Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Very good article indeed. Thanks for the link. I joined IV last week to participate in their webfax campaign; I got to say I was really impressed.

Also for people reading the article, you might want to click th author's name and send her a little Thank You note right from the website. This will encourage more reports like this.

alex10dc said:

This is the article in the first page of Business edition in washington post today about Skilled Immigrants, and how the immigration voice has been doing. It seems that they have made progress.
greynicolls said:
my case has been close in error by the pbec

this is what they informed us on the phone

I am sorry to hear the news. Please ask your lawyer to contact the PBEC to reopen the case. I know few of the forum members had similar experience. There is also a thread in immigration forum for closed cases where many have shared their experience. Hopefully your case will be open soo. Good Luck
GC_enroute said:
I am sorry to hear the news. Please ask your lawyer to contact the PBEC to reopen the case. I know few of the forum members had similar experience. There is also a thread in immigration forum for closed cases where many have shared their experience. Hopefully your case will be open soo. Good Luck

please post the link for that thread

greynicolls said:
my case has been close in error by the pbec

this is what they informed us on the phone

Sorry to hear that. Hope you get it reinstated soon.
BTW, who informed you that the case was closed? Did they give a reason?
spicensour said:
:) Hi everyone

I got my labor certification finally.My lawyer sent me the email on April 22.I was trying to share the good news with everyone but my sttupid Adelphia cable connection was not allowing me to access the site for more than a month.
Seems like they are begining to work at last
I am writing this to share this news with you from a library computer.
My details are as follows;
Ca RIR , PD aug 2002
:) :) :) :) :)
strange thing is I recd. my screen shot on April 17 and it did not mention anything.Anyways, I am not complaining.

Could you provide you details here? Like PD, RD and 45-day (mm/dd/yyyy). Although, I have the same PD (Month & Year) as yours, I have not heard anything yet.

PD: 4/1999 @ PBEC, E3, India
45 Day letter Received :9/2005, Responded Immediately
Still nothng from Phili
Hey Guys,
I have been watching this forum for long and just to share some good news with all of you. Labor Pain is finally over and my case has been approved.

California Jul 25 2002
Eb3 (RIR)

Approved on 15-apr-06

All the best

Original filing Date to NY State DOL: April 26, 1999
45 day letter received : August 25, 2005-Responded immediately
Approvals from PBEC in April so far.. (taken from tracker spreadsheet)

      username      |     pd     | eb  |      swa      
 tickticktick       | 2001-11-28 | EB3 | Virginia
 Vahoper-friend2    | 2001-12-01 | EB3 | New York
 GC_enroute-friend2 | 2002-05-01 | EB3 | New York
 SN4GC              | 2002-06-01 | EB3 | Virginia
 shark1191          | 2002-06-11 | EB2 | New York
 thunderstorm       | 2002-06-20 | EB2 | Virginia
 sajigopi           | 2002-07-01 | EB3 | Tennessee
 free2fly           | 2002-07-01 | EB3 | Virginia
 Monica_dctm        | 2002-07-01 | EB3 | Maryland
 njhorrors          | 2002-07-01 | EB3 | New Jersey
 nick715us          | 2002-07-01 | EB2 | New Jersey
 20020702           | 2002-07-12 | EB3 | Virginia
 lost4ever-coworker | 2002-07-16 | EB3 | California
 CAPDJUL2002        | 2002-07-17 | EB2 | California
 new2new4           | 2002-07-18 | EB3 | Virginia
 moleee             | 2002-07-19 | EB2 | California
 jayceeGC           | 2002-07-22 | EB3 | California
 venram             | 2002-07-24 | EB2 | Virginia
 shaba              | 2002-07-26 | EB2 | Washington DC
 pleaseGOD          | 2002-07-29 | EB3 | California
 nomorepatience     | 2002-07-29 | EB3 | New York
 imcdude            | 2002-07-30 | EB3 | California
 sck3               | 2002-07-31 | EB3 | California
 gcclassy           | 2002-07-31 | EB3 | California
 jonal212004        | 2002-08-01 | EB2 | New York
 zairy              | 2002-08-01 | EB3 | New York
 bigL               | 2002-08-06 | EB3 | New York
 GotGC??-friend     | 2002-08-06 | EB3 | California
 GC_DXJ             | 2002-08-19 | EB2 | New Jersey
 kylabor            | 2002-09-01 | EB3 | Kentucky
 PBLC_01302006      | 2003-10-10 | EB2 | Pennsylvania
 mgupta2050         | 2006-04-17 | EB3 | Massachussets

(Note, PD for mgupta2050 is incorrect in tracker )

Total 32 persons. 9 from CA, 7 from NY, 7 from VA.
whereismy_gc said:

Could you provide you details here? Like PD, RD and 45-day (mm/dd/yyyy). Although, I have the same PD (Month & Year) as yours, I have not heard anything yet.

Well, my PD was Aug 2002/ 04320- XXXXX
RD was Sept 2003
45 day was recd. in March 2005
I believe that they have finally picked up the California cases. I am so sure you are going to get yours this week.Ask your lawyer.
Funny thing is, that I received the screen shot and it did not say anything.If yours is under review , it should get done in a couple of days.
Best of luck. See you in the 140 queue now :)
StressTestInUSA said:

it is high time you speak with PBEC and tell that in your last screen shot for 7th yr extn it showed a 'P' and was expecting your 45 day letter, but it dint happen for the past 6 months.

Dont wait for any kind of 'case closed' letters from PBEC, not to scare the life out of you, but everything/anything is possible with PBEC.

Dont wait for the attorney to speak, call up PBEC and dont tell you r the attorney/employer/employee. Simply say for this case number:this is the situation and see what happens..

In my case I replied my 45 day letter,I am not sure it recvd them and no way to know whats happening after that
can anyone give me the number to call. I will post my exp as soon I complete the call (I know I should search the forum for the number but website is slow ..) Thanks