Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

The calculation is flawed. Out of those 400k cases, around 245k are the 'Clinton Clemency program' which wont be eating up visa numbers from EB2 or EB3. So it is really 150k cases in backlog. But again calculations are not that easy. Each person along with his family member (wife/children) will be consuming a visa each out of the available quote of 40000 visas. Additionally I know a lot of cases from early 2002, who are in 485 stage and are just waiting for visa numbers to open up in October, so that they ( & their family) can 'consume' it. You'll have to include guys like them also into calculation when computing your wait time.

If you can file PERM EB2, I'd say go for it. Otherwise it is best to wait for your 2004 application to get processed..

15yr_on_gc said:
Thanks! I have a feeling that I should go for PERM.

However, I did see a few 2004 regional TR cases have already been certified and I am wondering if RIR will follow the same processing method. i.e. Process Regional first then SWA. If this is the case, chances of my case get certified by the end of the year is quite possible. But ...

I guess no one know this for sure. :(


Consider ~400,000 backlog cases and there are only 140,000 quota/year, by the time my case get certified, there will be a long wait in I485. Of that 140,000, EB3 gets ~40,000, if 200,000 of that 400,000 belongs to EB3 = another 5 years wait in I485 !!!

Can someone tell me if the rational above is correct?

What rope?....

If it is any consolation, mine went from FL to Atlanta regional in June 2003, and so far no 45-day letter. I reached the end of the rope long ago... I had my Congressman office call last week; they were persistent and got me a Temporary case number T-xxx At least I know my case made it to Phil; I always tought my case was lost somehow.
What my attorney says

Well, PD is May 2003 (EB2, TR), and he says that I should have GC by May 2006. He is even advising not to go PERM.
I wonder what makes him think so :rolleyes:
whatheheck said:
Thanks for your advice Raj,
This raises my hope of getting my LC cleared before my daughter gets married. My daughter is 1 yrs old now.

That was a good one! So funny~ Now I am in good mood because of this good news! We all have hope to get it either the end of this or next year.
I have already filed for my GC with my current company A. However, due to a recent shake-up in the office there are high chances that a couple of us would be layed off. As and when that happens it would mean the death of my GC filing. Hence, I am thinking of a PLAN B , where in I am contemplating filing for a GC with another company B.

Would this raise queries at the INS when they see 2 green card applications under the same name ? Is this a good move that I am about to make ?

Please advice !
Sincerely appreciate your insights !
Welcome back Aprlc2002

Welcome back, Aprlc2002. Let not barking dogs phase you. You are one that can inject reality check in our BEC journey rife with speculation. Let us know the good, bad, and ugly news - hopefully it is mostly of the first kind.
justdoit said:
Do you mean ALL 2001/2002 cases? including both regional and SWA cases?

I dont know anything abt rir, non-rir etc. What she told me was all 01 and 02 cases who recieved 45 day letter will be certified in next couple of months. This is the same i heard from our attroney. Please dont shoot with any more questions. I dont have any inside source. I'm just sharing with what i heard.
What happens with 2003 and 2004 cases?

So if the information is correct and all the 2001 & 2002 cases will be certified by end of this year, what will happen to 2003 and 2004 cases.

Will they follow the same speed for those approvals or they will be screened in a much greater detail?

Do they have a timeline for 2003/2004 cases?

My PD is 02/2004. When can I expect to see my labor certified? How long will the wait be before I can file I-485?
Answers for all questions

I summaried the following info for people who have same questions. It is not offical info from anywhere, just my personal opinion.

1. If you have not received your 45 day letter yet. I assume you are from NY, MD, NJ ... PBEC has not started mailing 45 day letters for those PD 2002 at SWA level.

You don't need worry but you need ask your lawyer or employer to call PBEC and get you a T case number. This can make sure you are in the queue at least.

2. If you want to switch to PERM.
Wait till early October 2005. In the middle of 9/2005, we will know whether visa number is available or not. Bythe end of 9/2005, we should get update from PBEC. We expect they can finish all data entry and ready to send out 45 day letters for all.

3. If you have P case number, your PD is 2002 and your case was in region before.
You will get certified by the 4th quarter of this year
lc410485gc said:
I summaried the following info for people who have same questions. It is not offical info from anywhere, just my personal opinion.

1. If you have not received your 45 day letter yet. I assume you are from NY, MD, NJ ... PBEC has not started mailing 45 day letters for those PD 2002 at SWA level.

