Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Thanks. That sounds pretty upbeat.

Did she offer more details about the estimate? RIR/non-RIR queue, etc?

cherrygums said:
Sorry! she means " processing or adjudicate " Year 2003 by end of the year :p
I think all this has less to do with economy and more with social security. they are already projecting social security will go bankrupt soon with more money going out than coming in. so what is the best solution to avoid that? get high skilled workers from overseas (so called aliens), get them to contribute to social security and before they become eligible for any benefits in return, pack them back to their home country (most H1 workers will become eligible for social security benefits after contributing atleast for 10 yrs. if you work here for say 9 yrs 11 months, and contribute hundreds of thousands of dolars to social security, you dont get a penny back). they are probably hoping that ifthey continue to delay processing of green cards, a portion of these poor suckers will eventually leave before completing 10 yrs.

USCISisMockery said:
Thats quite funny, now this nuthouse will come up with "continuation" letters. They are already planning to data enter twice. Initially you will get temporary number then they will go back and issue permanent number.

Guys, seriously I smell something is goofing up at DOL. Till now I was just being passimistic so that we all are prepared for the worst. But now it looks like DOL is really upto something that can delay labors certificates.

One reason, it seems like, white house wants to delay applications so that they can make educated decision: if economy is good till 2006-2007, they will process all the files instantly, if not they will start issuing RFEs and let employer extend our H1s till they need us desperately.

So if economy starts showing strength by end of this year, we should see approvals as planned, otherwise we are doomed.

Its upto us if we want to play defence or be prepared for the worse and make sure we are not fooled by this conspiracy, if there is any.

what do you guys think about this theory ?

As always, these are my opinions. Its mere stupidity acting on it without your judgements. And I am not responsible for that.
Thats the millon $$$ question ...when the the BECs started at the same time...why are the cases at PBEC still not moving? For all you know they may be smoking weed and laughing at our plight....thats my guess.

Believe me...we are all frustrated...but our hands are tied..

Heres hoping we can all cheer each other up....POP!!!

VAGCwaiting said:

I'm with you. It just frustrate me that both centers have same amount of cases and it's a whole world of difference on approvals. We even seen some 03 cases been approved by Dallas BEC. Another thing is, philly knew that Dallas processes cases faster and yet they're not improving !!!!!!!!

They are giving all kind of excuses such as computer problem. I wonder why Dallas didn't have this problem. Aren't they use the same computer system ???? :mad:
Question for aprlc2002

aprlc2002 said:
Lucky you... :) I wish you all the best

Dear arplc2002, Can you please give me some indication reg. my case..... I have a RIR LC case with PD of Dec 2001 from SFO moved to PBEC and recd 45 day letter on Feb 21st, replied the same on Feb 23rd... No indication so far.... Can you please find out where exactly the Q is and what is a realisitic date for me.... I know the wait is killing for all of us.. At present, you seem to be giving us the most accurate info. Thanks once again
ybnyk said:
Anybody got their 7th year visa stamping in India (or any other country)? I appreciate your feed back and risk assesment.

I went for my 7th year to India. In India my regional center was Chennai, but since it did not have any appts, went to Delhi... It was a piece of cake... Absolutely no questions... The passports after stamping arrived after 10 days though.. It seems they have increased the time for visa stamping and sending the passports
rxs_1234 said:
I went for my 7th year to India. In India my regional center was Chennai, but since it did not have any appts, went to Delhi... It was a piece of cake... Absolutely no questions... The passports after stamping arrived after 10 days though.. It seems they have increased the time for visa stamping and sending the passports
Hi rxs_1234,
Thanks for your reply. Nice to know this. I am bit relieved.
Rajel said:
That's a really good article. At the very least, people are now aware how painful this process has become.
have a great week-end !

That article says that 80% cases have been entered in the database. How true is that?
may be in sept.

rxs_1234 said:
Dear arplc2002, Can you please give me some indication reg. my case..... I have a RIR LC case with PD of Dec 2001 from SFO moved to PBEC and recd 45 day letter on Feb 21st, replied the same on Feb 23rd... No indication so far.... Can you please find out where exactly the Q is and what is a realisitic date for me.... I know the wait is killing for all of us.. At present, you seem to be giving us the most accurate info. Thanks once again

Hi I strongly believe you can expect your LC adjudication sometime in Sep end or first weeek of Oct.
Dear aprlc2002,
My case is RIR October 2002 and made it to regional office before being shipped to PBEC. Is there an estimated time for my application?
Rajel said:

That's a really good article. At the very least, people are now aware how painful this process has become.
have a great week-end !

Hi Please respond to post with appreciation e-mails and request for more coverage. Reader's response really matters to continue the coverage on this topic. Convery your thanks to post and the reporter covered the story and send your comments/questions. There is possibility that post will visit Philli Backlog center for a detailed coverage of Backlog efforts, post will get chace to ask our questions.

