Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking


Your assumption is wrong. My case ( DOL RD of 10/2003) is listed in the FLCdatacenter and my lawyer received the 45 day letter from BEC with reply requested to be returned to BEC. (see my signature below for details).

rsiv said:
It looks like all the cases received in Philly regional office before Dec. 2003, got retained in the regional office. One of my colleagues informed that, all the cases that are shown in the flc data archive are actually opened cases by Philly regional office and they will be processed out side BEC. I am not sure if this is correct, but based on the dates on 45 day letters, it appears that all people whose applications opened by Philly office (recd dt prior to Dec 2003) not received any letters form BEC.

Old devil is safer than new god :). Keep Waiting with more patience. also post if you have any contact information to reach Philly Regional office

For those who were not able find their case details on

try downloading the full 32md archive file, open it in a textpad and search for you case#, employee name, zip etc etc.
Rsiv MD SESA Dt 08/2001
Philly Regional Dt 10/2003
No 45 letter

Here is what I have gleened, but just to answer a previous question - you don't have a DOL Case Number right now because you had not been inputted in to the system when they transferred you to the backlog reduction unit in Philadelpia.

They are processing applications in FIFO order based on your Local Office Date ie when you were filed in Florida - not when you were received by the Department of Labor. They have separated the applications in to 2 tiers. Traditional & RIR Labor Cert so you still get priority.

Their main focus right now is Data Entry for all the cases that have been transferred. Right now they have 60000 cases entered and many more are waiting to be entered. That is all they did until January. At the beginning of January they started sending out the 45 days letters for cases filed prior to 2003. So far they have sent 26,000 letters. I cannot tell yet when I would get one for you, but it's not going to be in the immediate future.

Any processing dates they now have posted on their web site are inaccurate as is the information retrieval system (ie the tone talker with the exception of Boston & New York). They are working on a system right now to give accurate processing dates.

Right now they cannot give accurate information until all the applications are entered which will be later this year.

Hop this information helps. Is it as much as they will give us right now.
hi guys my priority date is 4/2004 from florida and got tranferred to atlanta dol aug ,2004 ( never got receipt and letter)
called my paralegal to check my status and if tranferred to philly ( i have not recieved any letter)
on top in the info she sent . i hope it helps other people
my question--how can i specifically find if my case is in philly ( my paralegal says i have no case number)//???
thanks for input
the one good thing that i see here is that there are separate que for rir /non rir
lalalala said:
Here is what I have gleened, but just to answer a previous question - you don't have a DOL Case Number right now because you had not been inputted in to the system when they transferred you to the backlog reduction unit in Philadelpia.

They are processing applications in FIFO order based on your Local Office Date ie when you were filed in Florida - not when you were received by the Department of Labor. They have separated the applications in to 2 tiers. Traditional & RIR Labor Cert so you still get priority.

Their main focus right now is Data Entry for all the cases that have been transferred. Right now they have 60000 cases entered and many more are waiting to be entered. That is all they did until January. At the beginning of January they started sending out the 45 days letters for cases filed prior to 2003. So far they have sent 26,000 letters. I cannot tell yet when I would get one for you, but it's not going to be in the immediate future.

Any processing dates they now have posted on their web site are inaccurate as is the information retrieval system (ie the tone talker with the exception of Boston & New York). They are working on a system right now to give accurate processing dates.

Right now they cannot give accurate information until all the applications are entered which will be later this year.

Hop this information helps. Is it as much as they will give us right now.
hi guys my priority date is 4/2004 from florida and got tranferred to atlanta dol aug ,2004 ( never got receipt and letter)
called my paralegal to check my status and if tranferred to philly ( i have not recieved any letter)
on top in the info she sent . i hope it helps other people
my question--how can i specifically find if my case is in philly ( my paralegal says i have no case number)//???
thanks for input
the one good thing that i see here is that there are separate que for rir /non rir

well how did u getall this detailed information? what is ur source? and who said there r 2 different queues for rir and Tr. few days ago DOl said this will not be the case. there will be just one queue.
New Jersey Transfer

Any news about transferring of New Jersey cases from State Centers to the Backlog Elimination Centers?.. My lawyer said that so far his office did not receive any of the 45 days notice. Even though my application is filed in the mid of 2004, I know pending NJ cases from May 2002 who did not get the 45 days letter. So, if anybody from NJ gets the 45 days letter, please reply.

my para legal went to a labor cert seminar in san francisco where these details were given.
can i get my case status even when i don"t have a receipt number ,how, which number to call
What number can the lawyer contact for BEC status

Is there s number the lawyer can contact to get the case status from BEC. I applied in May 2002 (RIR) and my 2 - colleagues who work with me and applied in Sept 2002 (RIR) got their letters. They filed through another attorney. Is this going by attorney or what ?
I am getting very concerned now. Any inputs
BEC Letter received

Got an email from my lawyer.
They received the BEC Letter for my case yesterday.

