Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

RIR & PERM simultaneously by the same employer


After deeply disappointed by Philadelphia BRC approval rate, I am leaning towards filing PERM in parallel to already pending RIR. I do not want to loose reaming hairs waiting for next two year at Philadelphia BRC. Here is my hypothesis

I have pending RIR from TN with priority date Sept 2003 for Programmer Analyst. Now I take promotion to manager and file second PERM labor certification for manager position without withdrawing pending RIR for Programmer Analyst. If some problem with PERM, I come back to old Programmer Analyst job and use the old RIR.

I could not find any rule, which forbids filing two LC for same person for different position simultaneously by the same employer. It only forbids filing RIR and PERM for same position simultaneously by the same employer.

Do you guys and gals see any issues with this?
what is on your screen shot from PBEC?

a friend got it saying: waiting processing.

I know someone received it with status : "incomplete"; someone got it even "certified".

what do you guys get?
Here is a good idea!

In addition to all above suggested.,
I have a simple suggestion to get our surrounding public attention on this Backlog labor issue..

We need to write a one page-- ONLY one Page write up with a strong catchy heading ... How DOL is misusing PUblic funds in the name of Back log,and the problems of LEGAL immigrants with this labor back log ...etc

I think we can utilize the existing letters on letter compaign to write this one.,

Once this is ready and reviewed ... every one who is interested need to take PRINTOUTS of this word document from this site ffrom USCISMockery thread Raise awareness about labor certificate process backlog ..

Place the print out whereever you see a public notice boards..Your work place notice board,
Community Centers,Library Notice Boards,Railway/bus stations,Apartments Laundry rooms,school/colleage notice boards,super makets notice boards whever you think appropriate...

Even you can place a copy in your car window..
we need to post the same message on all public bullition boards on Internet sites...
won't it get some public attention

This is such a good idea. Since it is very doable! Hunger strike and on site demonstration are very catching but very hard to organize. But have the same sign posted all over the country is easy to do. Many people would be more willing to do this.

I have a a little suggestion based on this idea, Why don't we work out a catchy headline and brief message, Say 2-3 sentence. And lets post that in this forum and any other immigration forum. Once we agree on the verbage. We will make a powerpoint or just ms word page. Distribute that page electronically so people can print out. We will ask people to post it on the BACK of THEIR CAR for 1-2 weeks at the same time, of course we can post this on all post board during this period too. Everybody has to do it in the same time frame. So, lets say, On August 1, all of a sudden, all over the country, people see a lot cars on the street has a message posted on the back window saying something like "Stop DOL from wasting tax dollars now..."( I don't know, some really catchy and to the point statement. )

Do you think this will draw some attention? Even media?
Atlanta (Regular Labor)

I applied from Atlanta (Regular Labor) in Nov 2002. Can anyone pl let me know if they have received a 45 day letter for around this timeframe specifically applied in Atlanta.
Nice idea, god_bless_you, can we start a new thread on this.

In addition to all above suggested.,
I have a simple suggestion to get our surrounding public attention on this Backlog labor issue..

We need to write a one page-- ONLY one Page write up with a strong catchy heading ... How DOL is misusing PUblic funds in the name of Back log,and the problems of LEGAL immigrants with this labor back log ...etc

I think we can utilize the existing letters on letter compaign to write this one.,

Once this is ready and reviewed ... every one who is interested need to take PRINTOUTS of this word document from this site ffrom USCISMockery thread Raise awareness about labor certificate process backlog ..

Place the print out whereever you see a public notice boards..Your work place notice board,
Community Centers,Library Notice Boards,Railway/bus stations,Apartments Laundry rooms,school/colleage notice boards,super makets notice boards whever you think appropriate...

Even you can place a copy in your car window..
we need to post the same message on all public bullition boards on Internet sites...
won't it get some public attention

Hey GodblessYou, nice idea, please start a new thread and request moderator to make it sticky, I am in, but not very good in writing catchy words (I think that explain what I am doing in software).

