Philadelphia Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

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Hi guys,
Checked the AVM , seems to be working perfect but my case is still in the received state , receipt date at Philly DOL was Aug 11th 2003.

Best of luck to all of you , who are waiting. Congrats to those certified!!!!!!!
I just called AVM. I can find my case but is still received.

Philly DOL Rcpt. date: Sept. 11

Hi Pgae

The AVM seems to be working fine. But it doesnot list any cases for my employer in december. Were you able to find your received date in AVM?
AVM worked for me

My case was received on Oct 13,2003 in DOL.
Still in the same status. I tried with employer phome number.
AVM is now working but sometimes it keeps on ringing just keep trying....
My case with DOT of 033... recieved date of 08/25/03. I read someone's with RD in September got cleared. I don't know how this works. Any new news how long will it take. Its almost 5 months now since my case is in regional.
the immigration person at my company has an explanation for those approved cases from September. She says DOL did a pilot program and picked some applicants randomly and finished processing their LC's. So that's why we see some people from September, but not from August or before. The official processing date is unfortunately May 2003. I would love to believe otherwise.

can anyone add my details to the tracker.

Received by Philly on October 9th.

when I called the AVM, i entered my company's phone number and it started giving me cases from 1996. Is there a way to to a better job than sit there and listen to hundreds of cases until I reach 2003 ?

I dont know what you mean but here are the details I have

My SESA Date in VA was 17th May 2002.
Case moved to Philly DOL on 15th Jan 2004.

The case is EB2/RIR

To zzzyyy

Finally I was able to get into AVM. Fortunately AVM now mentions four new cases against my employer with Received dates after Dec 15th.

Three of these are with a DOT Code corresponding to mine. Two of these are on Dec, 17 whereas two of these are on Jan 14th.

Now I just need my lawyer/employer to confirm which of the three case numbers belong to me.

pgae got updated today with Phily DOL processing dates. They say its still 5 and 6 2003 . I was so hopeful they would say sept 2003 but I guess we are in for another long wait in this queue. I wonder when this ordeal is going to end!!

Do you know why would it take more time to move from SESA to DOL after the submitting the ad report to SESA..Once we submit the ad. report to SESA, will they not process it right away because the application for NON-RIR was received on Nov 2001..I am just trying to understand here..I know lot of people have asked about this but still i wanted to confirm...Is there anyway that we could track the application...Also on it looks like the date remains the same...

Hi Samir,

I just called one of my friend who has filed from New Jersey. The says the State labor date being processed is 10/2003. But my friend says, he knows many people who were approved in Decemebr and there are cases of January which are approved too. I am sure, will look into this and give us some good news for Philly too.

Keep your fingers crossed guys..And hope (and pray), that our cases would be touched in the very near future...

Hi PhilyGuy,
Thanks for the reply man!! But where does say that the state labor date for phily is 10/2003. Wow if thats the case then its very good news man!

I checked AVM in the Morning'. NOF was issued to my case on 01/21/2004. I will post details once my lawyer get that info.

RD DOL : 08/18/2003.
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