Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking


I am so tired of seeing other news / discussions here...
Gentlemen and Ladies no offense to anyone intended... of course I understand everyone has to ask and/or answer something... alls i am saying is.. I am so tired of seeing all this.. WHEN oh When will we see approvals.

Sometimes I wish my application was denied so I culd bloody hell move on....
Economic sabotage


as President Bush said, we are at the state of war. And what DOL does is called, in military terms, "economic sabotage" .

There are 300000 applications, i.e. 300000 highly qualified workers who pay taxes.

If average IT salary is $70000, then $30000 is paid in taxes. It means that we, slaves of DOL delays pay 9 billion annualy.

We came here legally, we took niche which was not taken by Americans, we want to live here and pay this 9 annual billion. But DOL does everything to make us leave the country which needs us. DOL does everything to make us call our friends who live in homeland and tell them "Don't come here. America will not respect your contribution".

Thus, DOL intentionaly or unintentionaly goes agains national interests.

Well, there are other countries which want us.

Thank you, DOL for f$%%$% us up.
Spidey and All,

I feel the same way. I try not to think about my pending LC application, but then one way or another somebody (few friends, who are perturbed like me) brings up this topic to yank me down and put me through this emotional turmoil. I hope the whole thing in the near future.

Hoping for the Best!


spidey said:
I am so tired of seeing other news / discussions here...
Gentlemen and Ladies no offense to anyone intended... of course I understand everyone has to ask and/or answer something... alls i am saying is.. I am so tired of seeing all this.. WHEN oh When will we see approvals.

Sometimes I wish my application was denied so I culd bloody hell move on....
Repeating again

I told this earlier and i am telling this again.

Don't think, Don't wait for fu**** LC. Instead of wasting our energy, time, money we should start thinking smartly.

Instead of spending money, start saving each and every penny. Most of us came here to make money. Try to convert those $$$ into your local currency before the value goes down. Never go any restaurants, never buy any new clothes, never go to amusement parks, don't fly or drive unnecessarily etc. SAVE SAVE SAVE before we are thrown out of this country.

If you make 70K per annum, by the time you blink your eyes you will have huge savings in your bank account.

I already started doing this. What about you?
I concur with you and I’m doing the same.

whatheheck said:
I told this earlier and i am telling this again.

Don't think, Don't wait for fu**** LC. Instead of wasting our energy, time, money we should start thinking smartly.

Instead of spending money, start saving each and every penny. Most of us came here to make money. Try to convert those $$$ into your local currency before the value goes down. Never go any restaurants, never buy any new clothes, never go to amusement parks, don't fly or drive unnecessarily etc. SAVE SAVE SAVE before we are thrown out of this country.

If you make 70K per annum, by the time you blink your eyes you will have huge savings in your bank account.

I already started doing this. What about you?
I think that we shall send petition directly to the President and Defence Secretary with copy of it to major national newspapers.

They will hear.
Excuse my French

ragster1 said:

...But what the hell does border security has to do with the H-1B visa program? Does Mr. David Dreier (the republican quoted) even KNOW what H-1B is??? You gotta get the damn thing before you even make it to the border, you A hole. Plus, in case you don't know, the H-1B visa program is exclusive to SKILLED labor -- which means college degree!

I hate ignorant people!!!!
keepingfaith said:
...But what the hell does border security has to do with the H-1B visa program? Does Mr. David Dreier (the republican quoted) even KNOW what H-1B is??? You gotta get the damn thing before you even make it to the border, you A hole. Plus, in case you don't know, the H-1B visa program is exclusive to SKILLED labor -- which means college degree!

I hate ignorant people!!!!

Oh, by the way, Ragster 1, when I said "you" I was referring to the republican dude quoted in the article! :) Not you per se!

Just to clarify!
Orissa, Tomshu, Akela , Icarus

Hello friends,
Please can you use your hot lines so we can have an update about the aprovvals :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
wishful thinking... on a lighter note!

I have been following so many members case histories over the last few months especially after the BECs came into action.

And it's simply BS ridiculous that some of us have had to wait 4+ years for a frikkin LC.

If I had the powers to pass a bill, here's what I would propose.

Any ALIEN (does that mean we are from Mars or something???) who has been employed here in the USofA and paid taxes for the last 5 years AND has had an LC pending for over 3 years should be granted a Green Card.
NO QUESTIONS asked. Just present past 5 W2s / paystubs / LC application.
You get your GC. PERIOD

What say??

wanna elect me for president! :)
Just ask a silly question. Say if somebody is in EB2 and apply for PERM now(he never apply LC before). Then his labor will got cleared within 60 days. Can he apply for I140 and I485 together? I now if he is EB3, he can only apply for I140, then how about EB2? If he can apply I485, then he is going to get ahead of us. Man, that is unfair.
luckylucky said:
Just ask a silly question. Say if somebody is in EB2 and apply for PERM now(he never apply LC before). Then his labor will got cleared within 60 days. Can he apply for I140 and I485 together? I now if he is EB3, he can only apply for I140, then how about EB2? If he can apply I485, then he is going to get ahead of us. Man, that is unfair.

Very possible on paper - although everyone is waiting to see how good PERM turns out to be. Unfair, may be , depends on the perspective ;-)
Hear Our Voice

Petition is a way to do.

I posted some other ideas under the following
Labor Certifications-> Raise awareness about labor certificate process backlog

Do we have some other things we can do ?
omnits said:
Petition is a way to do.

I posted some other ideas under the following
Labor Certifications-> Raise awareness about labor certificate process backlog

Do we have some other things we can do ?

Gentlemen and Ladies,

If you are serious about this I have a very effective proposal. I guarantee it'll turn heads but we can't do it if we dont have committment from a serious quantity.
I mean we need at least a 1000 (yes thousand) signatures.

Here's what I propose.

I'll write the letter and WAIT all day one day on a weekend outside the King of Prussia mall at a predesignated spot for each one of you to come and physically sign off on this paper - BUT I want to know we will have numbers and committment - I'd rather not be left standing out there and wasting my day if there's no commitment.

The letter will say:
The Legal Immigrant community is suffering because:

1. Delays with Labor certifications
2. No, absolutely no attention to their needs
3. Unfairness of PERM certifications prior to Backlog certifications
4. Other DOLs moving ahead with certifying applications upto Jun 2004 while Philly DOL cases are in a blackhole.

Then, with at least 1000 signatures, I will mail a copy of this letter to Senators from PA, NJ, VA, MD, NY, MA (and more if you say so) -
Also to the media.
To DOL itself.

I am willing to put my name on the front - this could be foolish on my part but I am SICK of being treated like crap....

There's no way we can be ignored if we get together like this.
I know this will mean most of you will have to drive for hours (if you're coming from VA, MD, NY etc) but I'd like to know there is that kind of commitment if I am going to stand and wait for you to come and sign....

Let me know what you think.
We can start a thread OR document where I'd like to get people's commitment count started, by the end of May we can have these letters on the way iff there's the numbers behind it.

spidey said:
Gentlemen and Ladies,
Let me know what you think.
We can start a thread OR document where I'd like to get people's commitment count started, by the end of May we can have these letters on the way iff there's the numbers behind it.


If you can give exact location I am ready to drive couple of hours from Edison, NJ to KOP, PA just to sign the damn paper. I don't mind driving there if we have enough people doing that. I am in!
