Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Some_GreenCard said:
what happens if case is "closed" are they still going to send screen shot or tell it is closed :confused:

If the case is closed or not is difficult to say, but atleast if the case # is a "P" we can know data entry is done and we can expect the 45 day letter

sent the fax to re-open case at 484-270-1600

filing in PERM for a different position in the same company.

and just to add to what happened yesterday........

my boss called yesterday for case status, they took te case number and everything and told him the case has been closed because they mailed the 45 day letter on 31st of january and since we didnt respond to it they have closed the case and have generated a case closure letter (which we have not received yet)

meanwhile i had mailed a query at e-mail address on march 13th asking about case hear this out........i checked my e-mail after the call to the pbed, and in it there was a mail sitting there since that morning ........which is the regular bs that your case is pending and you will receive a 45 day letter next.....(this is the same canned response we all get)

so i am like maybe my boss got the wrong he called again at 484-270-1500 and explained the situation and asked if the case had really been closed and sure enough the lady said yeah it has been closed because of a non response to the 45 day letter.....

my boss aslo asked her what now after the fax to re-open it.......she explained that a couple of guys have been assigned to handle the re-opening of the cases closed in error, and once we fax they will review it and the fax to re-open it will act as the response of the 45 day letter (that the company is still interested in this case).......and eventually we will receive approval (or denial) but no more 45 day letter.....

i m sure everyone is spinning in circles already..........i am over my depression of yesterday somewhat and keeping my fingers crossed
potomac said:
should I contact to see what happened?
Cause so many EB2, EB3 with PD much later got LC?

Anyone else has the same PD with me still waiting?

Somehow all cases before June 2002 are struck with few Guys here I think. The recent apparovals could be from the Guys transfered from Dallas to Philly recently.( soemone mentioned about this).Eventhough the PD is beofr June 2002 and 45 days letter sent in dec 2004 they still consider the Reginla Recipt date for approval it looks like.All approvals are not random as some say here. Otherwise we should be getting Dec02 and then Aug02, July 02 etc etc

Do you know your Regionla Recipt date. VA Cases should have gione to Philly only before PBEC creation and these guys cannot work faster on thier own cases it looks like. In DBEC the Texas RIR cases were flying. Initially both PBEC were mentioning that they will try and clear their Regional cases first before moving on to other Regional cases. What happened to this we don't know

We are all in Dark and Guessing. Someone asked me to stop predicting here. If we don't guess and don't Predict the fate of our case what else we do. These words are some kind of consolation for all of us. When we see an approval then we expect that we will get the approval soon.
LedBy said:
Mr/Mrs. Saknia, Please stop this prediction business. why such a waste of server resources.

Hi Ledby

You have done some good work here for all of us by doing research on getting Numbers etc for Fax campaign.While I appreciate that, I beg to differ with you on few things you mentioned.

You mentioned earlier that People ask same questions everyday here and this is boring. Lots of people join here everyday and they have to ask their questions. That is why we are all here.I had similar view like you before regarding dilution of the purpose of this thread. But later realized that we should bring all here by answering all kinds of questions so that we know the real state of things from many

Regarding Predictions ,I don't think it is waste of Resources.I am not doing any Tarrot card business here. All of us come here to Track our case status. Some ask direct question here as to when their case will be approved and we have definetly No answer for that. Howeever going by the Trend of approvals we can analyze and Predict their approvals.That is waht I do.

Everyone know that it is not accurate. However they wish that it come true so that they are out of here. I also wish that it become true for them.

If we don't predict then what else we do everyday here. Just come here and watch and go back. If you don't like that don't take it/participate in that please. For all others some good words are consolations


This Thread is now active with lot of new memebrs .If all are not here we cannot Track our cases as we will never know who got approved etc nor do any camapign as well like the one you led.

Don't get this wrong. Continue your good work like before and we need you here
An interesting article

Skilled Immigrants Turn to K Street
High-Tech Workers Awaiting Green Cards Hire Lobbyists, Hit the Hill

By S. Mitra Kalita
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, April 26, 2006; D01

On the December day when Congress killed a budget amendment that might have allowed him to become an American a little sooner, Aman Kapoor started a movement.