Guyz, we can really do it, even its good for those who wants to be anyonymus.
Jaiatl said:

After deeply disappointed by Philadelphia BRC approval rate, I am leaning towards filing PERM in parallel to already pending RIR. I do not want to loose reaming hairs waiting for next two year at Philadelphia BRC. Here is my hypothesis

I have pending RIR from TN with priority date Sept 2003 for Programmer Analyst. Now I take promotion to manager and file second PERM labor certification for manager position without withdrawing pending RIR for Programmer Analyst. If some problem with PERM, I come back to old Programmer Analyst job and use the old RIR.

I could not find any rule, which forbids filing two LC for same person for different position simultaneously by the same employer. It only forbids filing RIR and PERM for same position simultaneously by the same employer.

Do you guys and gals see any issues with this?

Jaiatl, I am thinking on the same lines too. I asked my lawyer and she told me that it is possible to have 2 different applications going at the same time. My application in Phily BEC is EB3 RIR. I wan't to do a fresh one under PERM EB2(employer ready) and back track to the old one if PERM gets rejected. One of my friend told me that I will have to withdraw the existing one before filing PERM. Everyone's advice is strongly needed as Phily BEC is taking a hell lot of time.
check this out.

well, if we do it just display it may not be very effective.

lets say we need attract media and it should be in different way so that it catches everyone. since we are so spread all over the country we need to do all over at the same time frame and effectively and don't need to come out of work or take leave or do protest or somthing which can attract some legal issues and it will be only in philly or some where else. so what we can do is

1.list all major media gaints and local papers, tv and radios
2.prepare a letter and agree on language and mail at the same time
3.wear a band or a tape and a Hunger strike ( i am suggesting this since huger strike make some differences)
4.we also need to post this in our own communities (who are in ths same boat) by sending emails, posting on the net what ever it takes.
5.we need to create a task force our selves. make some calls etc..
6. prepare our own stories so that we can share readly with others who ever contact us may be media or others.

please put up your ideas.

VAhoper said:
This is such a good idea. Since it is very doable! Hunger strike and on site demonstration are very catching but very hard to organize. But have the same sign posted all over the country is easy to do. Many people would be more willing to do this.

I have a a little suggestion based on this idea, Why don't we work out a catchy headline and brief message, Say 2-3 sentence. And lets post that in this forum and any other immigration forum. Once we agree on the verbage. We will make a powerpoint or just ms word page. Distribute that page electronically so people can print out. We will ask people to post it on the BACK of THEIR CAR for 1-2 weeks at the same time, of course we can post this on all post board during this period too. Everybody has to do it in the same time frame. So, lets say, On August 1, all of a sudden, all over the country, people see a lot cars on the street has a message posted on the back window saying something like "Stop DOL from wasting tax dollars now..."( I don't know, some really catchy and to the point statement. )

Do you think this will draw some attention? Even media?
Applied from atlanta in Oct. 2003

Hi kandavas,
Yes, I did receive a 45 day letter. My case was in the atlanta regional DOL before it got sent to the PBEC.
Receieved 45 day letter around 2nd week of Feb., replied the same week. Havent heard anything on it since then. Hope this helps you out.
anybody know when I can see August bulletin

Just Curious to know when DOL publish August 2005 bulletin? Any one have any idea?

too many ideas, no action

I see too many ideas, not much action. Any action is better than one thousand ideas. Now who will tie the bell to the cat's neck? NOT me... but I have a better idea... :D

manju1968 said:
well, if we do it just display it may not be very effective.

lets say we need attract media and it should be in different way so that it catches everyone. since we are so spread all over the country we need to do all over at the same time frame and effectively and don't need to come out of work or take leave or do protest or somthing which can attract some legal issues and it will be only in philly or some where else. so what we can do is

1.list all major media gaints and local papers, tv and radios
2.prepare a letter and agree on language and mail at the same time
3.wear a band or a tape and a Hunger strike ( i am suggesting this since huger strike make some differences)
4.we also need to post this in our own communities (who are in ths same boat) by sending emails, posting on the net what ever it takes.
5.we need to create a task force our selves. make some calls etc..
6. prepare our own stories so that we can share readly with others who ever contact us may be media or others.

please put up your ideas.
RahulatDC said:
Hey GodblessYou, nice idea, please start a new thread and request moderator to make it sticky, I am in, but not very good in writing catchy words (I think that explain what I am doing in software).

