Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

krishve said:
Please excuse me if this is not the correct place for this question. I am not finding a better forum than this to ask this question.

Does anyone know how to schedule a visa revalidation appointment at Chennai Consulate via the VFS system from US? How do we pay the fee at HDFC before going online to do make an appointment? The process seems to be a hassle for people from here trying to make appointments and not clear.

See this website -

Please let me know.

I asked the same question (emailed) to the consulate, below is their reply

You can ask any one of your relative or friend staying in India to pay the fee at any designated HDFC bank in India, with that receipt number you can apply online
H1 7 year extention, pending labor and property

Currently I am in 6th year on H1 expiring in June 2006. My labor petition was filed in Oct 2004, currently in PBEC (no 45 day letter).
I was planning to buy a house here.

My question is if for some reason H1 7th year extension is rejected or labor petition itself is rejected and I had to go back to India for a year, can I legally keep the house in US... like rent it for the period I will be in India, and when I come back on new H1 , I can resell or live there depending on the situation.
we are hostages

It is obviously that we are hostages of BEC, especially PBEC, as I pointed out here a year ago.
Think about it, no new LC application will be through BEC after 3/28/05 and BEC will be closed after processing the current case. The risk is that they may lose their position.
So they intentionally create any excuse to make mess, delay, and 45days letter; just save their job as long as they can. I guess they will announce to send 2 circle of 45 days letter because almost one year passed since 1st letter, the situation may change.
Thanks God! Hurricane didn’t hit Philadelphia. Otherwise they have a good excuse to stop work forever.
We are lucky!
case status

Hi gc_reddy,
How did you get a screen shot from BEC ? Did you send an email ? If yes, could you please share the email id you sent your email to, and the content of the email ?

Mine is delaware case, with PD of May 2003. 45 day letter was received in March 2005. There is no update after that.


gc_reddy said:
Today i got Screen shot from Phily BEC.
Here is my details

PD : 2/28/2003
RD in Screen Shot showing as : 9/23/2004
Case Status : Data Review

Actually my case was forwarded to Phily DOL on 12/2003 and we received a letter from phily DOL in 12/2003.

Why my case Receipt Date showing as 9/23/2004 in Screen Shot ?

What is Data Review means ?

Is any one waiting for Delaware case ?
Foolish PBEC, smart DBEC

It is obvious that PBEC can't finish processing all cases in two years. Neither can DBEC. I don't think PBEC will get the contract to continue processing LC backlog after two years, there may be another bid and another company will earn the contract after two years. By doing so, DOL will further delay LC processing and PBEC will become a scopegoat because they are inefficient. If PBEC are smart, they should speed up and become efficient, then the anti-immigration officials in DOL will try to slow them, by threating to show this notorious secret of DOL to public, PBEC may earn another contract to finish the LC backlog. DBEC management are smart and realized this, that's why they are faster than PBEC, PBEC management are stupid and inefficient, they will become scopegoat of anti-immigration officials in DOL.

It is obviously that we are hostages of BEC, especially PBEC, as I pointed out here a year ago.
Think about it, no new LC application will be through BEC after 3/28/05 and BEC will be closed after processing the current case. The risk is that they may lose their position.
So they intentionally create any excuse to make mess, delay, and 45days letter; just save their job as long as they can. I guess they will announce to send 2 circle of 45 days letter because almost one year passed since 1st letter, the situation may change.
Thanks God! Hurricane didn’t hit Philadelphia. Otherwise they have a good excuse to stop work forever.
We are lucky!
ash_2004 said:
Currently I am in 6th year on H1 expiring in June 2006. My labor petition was filed in Oct 2004, currently in PBEC (no 45 day letter).
I was planning to buy a house here.

My question is if for some reason H1 7th year extension is rejected or labor petition itself is rejected and I had to go back to India for a year, can I legally keep the house in US... like rent it for the period I will be in India, and when I come back on new H1 , I can resell or live there depending on the situation.

