Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Hi Cantstandit,

if u remember , i posted recently that my PD was wrong (May 2005) in the screenshot. My lawyer and my self both sent a mail for the datafix. In the mail My lawyer mentioned that my Pd is June 2002 . She got a screenshot again with corrected PD as June 2002

In my mail I sent to DOL, By mistake i mentioned my PD as July 2002. and to my surprise , in the screenshot I received the PD was July 2002.

I dont know if they are actually looking the data or just bouncing back the information we sent with some T- number.

cantstandit said:
don't be so upset, there's always someone in a worst situation ... at least your PD is correct. They put mine on May/2005, which is obviously wrong, and I might end up in the end of the line to even get the damn letter.
atl_dol_aug said:
Hi Cantstandit,

if u remember , i posted recently that my PD was wrong (May 2005) in the screenshot. My lawyer and my self both sent a mail for the datafix. In the mail My lawyer mentioned that my Pd is June 2002 . She got a screenshot again with corrected PD as June 2002

In my mail I sent to DOL, By mistake i mentioned my PD as July 2002. and to my surprise , in the screenshot I received the PD was July 2002.

I dont know if they are actually looking the data or just bouncing back the information we sent with some T- number.

Now why don't you just send another email saying your PD is June 2000? Lets see what happens? :D :D :D :D
Thank You Tikal

tikal said:
Sam23: Try to file PERM before end of 5th year. If this does not happen, then it is going to be luck driving the process - file for PERM even after 5th year ends, hope you get adjudicated in 7-8 months; the key is for you to file 485 and obtain an EAD to continue working and living in this country.
[a] The best case is if you obtain your EAD before 6th year ends, it is free sailing.
The not so bad case would be that you would be able to file 485 (considering EB2 regression issues) before end of 6th year, and obtain your EAD after your 6 years end. In the interim period of end of 6th year till you get your EAD, you would not be able to work, but could be in this country.
[c] The worst case is your LC does not get approved by end of 6th year, and you have to suddenly leave the country. I don't know if you can opt for CP (Consular Processing) in your home country, maybe this does not even exist now.
[d] Leave now, and come back next year with a fresh set of 6 years, and start GC ASAP.

Pl. ask a good lawyer with these base set of possibilities, hope you can apply PERM before end of your 5th year. Good luck...

You have shown some positive light to my case. I will talk to a good lawyer.
Thanks again
pennwaiting said:
Look at what is happening down in New Orlean and you will understand more how government works. Politicians are the same no matter what they are. Lots of promises, few deliverables.

Just like Software professionals. Anything that works we take credit. Otherwise we blame the system. :D
Lets just back off

I have been using this forum for some good advice. Please lets desist form commenting others points of view. Everybody has a right to an opinion. Lets not fight with each other or make fun of each other to increase the stress for each of us.

I would appreciate APRLC2002 for sharing his knowledge with us. His comments have been the best I have seen for a long time.

Again this my opinion others are free to comment on it. Being an optimist I would say patience is the key. We most of us here have been patient for so long. Ya lot of it does not make sense to us from the outside.

Please use this forum to spread the light.

Please take this mail in good faith.

State : Ca
PD : 07/31/2002
BEC Number: P-04308-3XXXX
45 day letter rec and replied on March 2005
Update my info


I got response within 2 hrs from PBEC with my case details. Please find my updated info in my signature.

Good Luck to All.
CA-Apr-02 PD Case - Final Review

Just FYI to all. Got the screen shot from PBEC after 2 weeks from my intial request. Staus is in Final Review.

Case Details:

Went to regional - 6/03
Replied 45 day letter - 3/05

Hi All,

Hi All, it is good to have suspicion on stranger's (Me) opinions/statements but, if anyone who were praising DBEC before, tell me how many approvals have you seen from them lately especially after i sent a note saying they might slow down? are they more than PBEC? or equal may be less.. So should i say something it is not any Almighty command to happen right away.. it takes its own course.. but you will see that soon rather than eventually... I am only telling you the end result of the process instead of explaining that which may result is more and more questions... I am happy I do not get to answer all of them..

Take care and hope for my statements come true :)

I wish you all have a pleasant, happy and safe weekend with your families and friends.

DISCLAIMER: all the statements are opinons or assessment and cannot be brought under any jurisdiction of law.
o yeah ?

whatheheck said:
You are wrong njhorrors.
Philly and Dallas were the first two states to immerse in flood long long time ago. People at these two states are stranded and unable to cope up with floods of LC applications.

Although they are flooded with LC applications they are not at all affected. In fact they are enjoying this flood as we poor immigrants are drowning very very deep with uncertainty.

buddy , i think you should be our hero and pull the workers out of the flood. give them bread and water. take the flood material ( lc applications) and dump into the sea so that these poor workers can live in philly again. !!
save those poor bast**ds !!
Good. First CA - Final review

Thanks afx05.

You are the first CA case in FINAL REVIEW. Hooray.