You don't need worry but you need ask your lawyer or employer to call PBEC and get you a T case number. This can make sure you are in the queue at least.

2. If you want to switch to PERM.
Wait till early October 2005. In the middle of 9/2005, we will know whether visa number is available or not. Bythe end of 9/2005, we should get update from PBEC. We expect they can finish all data entry and ready to send out 45 day letters for all.

3. If you have P case number, your PD is 2002 and your case was in region before.
You will get certified by the 4th quarter of this year
I haven't received 45 days letter yet. and I filed my labor from Boston Jan,2003
Case Status = Final Review


As I see few applicants have received there case status as 'Final Review'.
Does anyone know, how long does it stay in this queue? I searched this forum in/out; I didn't see anyone predicted the time spent on each queue. If some of us get involved and do some homework perhaps we can come up with some approximate numbers?


contact the backlog office 08182005

hi, all,

I contacted the BEC philly today and this lady clarifies some things for me:

1. cases are processed according to Priority Date only, regardless of whether you case was in regional office or not before.

2. they have no estimate for when they will process what. so far they are processing 2001 cases

3. once the case is sent to BEC, 45 days letter will be issued, upon its reply, they will data entry the case. It does to mean your case will be processed first if you get it early. Again, only PD counts.

God bless us all.

You can see this lady was very political. What she said is exactly same as DOL claimed back in the beginning of the year. She just virtually said "no comment other than previous press release".

yinghe0101 said:
hi, all,

I contacted the BEC philly today and this lady clarifies some things for me:

1. cases are processed according to Priority Date only, regardless of whether you case was in regional office or not before.

2. they have no estimate for when they will process what. so far they are processing 2001 cases

3. once the case is sent to BEC, 45 days letter will be issued, upon its reply, they will data entry the case. It does to mean your case will be processed first if you get it early. Again, only PD counts.

God bless us all.

very grim outlook from my lawyer ...

I tried to call "Rosylin" in PBEC as suggested by many, but she refused to talk to me and asked me to ask my lawyer to call her. I called up my lawyer and as always he gave very grim outlook. :(

As per him, he spoke to some senior guy and accroding to him it is still a mess. Although some people have been allocated to the approval process majority is still busy with data entry. He is saying he has plenty of Apr/May'01 RIR cases where he has not even got 45-day letter(I found it hard to believe). He does not know when can I get my approval. As per him contacting company got the project by giving false numbers (my lawyer's firm also tried to get this contract) and now they are trying to make as much money as possible. :mad:

All in all he crushed all the hopes that were build up by positive news and predictions in this forum ...I need sugar :(

yinghe0101 said:
hi, all,

I contacted the BEC philly today and this lady clarifies some things for me:

1. cases are processed according to Priority Date only, regardless of whether you case was in regional office or not before.

2. they have no estimate for when they will process what. so far they are processing 2001 cases

3. once the case is sent to BEC, 45 days letter will be issued, upon its reply, they will data entry the case. It does to mean your case will be processed first if you get it early. Again, only PD counts.

God bless us all.

'Information' from lawyers (except a few scruplous ones) needs to be taken with a pinch or two of salt. Sugar will only give you diabetes.

atyagi73 said:
All in all he crushed all the hopes that were build up by positive news and predictions in this forum ...I need sugar :(
Confirmed.. approved on Aug 11th and recieved on Aug 18th.,

I send another mail to H1B7YR@PHI.DFLC.US yesterday midnight
and recived reply today just now I checked..
Now the Case status is showing
Case Status: CERTIFIED
previously it was RIR

I will update once lawyer receive approved certificstion in mail..

My PD is Oct 30,2001
45 day letter recived and replied in March 2005 last week

ETA Case Number:
Priority Date:

Processing Type:
Case Source:

Good weekend to all

god bless you ALL!!
seprate Forum for 2001/2002 approvals


Since we are getting both good and not so good information from various sources. its hard to say anything for sure until we reach to Oct.

In the meantime, we need to post any apporvals as soon as its available.
JW is doing tremendous job of keeping the tracker upto date. However I feel if we have 4 seprate Forums for 2001 & 2002 RIR /NON RIR cases(and subsequently for 2003 and 2004 cases) it be more real time since people tend to post their info directly on forum. Probably that way we can ease up some burden off JW also (not that he is complaning)

PD: 12/20/02 EB3/RIR/PA
RD: 08/11/03
45DL RECEIVED: 12/04
45DL REPLIED: 1/05