Reselling/renting property has nothing to do with your legal status or even your stay in US. All they care is getting the mortgage payment in time. I would suggest that you assign a property management company to take care of your property and to collect rent when you are not here. When you come back, you can sell it. You can even sell it when you are not in US by giving a power of attorny to someone you can trust.
worriedEngineer said:
It is obvious that PBEC can't finish processing all cases in two years. Neither can DBEC. I don't think PBEC will get the contract to continue processing LC backlog after two years, there may be another bid and another company will earn the contract after two years. By doing so, DOL will further delay LC processing and PBEC will become a scopegoat because they are inefficient. If PBEC are smart, they should speed up and become efficient, then the anti-immigration officials in DOL will try to slow them, by threating to show this notorious secret of DOL to public, PBEC may earn another contract to finish the LC backlog. DBEC management are smart and realized this, that's why they are faster than PBEC, PBEC management are stupid and inefficient, they will become scopegoat of anti-immigration officials in DOL.

It is obviously that we are hostages of BEC, especially PBEC, as I pointed out here a year ago.
Think about it, no new LC application will be through BEC after 3/28/05 and BEC will be closed after processing the current case. The risk is that they may lose their position.
So they intentionally create any excuse to make mess, delay, and 45days letter; just save their job as long as they can. I guess they will announce to send 2 circle of 45 days letter because almost one year passed since 1st letter, the situation may change.
Thanks God! Hurricane didn’t hit Philadelphia. Otherwise they have a good excuse to stop work forever.
We are lucky!

But both Dallas and Philly BECs are contracted by the same company. And I am pretty sure it will get the contract extended because that's the way all the government contracts work in this country. I am worrying there will be several rounds of extension. But it doesn't matter anymore.
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PBEC group Admin

I am unable to access any messages in the Yahoo group from the last 3 days. The group shows 28 messages but the link for going to messages is not working. Couple of other members are also having problems in accessing the messages... All other yahoo grps are working from my account.

Can you please look into it...

45d letter

got my 45d this week and replied immediately.
PD : 10/21/2001 (no this is not a typo..)
NY SWA, never made it to Regional

now waiting for my 45w answer :rolleyes:

p.s : Justwatching, could you please update the tracker (and thanks again for the amazing contribution you're making to the community).
What is the latest approval date for Labor Certification in Philadelphia?

What is the latest approval date for Labor Certification in Philadelphia?

My details:

PD - Sep 2002
ETA Case - P-04320-XXXXX
Sent to PBEC
45 day letter received March 2005
Case Status - ???
StressTestInUSA said:
Only 73 memebers are stuck in Philly BEC...??!! and only 5 of them have entered their details in the database...



fyi..the link is

why can't we access any messages ? Owner of the group should check if he might have turned it off by mistake.
Can someone enlight us about, how long will it take to process LC at back log centers. (Eventhough I still didnot get my 45 day letter). Please dont say just 2 years...Mostly emphesize, what is the procedure that they are following? How long this procedure takes? etc...


PD:Jan 2003
No 45 day letter
Rajel: did you reply or your attorney? did you fax or mail back? did you try checking your status through H1B7YR e-mail address, and if you did then what status does it show there? all the best for further processing!!

Rajel said:
got my 45d this week and replied immediately.
PD : 10/21/2001 (no this is not a typo..)
NY SWA, never made it to Regional

now waiting for my 45w answer :rolleyes:

p.s : Justwatching, could you please update the tracker (and thanks again for the amazing contribution you're making to the community).
Philadelphia sucks

LC said:
Can someone enlight us about, how long will it take to process LC at back log centers. (Eventhough I still didnot get my 45 day letter). Please dont say just 2 years...Mostly emphesize, what is the procedure that they are following? How long this procedure takes? etc...


PD:Jan 2003
No 45 day letter

Dallas is currently approving Jun/03 cases.
Why can't Philadelphia do the same. They share the same freaking database.
Why the hell do they have to wait so long to rubber stamp the state certified applications. Processing applications based on priority date is a joke.
Anywayz happy for the people getting approval in Dallas.

Read below.

Hi all,
I am sooo happy to intimate that I received intimation of Labor Certification to my Employer today, and in which it stated that original was sent to attorney. Wanted to share this information with all well wishers in the forum:
My details are
PD June 16, 2003
RD May 25, 2004
Certified Date: Sep. 26, 2005
Just watching, you done wonderful job helping to predict, please update my info in your link.
Thanks to all members who stayed to each other during this wait.
Can you please tell your case details?

wish20 said:
My labor got approved on 10/04/05.
PD- 06/04/03
State - MI
:) :) :) :)

TR or RIR, Did it go to regional? EB3? Did you receive 45 day letter? Please tell the details. My PD is the same date as yours.
