Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

mvinays said:
I was talking to a friend of mine. His lawyer told him that she received several approvals from Philly BEC for cases filed from DC, Maryland and Virginia (DC metro area). All approvals had a priority date in July 2002.

It looks like Philly is currently working on clearing most of July 2002 cases from DC area.

Best of luck to all!!

Do you think they distinguish between Eb2 or Eb3 or approval are from both categories?

Highly Qualified Bonded labor or slaves available.

Well the simple way of getting a bonded labor of your company/firm for a period of 10 years would be to hire foriegn labor and buy the immigrant into the idea of Green Card. Well if you do not believe me you are at loss, because typically that is how long it takes these days to get a Green Card.

Back in 1990's it used to take 1 to 2 years for a person with Masters from a US University to get a Green Card, statistically it is taking 6 to 10 years to get a Green card these days.

When the firms hire the foreign employees and if they like them they make the employee buy into idea of Firm sponsored Green Card. If the employee buys into that idea you got lucky you got a bonded labor as DOL typically is taking 6 plus years to process the first two stages of Green Card application, if you are not familiar with the process let me explain that to you in short.

Green Card application has four stages(applications)
I) Labor Certification by State
II) Labor Certification by Federal
III) I-140 Stage
IV) I-485

Let me just tell you about Stage I and II only for today: A Labor ceritification application (first stage applicaiton for Green Card) is filed with State Work Force agency (SWA), subdivision of DOL to ceritfy that the alien employee is a qualified employee and would be beneficial person to the economy. After the SWA approves the application it is passed on to DOL at Federal to ceritfy and put a approval stamp on the application.

Department of Labor (DOL) is the one which takes care of the Green Card applications and it has been a known fact that DOL is a very slow moving organization, where people come to sleep. On average in 1990's it used to take a 6 - 12 months to get a Labor Ceritication application processed by state and Federal. As of 2000 it is taking 6 plus years to get pass this two stages. So let assume your application passes in 6 years you have to wait another 2 plus years at the III and IV stage, that make a average of 8 years for a person who has a Masters or a PhD, so you can assume how mucht time it might take for a person who does not have a Masters of a PhD.

Important Note: When a Green Card application is filed a employee cannot leave his current company, if the employee leaves or gets laid off the process has to start over from the begining --- Companies love this and exploit these immigrants (documented workers).

- Currently there are approx 360,000 GC applications which are in pending status. These applicants are highly qualified people with Bachelors, Masters and PhD's.

- DOL noticed that it is taking too long to process the applications using the old mechanism, so they introduced a application process called PERM (Computerized way to apply for Green Cards) in 2004, so that they could reduce the time from 6 years to 1 year for the first two stages. Well that would have worked fine but to be fair to others who applied before 2004 they put in a rule saying until the 360000 applications are cleared they will not consider any applications applied via PERM process for stage III and IV even they have been approved for stage I and II via PERM process. This way a person who applied first in 1999 will get the Green card before a person who applied in 2005 because of their mess, well it sounded great.

- To clear this mess of 360,000 pending applications created by DOL, congress allocated few millions of dollars in 2003 and raised the GC application fees. According to the terms of the release of this budget, DOL was supposed to clear all the applications within 2 years. hmmmm they must be dreaming. DOL came up with a stragergy and created Backlog Elimination Centers(BEC) in Philly and Dallas to clear this mess up, but the fact is this BEC created more mess and caused more backlogs.

- Basically DOL took these 360,000 labor applications and sent 1/2 to Philly BEC and 1/2 to Dallas BEC and the rule was initiated that all applications have to be processed in a First in first out (FIFO) procedure. But it has been strongly noticed that applications which are filed in 2004 are getting approved and applications which are filed in 2001 are still in pending status, even both the applicants who filed in year 2001 and 2004 are equally qualified.

- Philly BEC is the slowest and it is processing approx 1 Labor application per day and Dallas is processing 3-4 labor applications for a day. If you are lucky and your Labor application ended in Dallas BEC there is good chance that it will be approved 6 months before a person's labor whose labor is sent to the Philly BEC office. So people typically pray to end up in Dallas..... Philly may be the employees are busy eating philly cheese steak and sleeping.

- There are alot of situtations were people have been waiting in queue for 5 years and got laid off or got frustrated of this exploitation are going back to home countries or going to other countries such as Britain, New Zeland, Australia, Germany and Canada.

- Remember these legal immigrants are people who pay taxes, who contribute towards the economy and who abide with the law.

- Once the GC process starts remember employees cannot change the job and if they do they have to start from the begining, so companies exploit this situation and do not give salary raises as a regular who is a Citizen or a GC might get. Does term Exploitation fit here? May be bonded labor or slaves also fit here.

- Well everyone is concerned about outsourcing, but what reason does US based firms give to the Govt? No one is concerned about that.... US Based firms give a reason to the Govt saying that they could not find qualified people in this country so they are going to India or China to establish a remote office. Well if DOL made this processing secure and easy the job might have stayed in this country...