He did not march through streets, carry signs, wave a flag from here or there. He did not walk off the job or file out of school. The computer programmer simply went online to a message board tracked by thousands of people in his predicament: highly skilled foreigners waiting years for their green cards.

"I think we can do better and really create the impact with organized effort," he wrote. "To achieve this we need a group of individuals who have shown commitment and motivation in this forum."

The next night, a dozen people living across the United States shed their Internet handles -- Kapoor's was "WaldenPond," a nod to his hero, Henry David Thoreau -- and addressed one another by name on a conference call that lasted an hour. Today, just four months later, the organization they dubbed Immigration Voice boasts 3,000 members; a fundraising goal of $200,000; and, most notably, a partnership with a high-powered lobbying firm, Quinn Gillespie & Associates LLC.

The group's transformation from an insular circle to a politically active movement offers a window into an alternative immigrant campaign being waged as the Senate this week resumes its work on immigration laws.

Most members and all the core organizers of Immigration Voice hail from India, though Chinese membership numbers in the hundreds and is on the rise. Most arrived on an international student visa or a visa known as the H-1B, reserved for highly skilled workers who can stay for up to six years -- unless an employer sponsors their green cards, which grant immigrants permanent residence in the United States and the right to live and work here freely. Over the past decade, the largest numbers of H-1Bs have been awarded to high-technology workers from India and China.

Thus, while the passage of a strict border-security bill introduced by Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner Jr. (R-Wis.) mobilized many other immigrants in December, members of this high-tech group had their eye on another: a budget reconciliation bill that, in the Senate version, would have allowed those waiting in line for a green card to proceed even if the quota had been exhausted. The provision was cut in conference committee, stirring many to action and leading to the founding of Immigration Voice.

While hundreds of thousands of protesters took to the streets to get Congress's attention, Immigration Voice took a decidedly different approach. Shortly after the group was established, Kapoor and other volunteers began interviewing lobbyists, relying mostly on Google searches and data from the Center for Public Integrity's Web site.

"If it was not going to be big, it would not be worth the effort," said Kapoor, who works for Florida State University and has traveled to Washington nine times in the past three months. "Most of us have reached that point, having waited for eight or nine years, where individual lives are on hold."

Neither Quinn Gillespie nor Immigration Voice would disclose the amount being paid for the firm's services. Kapoor said it is "less than five figures."

"This is a sympathetic story," said Nick Maduros, a lobbyist for Quinn Gillespie. "For this group, their issues are very technical and are frankly not that controversial, but they have been overshadowed ."

Immigration Voices also enlisted the help of Rick Swartz, who has his own firm and has long been a leading lobbyist for immigration groups. Swartz gathered members of the group at his home one January weekend for a crash course in American politics, teaching them to position themselves as the "new Cubans for the Republicans."

Although their numbers are far smaller -- fewer than 2 million Indians live in the United States, according to the 2000 Census -- the group is among the more affluent immigrant communities. And because their numbers are smaller than those of Hispanics, they are trying to focus on other ways they can exert power -- through their wealth, their positions of influence in the high-tech and business communities, and their alliances with more established advocacy groups such as one for Indian physicians and an Indian political action committee.

While the immigrant marchers' demands have covered a range of issues, including allowing immigrants to gain legal status and eventually citizenship, the members of this association are more narrowly focused: They want Congress to pass measures that would end the years-long wait for a green card. In fact, they warn that efforts to enable millions of illegal immigrants to remain here permanently would result in the same bureaucratic nightmare legal immigrants are now facing.

"If you're going to reform, reform across the board," said Bharati Mandapati, who oversees content for the group, which means she has learned how to word and pitch legislative amendments.

The group has refrained from taking a stand on the fate of the undocumented workers, though it monitors chatter on its Web site to ensure that frustrated high-tech workers don't disparage lower-skilled laborers such as landscapers and restaurant workers. It also has stayed mum on raising the cap on H-1Bs, the visas that made most of their passages possible.

Under a proposal introduced by Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.), the number of employment-based green cards being issued would increase from 140,000 to 290,000. Currently, no one country is supposed to take up more than 7 percent of the allotment, though unused green cards can be redistributed to countries that have already met their quota. That has made possible migrations in excess of 7 percent from nations such as India, China, Mexico and the Philippines. Under the proposal, the per-country cap would be increased to a hard and fast 10 percent. Proponents say this would prevent one country from dominating the category and would retain jobs for native-born Americans.

