Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

:) Congratulations Spidey! :)

I’m really happy for you.

Best regards,


spidey said:
Hello everyone.

I have good news. My lawyer just called and told me she received my approved labor certification in the mail.

Here's my info:

PD Apr 2002
TR completed supervised recruiting Nov 2003
RD Apr 2004
ETA # 04279-XXXXX
45 day letter Recd 22 Feb 2005
replied March 8 2005.
Was Phila Regional case when it went to BPEC

YAHOOO I am going to celebrate tonight :D
Applied Georgia State DOL Nov 2002 (TR)

eefrog said:
Hi kandavas,
Yes, I did receive a 45 day letter. My case was in the atlanta regional DOL before it got sent to the PBEC.
Receieved 45 day letter around 2nd week of Feb., replied the same week. Havent heard anything on it since then. Hope this helps you out.

Thanks for the update. Mine is still in Georgia State DOL when it got moved to PBEC last December. From your update, it looks like the ones in regional DOL will get preference first and then they may process the ones in State. Any Comments !
Congrats Spidey. It seems they are giving priority to EB2 now.

spidey said:
State was PA
Also, I am convinced my theory was right. For those of you who care, here it is:

People who qualify within these parameters will start seeing approvals:
1. Your PD is within the range of PD's that PBEC claims to be processing
2. You case was a Philla Regional case before the PBEC was created
3. You responded accurately and completely to the 45 day letter around March 2005.

Also my case was EB2 - I think I forgot to mention this in the case details earlier.
Good luck guys and gals -- I hope and pray more of you will see this day soon.
Please raise the issue Philly center is way behind Dallas, especially in handling comparable CA cases.

Progress in Dallas shows that there is no major technical hurdle in Backlong Reduction itself. The lag-behind of Philly could only be explained by their bureaucracy and inefficiency, which is in detriment of the interest of Congressman Bob Filner's consituency and diservice to the tax-payer.


a_to_z_gc said:

I got a call from the local CA congressman Bob Filner about my oline posting regarding the slowness in BECs.

He has asked me to meet him on Monday.I am going to give him my two cents on behalf of all of you about this red-tapism.

Shall let you know what he says...

Keep up the movement guys!! Do whatever you can to continue with this momentum.Don't stop and despair...
This is awesome news Spidey. Congratulations! And your approval confirms that they are processing April 2002. Hope that they reach 2003 april soon as well...Good luck with next steps as well.

spidey said:
Hello everyone.

I have good news. My lawyer just called and told me she received my approved labor certification in the mail.

Here's my info:

PD Apr 2002
TR completed supervised recruiting Nov 2003
RD Apr 2004
ETA # 04279-XXXXX
45 day letter Recd 22 Feb 2005
replied March 8 2005.
Was Phila Regional case when it went to BPEC

YAHOOO I am going to celebrate tonight :D
maybe they do have a FIFO...

dcmetro22042 said:
This is awesome news Spidey. Congratulations! And your approval confirms that they are processing April 2002. Hope that they reach 2003 april soon as well...Good luck with next steps as well.
Congrats Spidey!!!!

What I don't understand is how some RIR 2003/04 cases are receiving 45 day letters when they say only 2001 is being processed.

Hope we all get our LC soonnnnnnnnnnn

spidey said:
Hello everyone.

I have good news. My lawyer just called and told me she received my approved labor certification in the mail.

Here's my info:

PD Apr 2002
TR completed supervised recruiting Nov 2003
RD Apr 2004
ETA # 04279-XXXXX
45 day letter Recd 22 Feb 2005
replied March 8 2005.
Was Phila Regional case when it went to BPEC

YAHOOO I am going to celebrate tonight :D

congrats spidey!! all the best with next steps!!!!
Alright, just got an email back from the Philly BEC with screenshot. Case status says 'TR', which makes sense since my PD is April end 2003.
congratulations spidey. Thanks for the great inputs to this forum. Enjoy the success of your patience!!
dcmetro22042 said:
Alright, just got an email back from the Philly BEC with screenshot. Case status says 'TR', which makes sense since my PD is April end 2003.


What does 'Case status TR' mean?


spidey said:
State was PA
Also, I am convinced my theory was right. For those of you who care, here it is:

People who qualify within these parameters will start seeing approvals:
1. Your PD is within the range of PD's that PBEC claims to be processing
2. You case was a Philla Regional case before the PBEC was created
3. You responded accurately and completely to the 45 day letter around March 2005.

Also my case was EB2 - I think I forgot to mention this in the case details earlier.
Good luck guys and gals -- I hope and pray more of you will see this day soon.


I am not eligible for #1 as my PD is Jan,2002.

HEartful Congrats Spidy.. U must be missing to see ur mirror today morning (just kidding) , time to celebrate this weekend for three days(including this friday)

Anyways, I just called my lawyer and told that we have a 2002 April PD approval today and what about mine? any Philly updates? etc.
She told that she got no info about 2002 approvals from Philly to their office.
They had the latest Philly approval for PD Dec 2001. She was surprised to know about April 2002 approval in Philly.

Spidy--> can I have your email ID, my lawyer asked few more questions, I may get them clarified from your success :)

--Geeky One

spidey said:
Hello everyone.

I have good news. My lawyer just called and told me she received my approved labor certification in the mail.

Here's my info:

PD Apr 2002
TR completed supervised recruiting Nov 2003
RD Apr 2004
ETA # 04279-XXXXX
45 day letter Recd 22 Feb 2005
replied March 8 2005.
Was Phila Regional case when it went to BPEC

YAHOOO I am going to celebrate tonight :D