Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

I am not sure .... it looks random to me....
my PD is 09/2002 and it is stuck in Philly. while many 09/2002 CA cases have already been certified from Dallas


luckylucky said:
BTW, I think that I saw somewhere that CA regional cases with PD falls in monthes with a even # are in Philly, while odd # monthes went to Dallas. Am I right?
Congrats Spidey !! :)

spidey said:
Hello everyone.

I have good news. My lawyer just called and told me she received my approved labor certification in the mail.

Here's my info:

PD Apr 2002
TR completed supervised recruiting Nov 2003
RD Apr 2004
ETA # 04279-XXXXX
45 day letter Recd 22 Feb 2005
replied March 8 2005.
Was Phila Regional case when it went to BPEC

YAHOOO I am going to celebrate tonight :D
Congrats Spidey!!

Congrats Spidey!!
Finally one of our members got the Certification !!!
Thank you very much for all the valuable information you gave us.
PD April 25, 2001
Reach Regional: Dec 2004
45 days letter : March 7
45 days letter : Response March 19
Only reference I found when you need to withdraw the existing one where job is identical (same job title, job location, job requirement and job description) and you want to use the old priority date.

vivekjain57 said:
Jaiatl, I am thinking on the same lines too. I asked my lawyer and she told me that it is possible to have 2 different applications going at the same time. My application in Phily BEC is EB3 RIR. I wan't to do a fresh one under PERM EB2(employer ready) and back track to the old one if PERM gets rejected. One of my friend told me that I will have to withdraw the existing one before filing PERM. Everyone's advice is strongly needed as Phily BEC is taking a hell lot of time.

Choclito said:
Congrats Spidey!!
Finally one of our members got the Certification !!!
Thank you very much for all the valuable information you gave us.
PD April 25, 2001
Reach Regional: Dec 2004
45 days letter : March 7
45 days letter : Response March 19

Chocolito ..are you in RIR or NON-RIR and from which state ? DId it make to regional ?
Congratulations spidey, on getting your Labor Certified!!!!!

I am very happy for you. Finally, a regular contributor of the Philly BEC thread had AWESOME NEWS to report. Wish you best of luck with I-140 and I-485.

I-140 is getting approved within a month these days (See ASHTON_KUTCHER's approval of 140...It was approved in about a month). You may get your GC before the end of 2005.

Best of luck!
It means no FIFO

Choclito said:
State DC , NON RIR, yes i made it to reginoal on December 2004 :)
I think your case defies the theory of FIFO :confused: Non RIR queue has been reached o Apr'02 cases the ones which have made it to regional...right ?
atyagi73 said:
I think your case defies the theory of FIFO :confused: Non RIR queue has been reached o Apr'02 cases the ones which have made it to regional...right ?

I hace seven friends whos PD is also April 01, NON RIR made it to regional on Oct 04 , they have reply the 45 day letter on March 2005 and they have not recived the Certification yet .... there is no FIFO :(
Congratulations Spidey!

It is good to see members belonging to this forum getting certifications.

Good luck for the next stages, spidey.
My Details

Type - EB2 RIR
PD at CA - 05/13/03
Transfer - Philly Backlog center
45 day letter - 02/08/05
replied back -02/16/05

I hope the processing picks up in next few months

Confirm 45-day Letter

Hi Everyone,
Is there any way to know if the response of my 45-day letter has been received by Philly Backlog center. By internet? By phone call? Thanks a lot.
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Phily Backlog Case Tracking Number

Hey GUys

My GC application was filed from Boston in APril 2004. In May 2005 I received a letter from the INS, and they have given me a case tracking number. I called the Philadelphia Backlog Center and they said i should wait 3 months before i can track my application. Any idea if that has started ? I didnt receive the 45 day letter. Has anyone started receiving this 45 day letter ? Any suggestions please?

do Anybody know how many LC pending (Per Year) in BEC. I know that total are 340000 and out of those, 40000 are from 2005
In my opionion, it should be like this..

Apr 2001 : Approximately 50000 ( Other workers..EB3)
May 2001 to Dec 2001.. 40000
Year 2002 : 70000
Year 2003 : 70000
Year 2004 : 70000
Year 2005 ( till Mar 2005). 40000

Let me know what do u think guys.
We still need to wait...

My PD is May 2002 - CA RIR- and I got stuck in Philly too. Does any one know when Philly will start processing 2002 RIR cases?

schmooze said:
I am not sure .... it looks random to me....
my PD is 09/2002 and it is stuck in Philly. while many 09/2002 CA cases have already been certified from Dallas


Congrats Spidey for the great news !! You have been a great contributor to this forum and hope your next stages will pass through seamlessly.

For rest of the folks of this forum... keep the momentum up for contacting any congressmen, senators etc. to appeal our cause. PBEC has been pretty sluggish compared to DBEC and it is not fair for the folks who have been waiting for the past 4 years to see some light to the Labor Tunnel.

I am also stuck in Phily ... just wait another 6 more months ,
I expected somethiing should happen around 2/2006 ....

Anand_Mishra said:
don't die. :p Wait time min 6 more months.
I like it!

I think this is a very good estimate. I like it because it is
simple. It doesn't matter if you are off 10-20000 cases here
and there. Let me go further, they said they will need
30 months to process the whole backlog load, you can
roughly estimate 10000 cases a month. You have roughly
200 people processing 10,000 cases it is 50 cases a person per
month. Given that the actual number of people invloved in
analyzing the cases is smaller, this is overall a good estimate.

Someone mentioned that they should get through Apr 2001
by September. So let me come up with the time table.

Apr 2001 : Approximately 50000 by end of September 2005
May 2001 to Dec 2001.. 40000 by end of January 2006
Year 2002 : 70000 by end of August 2007
Year 2003 : 70000 by end of March 2008
Year 2004 : 70000 by end of October 2008
Year 2005 ( till Mar 2005). 40000 by end of February 2009

However the cases later on may get processed faster due to
staff learning to work more efficient and also less overhead with
45-day letters that should be all received back by end of this year.
So the times after January 2005 may be significantly shorter than
the table shows.

Looking at this I am seriously considering PERM... :)

my2cents said:
do Anybody know how many LC pending (Per Year) in BEC. I know that total are 340000 and out of those, 40000 are from 2005
In my opionion, it should be like this..

Apr 2001 : Approximately 50000 ( Other workers..EB3)
May 2001 to Dec 2001.. 40000
Year 2002 : 70000
Year 2003 : 70000
Year 2004 : 70000
Year 2005 ( till Mar 2005). 40000

Let me know what do u think guys.