Soormabhopali said:No body discorging any one and no body is offering ,This message board is for expressing and communicating ,Its not constructive or destructive uncessary making "self praised efforts" doesnt count .If ,But Else becasue shows your ignorance to reality . You can plead your self as you want do not expect every one thinks like You .
Just becasue of privilage given , you are starting a campaign and saying others not to do constructive ???If you have problem with current status or procedings leave USA .
FIRST OF ALL YOU ALL STOP MAKING THIS MESSAGE BOARD AS A CAMPAIGN GROUND .IF YOU WANT START YOUR OWN MESSAGE BOARD AND DO WHAT EVER you want not every one likes ur campaing here .ITS A LAWYERs WEB SITE FOR Immigration issuses ,not for propagating ,collecting or influencing others to act or bashing American Beurocates .
IF you dont like whats happening on this board, may be you should leave this board first.
There is nothing illegal against conducting a campaign. I dont see why you are so much against it as though it was a campaign against you.
Once again if you dont like the campaign and you dont like whats happening on this message board, trust me nobody is forcing you to be here.