Philadelphia Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

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Please advise

My labor application is stuck at Phily DOL, 4 months have passed since lawyer rebutted NOF.

Today I spoke to my employer about this and he is ready to file a new labor application from state where head office is that is NJ.

But I don't want to abandon my exisiting application at Phily DOL for two reasons:

1) It may get approved any day and I have waited on this for 3 years. ( # Lssd got approved in similar case )

2) I'm already in 7th year extension and I need this pending LC to get my 8th year extension, if it does not get approved.

Is it okay to file new LC from NJ while one is pending at Phily DOL and getting both of them processed together ?

Awaiting your replies ..........

Of course, it is advisable to check with your attorney first, but - it is my understanding that one Can file labor simultaneously from different locations And different companies (if need be). The reason being that the labor certificate does not belong to the benificiary per se, but the company. The employer Can have multiple labor certificates from different states for similar jobs/positions provided the positions are for bona-fide jobs within the states in which the labor certificates are applied for.

If anyone has a different opinion, please post it !!!

Philly DOL is a nightmare, and I'm in the same boat (or at least a very similar boat :D ) ...
Re: Please advise

Yes, you can file another LC from the same employer without no doubt. I asked my employer to do the same thing. But it is so frustrating to see NJ processing times.


I Came to know that NOF was issued to your attorney before getting the LC from Philly DOL. My LC is with Philly DOL. I am so worried because I am suspecting my case can be rejected on the basis of forum shopping.

IF YOU DON'T MIND, can you share your experience like what info did the philly DOL requested in the NOF? My employer has a physical office in DE, but I am not sure whether he is operating any major business transactions from there or not.

Thanks in advance
Philly DOL

Hi All,
I'm a new member.
My GC Labor is with Philly DOL since Feb 04. Philly DOL is now processing RIR for June 2003 (since last 4 months). Does this mean it will take 8 more months (if not more) to get approval? Is there a way to track status of an individual application? Mine is EB2. Any help/advise/info is greatly appreciated.
Case certified in my company

Here are the info I could get. I thought you would be interested as it is in VA and only few cases from this state are around:

Received by the Philly DOL on July 7th, 2003
Certified on December 15th, 2003
The case is in northern VA for a computer related job.

Unfortunately, that's about all I know about the case. It gives me hope anyway because I must be very similar to this case. Which would mean I only have 2 more months to go....
If it could only be true....
Have a nice day!
non RIR moves to Regional

Just thought I'd let you all know.
I was informed by my lawyer and I was able to confirm with AVM that my case was received by the Regional Office.
Here are some details of my case:

Philly SESA recpt date: 04/16/2002
Recruitment report recpt at SESA: 12/04/2003
Philly Regional DOL recpt date: 04/29/2004

For those of you that feel optimistic seeing this information :D
For others more like me :confused: :mad:
updated tracker with my details

My information in here... I got a chance to look at some of the numbers for Regional in here...

Not inspiring:(
AVM updates????

Has anybody checked AVM recently. Case has been moved from VA SESA to DOL on Apr 14th but AVM does not updated. Has anyones application moved in April'04 and got their information updated on AVM . Please let us know.

No approvals??????

Has anyone heard of any approvals in the last four weeks. There seems to be silence on this message thread. My RD of 10/16/2003 is still reporting on AVM as 'recieved in regional office'.

Can anyone give me any reason be be optimistic that DOL are making any progress?
My guess is that they are probably waiting to award the contract to the Backlog Reduction Contractor (This was supposed to occur sometime in May). Hopefully, things should pick up in the next few months.
Originally posted by mvinays
My guess is that they are probably waiting to award the contract to the Backlog Reduction Contractor (This was supposed to occur sometime in May). Hopefully, things should pick up in the next few months.

I've heard awarding backlog reduction contract for quiet some time, question is will it actually happen or it will be like perm - postponding forever.

I just called the DOL and the guy who answered the phone call is saying. My case may take about 2 to 3 months.

My case was forwarded to
Phili DOL on 10/09/03
VA SESA Rec Date: 03/21/2002
my case number is 033-98-xxx

I think there 25 to 30 guys are working on this kind of cases in Phili DOL.
Thanks for the update! Did the person tell you that 25-30 people are working on these cases? Can you please provide a little more detail on your conversation? Any other snippets that you might be able to share with the group?

Is your case RIR or Non-RIR?

When to get DOL approval letter?

I just checked the AVM, my LC was certified on 4/28. Anyone has an idea of how long would it take for my attorney to receive the approved LC? My attorney's office is near DC. I assume we should get the letter within a week or so since 4/28, but somebody mentioned it might take 3 weeks.

in 5-10 days

Jerry - congratulations! Thank you for posting the update. It should reach in 5-10 business days.

Was your case RIR? When did it reach Philly DOL?

Good luck for your 140/485 process.

Re: When to get DOL approval letter?

Originally posted by jerryseinfield
I just checked the AVM, my LC was certified on 4/28. Anyone has an idea of how long would it take for my attorney to receive the approved LC? My attorney's office is near DC. I assume we should get the letter within a week or so since 4/28, but somebody mentioned it might take 3 weeks.

Hey Jerry,
COngratulations,Can you share some more information of your process
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jhonny said:
Hey Jerry,
COngratulations,Can you share some more information of your process

My case was kind of complicated. My file was moved to Philly regional in July, 2002, then I got a NOF in April of 2003. The certifying officer just hold my file until now. :mad: Probably it was too difficult for them to make a approval/denial decision? But anyway, my LC was finally approved after waiting for almost 2 years. So don't give up and be patient!

See you at the next stage.

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