Some one in the forum was asking about the status of news coverage efforts on this issue, see this is the progress and do your part please.

- rsiv
Speak out

I will write to Ms.Chao and MD senators about my frustration for the long waiting and attached this excellent article.

What is Ms.Chao's email address, I will choose to speak out even if they reply me as an automatic message.
Philadelphia BACKLOG Phone?

It’s already passed 120 days from responding to "45" day letter.
Is there any phone number in Philadelphia Backlog center which is the most effective on obtaining information about my case status?
Thanks in advance.
rsiv said:
Hi Please respond to post with appreciation e-mails and request for more coverage. Reader's response really matters to continue the coverage on this topic. Convery your thanks to post and the reporter covered the story and send your comments/questions. There is possibility that post will visit Philli Backlog center for a detailed coverage of Backlog efforts, post will get chace to ask our questions.

Some one in the forum was asking about the status of news coverage efforts on this issue, see this is the progress and do your part please.

- rsiv
I think this article is NOT on our side.
luckylucky said:
I think this article is NOT on our side.

I think it is. Here is what I gather out of this article:

- shows that th government is at fault:

"Government officials say the wait has been too long for most of the immigrant workers hoping for their green cards. The oldest case is from August 1998."

- shows that the process has broken down at some point:

"... multi-layered process that could have had some waiting as long as six more years. ... Before the backlog accumulated, immigration attorneys say, labor certification generally took 30 to 90 days."

- shows that despite claims from DOL they haven't put enough ressources to the task at hand:

"Besides 10 federal workers, the remaining staff of 100 work for Exceed Corp., the company that successfully bid for the backlog contract."

- highlight the fact that no news are coming out of PBPC:

"Most difficult, the immigrants and their advocates say, has been the lack of communication from the Department of Labor about their status. Is their folder in a box that has even been opened? Is it in the data-entry process? Is their employer's address being verified, their pay being analyzed?"

- also points out the cost incurred by companies and employees because of the backlog:

"Employers say the backlog also has become expensive. After six years, companies with employees who have been on an H-1B visa must apply for extensions -- and pay the associated legal and filing fees -- every year while the green card is being processed."

- and last but not least explains that we have become modern slaves in order to remain in this country:

"His reality might seem incongruous with an immigration policy that mandates that these green cards are employer-driven, but many immigrants do end up paying for their passage to permanent residency"

To conclude I would say that this article paint a pretty good portrait of our daily life and struggle. It gives the opportunity to every Washington Post reader to understand what the legal immigration process is like; that it is not a simple process where foreigner just come in and take american jobs away.

Now if this article is not on our side luckylucky, I would like you to demonstarte why :D
MDwatch said:
I think it is. Here is what I gather out of this article:

- shows that th government is at fault:

"Government officials say the wait has been too long for most of the immigrant workers hoping for their green cards. The oldest case is from August 1998."

- shows that the process has broken down at some point:

"... multi-layered process that could have had some waiting as long as six more years. ... Before the backlog accumulated, immigration attorneys say, labor certification generally took 30 to 90 days."

- shows that despite claims from DOL they haven't put enough ressources to the task at hand:

"Besides 10 federal workers, the remaining staff of 100 work for Exceed Corp., the company that successfully bid for the backlog contract."

- highlight the fact that no news are coming out of PBPC:

"Most difficult, the immigrants and their advocates say, has been the lack of communication from the Department of Labor about their status. Is their folder in a box that has even been opened? Is it in the data-entry process? Is their employer's address being verified, their pay being analyzed?"

- also points out the cost incurred by companies and employees because of the backlog:

"Employers say the backlog also has become expensive. After six years, companies with employees who have been on an H-1B visa must apply for extensions -- and pay the associated legal and filing fees -- every year while the green card is being processed."

- and last but not least explains that we have become modern slaves in order to remain in this country:

"His reality might seem incongruous with an immigration policy that mandates that these green cards are employer-driven, but many immigrants do end up paying for their passage to permanent residency"

To conclude I would say that this article paint a pretty good portrait of our daily life and struggle. It gives the opportunity to every Washington Post reader to understand what the legal immigration process is like; that it is not a simple process where foreigner just come in and take american jobs away.

Now if this article is not on our side luckylucky, I would like you to demonstarte why :D
You may be right to point out those points that supports us. But still there are lots of excuses from the DOL side and this articles also wrote lot about that. Don't forget the readers for this articles are not familar with our situation. They are just regular U.S. civilians, glancing at this article on their subway to work or during their coffee break. If you don't believe what I said, give this article to an American friend who never heard of DOL and has college education and ask him/her what he thinks of it after glancing it.
On another hand, what a senator who ever heard of DOL think of it after reading this article? Man, I have no idea.
State RIR cases received 45 day letter .. replied

will the state RIR cases received 45 day letter and replied processed along with regional cases or not?
when can I expect my case apporval ?
PD Oct 30,2001
45 day letter received and replied in end of march