Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Definetly. That news is worth more than a lunch

whatheheck said:
I bet you will get it in a month or two. Not more than that. Take me out for lunch when you get your LC.
Where do you work ? My wife is going to India for 2 months trip at the end of January. Hopefully I get this approval before she leaves for India or after she returns from India so that I dont need to delay my I140 application.

It is real pain to think how helpless you are when it comes to gc. Hopefully another favorable immigration bill will bring us all our gc.
igor_ch said:
Remember, that many Americans would not want those Jobs, mostly because bodyshops pay way too little.

Why do Americans depend on bodyshops? We look for them because of H1b Sponsorship.
iwantgc1974 said:
Where do you work ? My wife is going to India for 2 months trip at the end of January. Hopefully I get this approval before she leaves for India or after she returns from India so that I dont need to delay my I140 application.

It is real pain to think how helpless you are when it comes to gc. Hopefully another favorable immigration bill will bring us all our gc.

Hey, I live in Maryland. I just came back from India after a long vacation. I did go for stamping at Chennai consulate and it was very easy. I hope your wife doesnt need visa stamping to re-enter.

Regarding filing I-140, i don't think you need to have your wife here. My attorney applied for my I-140 while i was in India.
Best Wishes!

Happy New year everyone!

2005 was not a very good year, at least for most of the people stuck in PBEC.

Hopefully 2006 will be a better year for us.

I'm going to try and not think of immigration for the next couple of days.

Once again, I wish you and your family a very very Happy New Year!
VA RIR waiting

I am still waiting for approval
ETA Case Number P-04273-0XXXX
Priority Date: June 4 2002
State :VA
45 Day Letter replied in April2005

When I asked the h1b7yr guys they have send reply but there is no status field in reply.How do I know that they have recvd my 45 days letter?I am afraid that they may have just lost my application in the mail or forgot to make entry. :rolleyes:

Leo :confused:
Looking forward to approved lc filled year.
I wish everyone a joyful, healthy, prosperous and blessed new year.
God Bless us all.
Another Approval from NY SWA Case- June 2002

Message from SHARMABABU ( NY Tracker)- Labor approved

PD: June 2002
45 day: 24 sept 2005
Labor: 12/30/2005

May be the last one for this Year. Hope New Year brings more approvals like this for all of us waiting Here

New Year Resolution : Please post only approvals in this Tracker. No Questions and Discussions here Please.
7ty Year Extension Email

I just want to share with you that today I send an email to PBEC to get the screen shot of my case, and literaly in 4 minutes I got the reply back from them, I was not expecting that at all , I am totally amazed by quick turn around. I really really hope that this quickness may also be in the approving the cases.

leo09 said:
I am still waiting for approval
ETA Case Number P-04273-0XXXX
Priority Date: June 4 2002
State :VA
45 Day Letter replied in April2005

When I asked the h1b7yr guys they have send reply but there is no status field in reply.How do I know that they have recvd my 45 days letter?I am afraid that they may have just lost my application in the mail or forgot to make entry. :rolleyes:

Leo :confused:
Don't worry. They would not confirm that your case is active at BEC as if you did not reply 45 days letter you would not be eligible for the visa extension.
Questions - Go to Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

New Memebers here

Plaese post your discussion and Questions in

Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking Forum and not here
Just Curious

ImmiVictim said:
I just want to share with you that today I send an email to PBEC to get the screen shot of my case, and literaly in 4 minutes I got the reply back from them, I was not expecting that at all , I am totally amazed by quick turn around. I really really hope that this quickness may also be in the approving the cases.


Hi Did you get Case Status in your mail
Final review

gc_psraj said:
Hi guys, How much time has it taken on average after Final review status to get approvals. My case was Final review since last week of September. Still no news.

How did u find out your case is in final review. I received my 45 day letter in feb but no news since then. Is there a way we can track the status of our labour from PBEC.

Florida Labour

Anybody heard about florida labour around sep 2003 PD. Or what is the PD PBEC is approving for florida state.

PBEC Sucks
PD: Sep 2003
45 letter received : Feb 2005.
Unfortunatelly, I have not seen any approvals from Florida yet.
But, if I remember well, at the moment that the BEC processing centers were established, Florida processing line was at approx. April-May 2003. P-BEC seems to be at aprox. April 2002 at the moment. Thus, it may take some more time before we start seeing approvals from Florida.
Send mail to PBEC for Status

trackGCFlorida said:
How did u find out your case is in final review. I received my 45 day letter in feb but no news since then. Is there a way we can track the status of our labour from PBEC.



You need to send a mail to PBEC requesting proof for 7th Year extension and you will know the case status ( refer to FAQ for 7th Year mail details and how to send the same)

Since October PBEC has removed the Case Status Field from that mail. They used to have that field and we all were getting know about the Status of our cases fro there.

You can try. That at;least will give you other details inclusing your case numerbr starting with P-xxxx_xxxx