But Mandapati, a California-based economist, argues that the restriction would hurt the United States because the demand for skills changes. "It just so happens that computer technology and certain technical skills are in great demand here and all over the world. It just so happens that there are two countries that have invested a lot of resources in educating people in these fields . . . India and China."

About a half-million immigrants are caught in the green-card backlog, some as they wait for Labor Department approval or because quotas have been exceeded. In that time, they cannot be promoted or given substantial pay increases because that would mean a change in job description and salary. They turn to Web sites to compare their wait times with others, and their Internet handles, such as "stucklabor" and "waiting_labor," exude their frustration.

During meetings on Capitol Hill, Maduros and at least one Immigration Voice representative lay out the group's platform, weaving in the personal stories of members. Shilpa Ghodgaonkar, a Germantown housewife, has become a staple anecdote -- and a frequent visitor on the Hill.

For four years, she and her husband have been waiting for their green cards. Ghodgaonkar's husband arrived on an H-1B visa, and she followed as his dependent, unauthorized to work here. To pass the time, she learned to cook. Then she volunteered as a career counselor in Montgomery County. Last year, she earned her MBA from George Washington University. In December, around the time Kapoor sent out his e-mail plea for mass mobilization, Ghodgaonkar had run out of options.

"I just couldn't keep quiet anymore," Ghodgaonkar said. "I cannot be depressed anymore."

She keeps a spreadsheet that lays out appointment times and the senators' offices she has visited or still plans to: Specter, Frist, Schumer, Brownback, Bingaman, Feinstein, Feingold. Wednesdays bring a weekly call with Quinn Gillespie. And every few nights, there are conference calls among Immigration Voice's core team.

Now the group plans to closely watch the debate resuming in the Senate Judiciary Committee. Earlier this month, Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kan.) proposed amendments with all of the group's provisions. Other lawmakers confirm that they are still meeting with the group to hear their concerns.

Immigration Voice leaders say the past few months have focused and politicized Indian immigrants in a way that was not apparent in the past. "There is a very 'Mr. Smith Goes to Washington' quality" about the current effort, Mandapati said. "It's been a journey, a loss of naivete and getting to know about American politics."
Priority date?

whats the current priority date for India? I am stuck in PBEC...but wanted to know whats the road ahead
contribute to IV


Proud to say I just contributed $100 for the ImmigrationVoice. As someone said before its like a months cable bill, or like a one day car rental in NYC, please dont hesitate guys, if you plan on contributing, do it soon. their target is to raise $150K by may 1st. and this will certainly help them raise all our issues before the next senate sitting.

whatever the amount, dont worry about it. let me repeat Mahatma Gandhi's quote:
whatever you do will be insignificant but it is important that you do it.

Even if you are close to getting your LC, you can still do it. we have lots of other issues and it will surely help us in the longrun.

we have to help ourselves otherwise noone will. if we cant, let us atleast help those who help us! you can still be part of the revolution!

To those who were in favour of a rally in DC or infront of PBEC: this could be our rally if we all participate!
gcmail - whats the current priority date for India?


1st - 1-Jul-05
2nd - 1-Jan-03
3rd - 1-Mar-01
Schedule A Workers - C
Other Workers - 1-Oct-00
4th - C
Certain Religious Workers - C
5th - C
Targeted Employment Areas/Regional Centers - C

What is your category (EB?) and other information (PD, RIR/Non RIR etc. )

PD- Jan 2004, RIR-EB2
No 45 day letter so far

gcmail said:
whats the current priority date for India? I am stuck in PBEC...but wanted to know whats the road ahead
Can you add me to this tracker

rollingstone said:
Approvals from PBEC in April so far.. (taken from tracker spreadsheet)