Can someone post the latest version of the tracker so that I can update it.

Got the love letter

Just heard from my employer that the attorney recieved the letter from BEC.

SESA(VA) -> 27-NOV-2002
DOL(PHIL) -> MAY-2004
BEC LETTER -> 26-JAN-2005
Philly BPC contact number

Is the Philly BPC contact number 484-270-1500.. this number is going to a voice mail .. is there any other number to reach an agent?

Thanks!! ... ssl
Voicemail means that someone is on the phone (instead of busy signal, you get voice mail). Just try it again and again, you will speak someone live.
Hello Vyk

vykuntam said:
Just heard from my employer that the attorney recieved the letter from BEC.

SESA(VA) -> 27-NOV-2002
DOL(PHIL) -> MAY-2004
BEC LETTER -> 26-JAN-2005

Are you the Vykumtam located in Reston-Herndon area. By the way i'm raj can you call me if you are the same person. I just called your cell phone
Opened Vs Unopened cases

I'm having a question. here are my details

PD : OCT-31-2002 (VA)

How would i know if my case is opened or unopened?
Did not receive the love letter yet. Niether i dont see my case in flcdatacenter.
Can some one reply to this. How would i know my case status.
Thanks in advance!
BEC Letter received

The lawyer's office got the letter today. They responded back today. My employer's office also got the letter addressed to my lawyer.

PD : OCT-31-2002 (DE state) non-RIR
RD : JULY-31-2003 (PHIL DOL) non-RIR
NJ transfer

I would also like to know about the NJ cases. I filed mine in mid 2003. Any information?


felixjose said:
Any news about transferring of New Jersey cases from State Centers to the Backlog Elimination Centers?.. My lawyer said that so far his office did not receive any of the 45 days notice. Even though my application is filed in the mid of 2004, I know pending NJ cases from May 2002 who did not get the 45 days letter. So, if anybody from NJ gets the 45 days letter, please reply.

Hello Guys !!! Can someone answer my question

My CASE details are

PD : OCT-31-2002 (VA)
RD : JULY 2004 (Phil DOL)

Haven't received love letter yet. I've called my lawyer and she says that not all the cases will be transeferred to BEC and some will be processed by Phil DOL depending upon opened vs un-opened. Is this true??

When my case is at SWA i've recvd a query. Is it because of this i did not get the letter. I've seen people who filed after me and along with me received the love letter.

Is NOF is same as query.

raj_vagc_oct02 said:
My CASE details are

PD : OCT-31-2002 (VA)
RD : JULY 2004 (Phil DOL)

Haven't received love letter yet. I've called my lawyer and she says that not all the cases will be transeferred to BEC and some will be processed by Phil DOL depending upon opened vs un-opened. Is this true??

When my case is at SWA i've recvd a query. Is it because of this i did not get the letter. I've seen people who filed after me and along with me received the love letter.

Is NOF is same as query.


I have the same question. I received a query from SWA. Is this why I haven't received my BEC 45-day letter yet?
ands_au said:
I would also like to know about the NJ cases. I filed mine in mid 2003. Any information?

PD Dec 9 2002 (NJ DOL).

No love letter yet. When I called NJ DOL @ 609 292 2900 few days back I was told that all pending cases will be moved to BEC Phil.
Legal Action against DOL

Hi Guys,

I think we all agree that DOL is unfair in making us wait for atleast another year but getting ready to approve the PERM applications filed after March 28th. Some of us think that legal action is the only way to let DOL know that this is unfair and they would have to process the backlogged applications before they start processing the PERM ones. May be the DOL thought that once PERM is in place lot of us would convert to PERM but my attorney told me that its not a good idea to do it especially if its filed under EB3.

All I am asking is think about this for a moment. We need lot of support to get this going. I am thinking we atleast have 100000 people waiting for their labor and if we each contribute $100, we could raise a million dollars. That should be suffiicient to hire an attorney and start the legal proceedings. If I am totally wrong and I am missing something, please do let me know and I would be the happiest person on the Earth if I am gonna get this thing done without any fuss.

I have started a new thread at for this purpose. I created a poll to gauge the interest of the fellow forum members in this matter. Please take a moment to vote so that we would know how many people are interested.