- Every person who are in between this GC processing are not buying a home or a car, because they are afraid when they will loose their job and since they do not have GC or do not see their GC for next few years they might have to go back. Not buying any goods/Homes in US.... will effect US economy..

- Alot of people have contacted senators and all of them say they are aware of this issue but no one is doing anything, well do they believe in bonded labor or maybe they are busy buying lottery tickets.

Fact: DOL is in a mess.

PLEASE ALSO NOTE these are the people who have been

- Been in the USA "LEGALLY" since 1999.
- Paying state and federal taxes.
- Paid into Social Security.
- Have medical insurance.
- Never used welfare.
- Have a BS and MS or PhD and contribute towards the technical and general well being of society.


- Immigrants have to pay for the Green card which costs $5000
- Immigrants have to pay attorney fees which costs ......$8000
- Immigrants Have to go back to home country to get the visa re-stamping every 1 to 3 years
- If gets laid off, the whole process goes back to Zero.
- Companies know about this situation and makes the immigrants work for 14 hours every day.
- There is no case status check or transparency in the labor department, and Elaine Chao(Head of DOL) is sleeping on the issue.





1) If it is taking 6 years for DOL to process first two stages of 360,000 Green Card applications, how much time it will take DOL to process 12 Million applications for illegals who have been staying in this country (in case this new law passes)?

2) Do Legals who are highly educated, paying their taxes, obeying the law deserve Green Cards first or Undocument workers who have been breaking the law, who are using Government services but not paying taxes?

3) Don't we have more competent people who can manage this, or do we need to farm out the simple data entry (300,000 cases to India or China).

4) Who is gaining with the new law?
- Government ( As it will cost $5000 to process a Green Card)
- Lawyers ( Who make money out of people, GC process costs approx $5000 - $8000)
- Firms ( Who get bonded labor as immigrant cannot jump companies/firms when their Green Card is in process)
- Immigrants

If you guys want to do a targeted email and fax campaign, here is your person of choice: Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky.

Now some of you might wonder why ... :eek:

The answer is simple: Secretary Chao is married to the Assistant Majority Leader of the United States Senate, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky.

Now if he receives tons of email, faxes and letters, don't you guys think that he might say some to his wife at the dinner table ? Let me know what you guys think of this idea ...
What a waste of our good years!

Having not posted anything here for a while, I wish some of those who were here when I last posted have been out of this trap. I have been in this trap for a long time and realized last Fall when some weird scientific calculations pushed the priority date all the way back to the nineties, that my case will be rotten in DOL or if lucky, USCIS. I started looking for opportunities in Australia. Here is the timeline for the journey.

1. 10/2005 Started looking for jobs in Oz
2. 10/2005 Done skill assessment
3. 11/2005 Job interviews and got unofficial job offer
4. 12/2005-1/2005 Oz holiday where is everybody?
5. 02/2006 Official job offer
6. 02/14/2006 PR visa applied via employer sponsorship (just like LC here)
7. 04/21/2006 PR visa approved
8. Planning to travel to Oz in May.

I have to say I am still in a state of surprise at this.

Good luck.
Excuse me, what is Oz ? ;)

pennwaiting said:
Having not posted anything here for a while, I wish some of those who were here when I last posted have been out of this trap. I have been in this trap for a long time and realized last Fall when some weird scientific calculations pushed the priority date all the way back to the nineties, that my case will be rotten in DOL or if lucky, USCIS. I started looking for opportunities in Australia. Here is the timeline for the journey.

1. 10/2005 Started looking for jobs in Oz
2. 10/2005 Done skill assessment
3. 11/2005 Job interviews and got unofficial job offer
4. 12/2005-1/2005 Oz holiday where is everybody?
5. 02/2006 Official job offer
6. 02/14/2006 PR visa applied via employer sponsorship (just like LC here)
7. 04/21/2006 PR visa approved
8. Planning to travel to Oz in May.

I have to say I am still in a state of surprise at this.

Good luck.
Philly Eb-2 Non Rir Labor

Hi, my PD is 28th Feb 2005, filed in NJ. I have no idea what happening to my labor. I asked my attorney if he received any receipt to confirm the filing, he is saying no :mad:. I am completing 6 yrs in Sep 06 and need to file for 7th yr extension. Can anyone who filed labor from NJ please suggest whether or no they received any receipt and how they went for 7th yr extension.

Appreciate any help...
Hopefully he is not someone possing to be a lawyer, as the Immigration lawyer is hot market these days to make money.. because of this DOL mess they will be charging $100 to answer one question.
PBEC Case Misclassified as TR

Thanks StressTestInUSA,
Helps a lot. Is this where you called up PBEC (484) 270-1500.