Guyz, we can really do it, even its good for those who wants to be anyonymus.

Already we have a thread for Raise awareness on labor backlog
bu USCISisMockery and we utilize it as it already have letters and contacts etc..
Meeting Congressman Bob Filner


I got a call from the local CA congressman Bob Filner about my oline posting regarding the slowness in BECs.

He has asked me to meet him on Monday.I am going to give him my two cents on behalf of all of you about this red-tapism.

Shall let you know what he says...

Keep up the movement guys!! Do whatever you can to continue with this momentum.Don't stop and despair...
Good going, congrats

What online posting are you referring to? Could you please share the URL with the forum?
Labor Approved

Hello everyone.

I have good news. My lawyer just called and told me she received my approved labor certification in the mail.

Here's my info:

PD Apr 2002
TR completed supervised recruiting Nov 2003
RD Apr 2004
ETA # 04279-XXXXX
45 day letter Recd 22 Feb 2005
replied March 8 2005.
Was Phila Regional case when it went to BPEC

YAHOOO I am going to celebrate tonight :D
Congratulations !!!!!!!!!

spidey said:
Hello everyone.

I have good news. My lawyer just called and told me she received my approved labor certification in the mail.

Here's my info:

PD Apr 2002
TR completed supervised recruiting Nov 2003
RD Apr 2004
ETA # 04279-XXXXX
45 day letter Recd 22 Feb 2005
replied March 8 2005.
Was Phila Regional case when it went to BPEC

YAHOOO I am going to celebrate tonight :D

Congrates dude will be missed here though. Which state you filed from ?
here is what my friend received from PBEC

can someone interprete this for my friend:

"This is in response to your inquiry on your pending application for
Labor Employment Certification.


Dear Employer:

This is in response to your inquiry regarding the pending Application
Alien Employment Certification. Your application on behalf of abc xyz
filed with the State Workforce Agency (local office) on 11/02/2001.
application is waiting processing.

Current processing information can be obtained by visiting our website


Certifying Officer"

rirlaborCT said:
I received screen shot from PBEC today. I got response from Phily after 3 weeks.
My case number is T05153-51***
My case is a SWA with PD of JULY'2003.
In the screen shot case status is Incomplete.
Did anyone got case status as Incomplete???
Please respond..
State was PA
Also, I am convinced my theory was right. For those of you who care, here it is:

People who qualify within these parameters will start seeing approvals:
1. Your PD is within the range of PD's that PBEC claims to be processing
2. You case was a Philla Regional case before the PBEC was created
3. You responded accurately and completely to the 45 day letter around March 2005.

Also my case was EB2 - I think I forgot to mention this in the case details earlier.
Good luck guys and gals -- I hope and pray more of you will see this day soon.


Time to celebrate.
Good Luck for the next stages.

spidey said:
Hello everyone.

I have good news. My lawyer just called and told me she received my approved labor certification in the mail.

Here's my info:

PD Apr 2002
TR completed supervised recruiting Nov 2003
RD Apr 2004
ETA # 04279-XXXXX
45 day letter Recd 22 Feb 2005
replied March 8 2005.
Was Phila Regional case when it went to BPEC

YAHOOO I am going to celebrate tonight :D
spidey said:
Hello everyone.

I have good news. My lawyer just called and told me she received my approved labor certification in the mail.

Congrats Spidey !!!! We are so happy for you you have been such a support of this forum we wish you the very best for the next stages :D