My case details are :

CA-RIR-PD-6/02 ---> applied after u
Went to regional-6/03 ---> went with u
Replied 45day letter --> 2/05 --> before u

Interesting .. I will until you get your approval to check my status :) Keep us posted. Thanks.
afx05 said:
Just FYI to all. Got the screen shot from PBEC after 2 weeks from my intial request. Staus is in Final Review.

Case Details:

Went to regional - 6/03
Replied 45 day letter - 3/05

I have the same issue as you. My PD is May 2005 when I got the screen shot.
I send back an e-mail to correct the error but I do not hear anything back.

Do I need to send another e-mail to inquire the issue?
Do they answer your e-mail after you correct the error?

liuczh from NJ

atl_dol_aug said:
Hi Cantstandit,

if u remember , i posted recently that my PD was wrong (May 2005) in the screenshot. My lawyer and my self both sent a mail for the datafix. In the mail My lawyer mentioned that my Pd is June 2002 . She got a screenshot again with corrected PD as June 2002

In my mail I sent to DOL, By mistake i mentioned my PD as July 2002. and to my surprise , in the screenshot I received the PD was July 2002.

I dont know if they are actually looking the data or just bouncing back the information we sent with some T- number.
atl_dol_aug said:
Hi Cantstandit,

if u remember , i posted recently that my PD was wrong (May 2005) in the screenshot. My lawyer and my self both sent a mail for the datafix. In the mail My lawyer mentioned that my Pd is June 2002 . She got a screenshot again with corrected PD as June 2002

In my mail I sent to DOL, By mistake i mentioned my PD as July 2002. and to my surprise , in the screenshot I received the PD was July 2002.

I dont know if they are actually looking the data or just bouncing back the information we sent with some T- number.

hi Atl, I just sent you a private msg, can u take a look ?

tks !
45 days letter received

Hi all, I am a silent user in this forum for a long time. And want to share one good news to our NJ guys. I received 45 days letter on Aug 30 from PBEC and replied yesterday.

State: NJ
Case received date: 08/19/2002

Good luck to all.
thats good news!!

Thanks for the info..i think its time to call my lawyer now..

GC_DXJ said:
Hi all, I am a silent user in this forum for a long time. And want to share one good news to our NJ guys. I received 45 days letter on Aug 30 from PBEC and replied yesterday.

State: NJ
Case received date: 08/19/2002

Good luck to all.
Status - RIR

I sent an email yesterday and I got the screen shot today with the status RIR. I was in that impression that all the PD from May 01, 2002 are in PBEC.
I was wrong, anybody on this forum has any idea, from which PD of CA cases are in PBEC?


afx05 said:
Just FYI to all. Got the screen shot from PBEC after 2 weeks from my intial request. Staus is in Final Review.

Case Details:

Went to regional - 6/03
Replied 45 day letter - 3/05

Sam23 said:
I do not have enough time left to file for my LC befor the end of my 5th year H1B. My 5th year ends this month. I qualify for EB2. If I file for labor now and if I am able to file 485 before the end of my 6th year, do I need 7th year extension to continue to stay here? Please help!!

Thank You
It's tough, but not impossible. If you haven't started anything, it'll take about 2-3 months to prepare everything for filing. After that you'll have only 9-10 months from your 6th H-1B year, so normally you would need to leave the country for 1 year and come back with a new H-1B (counts agains the quota!). BUT: if your employer allows you to take a 2-3 months leave (health issues, family matters, etc.), you'll be able to claim it back as "not used" time, so when you come back, you'll be able to file for 7th year+that 2-3 months. An attorney can explain the details, but I know it's doable. Based on current processing times and future retrogression, there's no way you could get an EAD before your 6th year is over, so your only option is what I suggested above. Unless you can apply in EB-1 that doesn't require LC...
To PERM or Not to PERM, That Is the Question

My friend has PD of 05/2003, TR, EB2, MA (now at Philly BEC). She's a software engineer. Her lawyer recommends converting to PERM, saying that he's seen approvals come through in just 4 months. I think the guesstimate I've gotten in this forum is that 2003 applications would be processed sometime towards the end of 2006. Should she convert to PERM? I'd love to hear from anyone who has thought about this decision....

egg0504 said:
It's tough, but not impossible. If you haven't started anything, it'll take about 2-3 months to prepare everything for filing. After that you'll have only 9-10 months from your 6th H-1B year, so normally you would need to leave the country for 1 year and come back with a new H-1B (counts agains the quota!). BUT: if your employer allows you to take a 2-3 months leave (health issues, family matters, etc.), you'll be able to claim it back as "not used" time, so when you come back, you'll be able to file for 7th year+that 2-3 months. An attorney can explain the details, but I know it's doable. Based on current processing times and future retrogression, there's no way you could get an EAD before your 6th year is over, so your only option is what I suggested above. Unless you can apply in EB-1 that doesn't require LC...
Thank You egg0504.
My sixth year ends on 25th Sept '06. If I take leave for say three months and then recapture the leave, will my six years end on 25th Dec 06?
If my labor is filed before 25th Dec '05, do you mean that I qualify to file for 7th year extension in Dec '06?

Thanks again