StressTestInUSA said:
You need to do it yourself,it happened to me too. Call up PBEC:dont tell you r the employer/employee/attorney. Just say for this case# it is RIR but shows TR, she will ask to reply to the screenshot with the changes to be done.

It took about 3 weeks for the change. They replied me back (email) with the case type as RIR.

Hope this helps.

Hi Guys,
Need advice on getting my case correctly classified as RIR. The SWA approved it as RIR before it went to regional. But looks like the PBEC mistyped it as TR.

My lawyer is not very helpful. She sent an email to PBEC requesting to change this (no response yet) and she has no plans of calling them up. Sucks!

Those who have gotten such corrections made, please let me know. Is there a telephone number where my employer can call and get this corrected. How long did these corrections take place.
Labor Approved!


I just received news from lawyer that my labor is approved!! After LONG years of wait!! :)

Best wishes for all, slowly torotoise is moving....

Wish you all the best for future steps.

pleaseGOD said:

I just received news from lawyer that my labor is approved!! After LONG years of wait!! :)

Best wishes for all, slowly torotoise is moving....
pleaseGOD said:

I just received news from lawyer that my labor is approved!! After LONG years of wait!! :)

Best wishes for all, slowly torotoise is moving....

Finally God Pleased on you

prio July 31, :) 2002
pleaseGOD said:
I just received news from lawyer that my labor is approved!! After LONG years of wait!! :)
Best wishes for all, slowly torotoise is moving....

Good luck pleaseGOD!

All, note that 45day letter was sent in May 2005... It appears PD is driving the FIFO.
congratulations !! good luck next step !!

pleaseGOD said:

I just received news from lawyer that my labor is approved!! After LONG years of wait!! :)

Best wishes for all, slowly torotoise is moving....
45-DAY rcvd and replied today 21apr06 PD 21may03/NY/RIR/EB3

Hi Guys,

I got my 45-day letter notice from the lawyers office today which was signed and faxed back to continue with the labour application to the PHL BEC today itself.
Pls update the tracker for references/records.


PD: 21MAY2003
Case Number: P-05194-17410 PHL BEC
45-day letter received and replied on 21APR2006.
onlyavdhesh said:
Hi Guys,

I got my 45-day letter notice from the lawyers office today which was signed and faxed back to continue with the labour application to the PHL BEC today itself.
Pls update the tracker for references/records.


PD: 21MAY2003
Case Number: P-05194-17410 PHL BEC
45-day letter received and replied on 21APR2006.

Thanks for the news.

Please remember that combing through all the thread to update the tracker is a very time consuming work. Please POST your update in the thread appropriately named BEC Priority Date Tracker
MannyD said:
Good luck pleaseGOD!

All, note that 45day letter was sent in May 2005... It appears PD is driving the FIFO.

I was under the impression that 45days letter and Pd is driving the approval

Now I think it is combination of these 3 - 1) PD 2) RD 3) 45 days letter reply date

PD July 29,2002
RD Aug 08,2003
45 day letter sent 05/23/2005

In this case 45 day letter is May 2005 and PD is July 2002 ( while people who replied before Mar 2005 are waiting with PD before july 2002 - Why this . Only answer could be RD Aug 2003

Has any one has dates before this and has PD before July 02 and 45 day letter replied before May 2005
saknia said:
I was under the impression that 45days letter and Pd is driving the approval

Now I think it is combination of these 3 - 1) PD 2) RD 3) 45 days letter reply date

PD July 29,2002
RD Aug 08,2003
45 day letter sent 05/23/2005

In this case 45 day letter is May 2005 and PD is July 2002 ( while people who replied before Mar 2005 are waiting with PD before july 2002 - Why this . Only answer could be RD Aug 2003

Has any one has dates before this and has PD before July 02 and 45 day letter replied before May 2005

I believe they strictly follow RIRO (Random In Random Out). I read this term in DBEC forum somewhere :)
Ky Sep 2002 approval

Registered User Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 1

Labor Approved



I am a silent reader of this forum. This forum is very useful and thank you all for the invaluble information.

My Labor got approved on 14 th April. Following are my case details..

Priority Date: September 2002
State : KY Never went to Atlanta.
Category : EB3 non RIR
45 Day Letter Received March 28, 2005 and replied in two weeks
PBEC case # P-05014-xxxxx
Approved on April 14, 2006
Received on April 20, 2006

Wish you all good luck and hope they process faster....

saknia said:
Registered User Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 1

Labor Approved



I am a silent reader of this forum. This forum is very useful and thank you all for the invaluble information.

My Labor got approved on 14 th April. Following are my case details..

Priority Date: September 2002
State : KY Never went to Atlanta.
Category : EB3 non RIR
45 Day Letter Received March 28, 2005 and replied in two weeks
PBEC case # P-05014-xxxxx
Approved on April 14, 2006
Received on April 20, 2006

Wish you all good luck and hope they process faster....


Good to see approval from Ky.MIne is 2004 from Ky but it had gone to Atlanta regional.