      username      |     pd     | eb  |      swa      
 tickticktick       | 2001-11-28 | EB3 | Virginia
 Vahoper-friend2    | 2001-12-01 | EB3 | New York
 GC_enroute-friend2 | 2002-05-01 | EB3 | New York
 SN4GC              | 2002-06-01 | EB3 | Virginia
 shark1191          | 2002-06-11 | EB2 | New York
 thunderstorm       | 2002-06-20 | EB2 | Virginia
 sajigopi           | 2002-07-01 | EB3 | Tennessee
 free2fly           | 2002-07-01 | EB3 | Virginia
 Monica_dctm        | 2002-07-01 | EB3 | Maryland
 njhorrors          | 2002-07-01 | EB3 | New Jersey
 nick715us          | 2002-07-01 | EB2 | New Jersey
 20020702           | 2002-07-12 | EB3 | Virginia
 lost4ever-coworker | 2002-07-16 | EB3 | California
 CAPDJUL2002        | 2002-07-17 | EB2 | California
 new2new4           | 2002-07-18 | EB3 | Virginia
 moleee             | 2002-07-19 | EB2 | California
 jayceeGC           | 2002-07-22 | EB3 | California
 venram             | 2002-07-24 | EB2 | Virginia
 shaba              | 2002-07-26 | EB2 | Washington DC
 pleaseGOD          | 2002-07-29 | EB3 | California
 nomorepatience     | 2002-07-29 | EB3 | New York
 imcdude            | 2002-07-30 | EB3 | California
 sck3               | 2002-07-31 | EB3 | California
 gcclassy           | 2002-07-31 | EB3 | California
 jonal212004        | 2002-08-01 | EB2 | New York
 zairy              | 2002-08-01 | EB3 | New York
 bigL               | 2002-08-06 | EB3 | New York
 GotGC??-friend     | 2002-08-06 | EB3 | California
 GC_DXJ             | 2002-08-19 | EB2 | New Jersey
 kylabor            | 2002-09-01 | EB3 | Kentucky
 PBLC_01302006      | 2003-10-10 | EB2 | Pennsylvania
 mgupta2050         | 2006-04-17 | EB3 | Massachussets

(Note, PD for mgupta2050 is incorrect in tracker )

Total 32 persons. 9 from CA, 7 from NY, 7 from VA.

My Pd is July 31 2002 CA RIR EB2
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That's the spirit!

These guys at IV are doing such a great job! The least we can do, as victims of the GC process at various steps, is to become members (which adds credibility to the organization). But more importantly, for IV to remain effective we must contribute.

I'm puzzled at all the whining we do, but when there comes a time to act, we back off. Or worse, we leave it to "others" to get the job done so that we can benefit from.

Jaago GA walo, the time to act is now!! Go to and do your bit whichever way you can!

LoveNY said:

Proud to say I just contributed $100 for the ImmigrationVoice. As someone said before its like a months cable bill, or like a one day car rental in NYC, please dont hesitate guys, if you plan on contributing, do it soon. their target is to raise $150K by may 1st. and this will certainly help them raise all our issues before the next senate sitting.

whatever the amount, dont worry about it. let me repeat Mahatma Gandhi's quote:
whatever you do will be insignificant but it is important that you do it.

Even if you are close to getting your LC, you can still do it. we have lots of other issues and it will surely help us in the longrun.

we have to help ourselves otherwise noone will. if we cant, let us atleast help those who help us! you can still be part of the revolution!

To those who were in favour of a rally in DC or infront of PBEC: this could be our rally if we all participate!
About IV

Last month I contributed $100 for the law suite to the DEC, but it seems that we cannot get enough fund to do it.

I was not sure if IV can do anything, so I didn't contribute anything to it. Yesterday morning when I read the article in the Washing Post, and knew what they have been doing, I went to their web site and found out LC delay is in their list. When they talked with law makers, I don't think they will avoid LC problem.

so I Mailed out $100 immediately.

If you have any question, You can check their web site and send email to them.

GotGC?? said:
These guys at IV are doing such a great job! The least we can do, as victims of the GC process at various steps, is to become members (which adds credibility to the organization). But more importantly, for IV to remain effective we must contribute.

I'm puzzled at all the whining we do, but when there comes a time to act, we back off. Or worse, we leave it to "others" to get the job done so that we can benefit from.

Jaago GA walo, the time to act is now!! Go to and do your bit whichever way you can!
Atlanta LC Suffer

State: Atlanta || Regional : Atlanta
Priority Date: Nov 2002
ATL DOL : June 2002
45 Days letter : Not Received
PBEC Case # : T-0520*****