody's case applied in april/may timeframe got approved in state??? pls share

Mine was applied on Feb 25, 2003 at SESA Harrisburg and moved to Philly DOL on Aug. 18, 2003.

Hi bmgc
Mine is almost similar to yours ...
My case was forwarded to DOL on 22nd Aug'03 and I am also awaiting the receipt date at DOL.
I wish it gets through, so that next stage gets going.
IT or fishing - you choose

I was checking the Philly DOl #'s ad randomly checked to see if they have started any work on Sept cases. Found out that a case received by the Phily DOL on 16th Spet and certified on 29th Sept.
The DOT CODE was 521.687-122. So out of sheer curiosity, I found out what this code stood for. And this is what I found out.

DOT CODE was 521.687-122
TITLE(s): SHELLFISH SHUCKER (can. & preserv.) alternate titles: shucker
Shucks fresh or steamed shellfish, such as oysters, clams, or scallops (bivalves), preparatory to canning, freezing, or fresh packing: Holds shellfish firmly or against block and forces shucking knife between halves of shell at hinge juncture. Twists knife to sever muscles holding shell closed and pries open. Cuts shellfish from shell, flips it into container, and discards shell. May break off edges of shells before shucking, using hatchet. May be designated according to shellfish shucked as Clam Shucker (can. & preserv.); Oyster Shucker (can. & preserv.); Scallop Shucker (can. & preserv.).

hmmmmmm....a career change from IT to fishing might not be such a bad idea ! :) What say? :D
Re: IT or fishing - you choose

LOL...freaky hilarious!!! - the irony could only be found in the best comedy. How do they put it - "laugh with tears in your eyes"...
Originally posted by jaocanada
I was checking the Philly DOl #'s ad randomly checked to see if they have started any work on Sept cases. Found out that a case received by the Phily DOL on 16th Spet and certified on 29th Sept.
The DOT CODE was 521.687-122. So out of sheer curiosity, I found out what this code stood for. And this is what I found out.

DOT CODE was 521.687-122
TITLE(s): SHELLFISH SHUCKER (can. & preserv.) alternate titles: shucker
Shucks fresh or steamed shellfish, such as oysters, clams, or scallops (bivalves), preparatory to canning, freezing, or fresh packing: Holds shellfish firmly or against block and forces shucking knife between halves of shell at hinge juncture. Twists knife to sever muscles holding shell closed and pries open. Cuts shellfish from shell, flips it into container, and discards shell. May break off edges of shells before shucking, using hatchet. May be designated according to shellfish shucked as Clam Shucker (can. & preserv.); Oyster Shucker (can. & preserv.); Scallop Shucker (can. & preserv.).

hmmmmmm....a career change from IT to fishing might not be such a bad idea ! :) What say? :D
Hope they will start RIR at NOV

Found this on random check on DOL using AVM.

case# #03392015
date of received: 13-jun
DOT: 620.261-010
AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC (automotive ser.) alternate titles: garage mechanic
NOF received,status updated: 31-oct

from this I am guessing that upto OCT they were processing NON-RIR . Hope they start RIR by NOV.

any idea , can RIR used for other NON-computer jobs too...
reply is appreciated.
Details about my NOFs

Two NOFs
(1) The Analyst working on my case did not like the wording of the advertisement. He thought it was too generic and the best part is that we did not want to be very specific and thought we were being very fair.

(2) They are questioning the basis behind rejecting one of the appicants that responded to our job posting.

We are preparing our response now. I need your good wishes.

Originally posted by lssd
Celebrating my two year anniversary in style :mad:
NOF issued on Oct 28, 2003 :confused:
No more information available at this point. Will post more information when available.
Re: Details about my NOFs

Issd - Good Luck. Hope all goes well.... Hang in there .

Originally posted by lssd
Two NOFs
(1) The Analyst working on my case did not like the wording of the advertisement. He thought it was too generic and the best part is that we did not want to be very specific and thought we were being very fair.

(2) They are questioning the basis behind rejecting one of the appicants that responded to our job posting.

We are preparing our response now. I need your good wishes.


RIR Processing

The DOL headquarters is expected to issue field guidance on Reduction in Recruitment (RIR) processing by mid-November 2003. This guidance is expected to provide insight on adjudication of RIR applications that have been pending for lengthy periods, as well as how the DOL will consider new applications filed under RIR procedures.

Backlog Reduction Plan

Two backlog reduction centers are scheduled to open in Dallas, Texas and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The pilot backlog reduction center in Gaithersburg, Maryland, however, will be closed at the end of 2003. The two new centers are expected to become operational quickly, resulting from the testing of software and the development of training materials at the pilot office.

The various avenues outlined above are steps in the direction towards reducing labor certification backlogs; which, obviously, are desperately needed. With the implementation of the field guidance on RIR and the publication of the PERM regulations, we anticipate that years of waiting for labor certification approval will be a thing of the past. Hopefully, PERM will not make things worse in the future, with LC cases being quickly approved, only to be revoked upon DOL investigation. If this is the resulting situation, we will have solved the problem of delays with the bigger problem of uncertainty when an LC case is finally approved
Originally posted by kulku
My Labor moved to Phily DOL on Sept. 18, 2003. Is there anybody in a similar timeframe?


Mine moved on Sept 16.
Please update the tracker file you could file in one of the earlier replies of this thread.
What is yor DOT code & ist RIR or Non-RIR?
Is the AVM down?

I am trying to check my status at the no 215-861-5286 but it just keeps ringing and am having no success with email either . Is it down?
Thanks for your reply
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