Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

vc594088 said:
Though all of us are suffering, at my position, I feel you guys are little bit lucky.
My PD is 09/2002. No love letter yet.

Have you tried to go to local congress man to expdite your case ? Some time that may help.

This is just my opinion. There may be some amount of risk in doing that. So please act on your own risk. Consult your lawer about it.
sk0902 said:
Though all of us are suffering, at my position, I feel you guys are little bit lucky.
My PD is 09/2002. No love letter yet.

Have you tried to go to local congress man to expdite your case ? Some time that may help.

This is just my opinion. There may be some amount of risk in doing that. So please act on your own risk. Consult your lawer about it.

Thanks! My friend did that already but not sure how he can help, so far nothing happened. Good Luck to all of us!!
One more question, before Atlanta ship the cases to BEC, they were working on June2003 cases. How come you didn't get your LC if you are Sept02?
I think you are doomed, if you don't realize the following:

(There is nothing negative in taking a reality check)

1. You were born in and are a citizen of a country which is not USA.
2. Citizens of a country (through it's administrators and policies) control the flow of new permanent residents or citizens into the country. If you doubt this, check your own countries policies.
3. We have the right to apply for permanent residence and present our case. We can express our opinions on why we are so useful to the country, and how backward some of the citizens are in their thought process. Citizens and administration of the country have the free will to be stupid or not in their choice of whom and how many they want to accept as immigrants.
4. Our anger and disgust simply comes from not accepting the reality.

If we don't understand what we can change and what we can't, we will wake up nowhere.

USCISisMockery said:
Today I am very blunt, so bear with me. I just don't understand our community, particularly Indians. We just can't unite.

If you see my past posts, I have been making these points all along.
My "sticky" post has 7250 views but only 62 replies and only 47 people participated in polls. I also gave choice where I can give "edit" power to someone if they disagree with all of my ideas. Most of the members here thinks that "let them do the work" if it works everybody will benefit.

Majority here are so stupid and selfish they can't even support somebody who wants to organize or unite people. We are bound to be doomed. If something is not done soon, current administration will make sure 300,000 H1Bs are out of this country before they leave power in 2007.
Sorry, if you are offended but its reality.

Atleast you can attend conference call today with Rajiv.
delay tactics - whats the motive behind it?

I STRONGLY believe that th BEC and all the delay in approving LCs is so we H1 get kicked out of the ceountry in 6 yrs.
The main motive behind all this is that it will benefit the Social Security Sytem that's been plaguing the current govt. especially with the baby boomers who are going to be retiring in 2007.
Latest studies show that For every 1 retiree there are only 4 people working.
The number will soon drop to 2 workers per retiree.

you do the math.

If we are forced to leave the country after 6 years of paying 30% of our wages in taxes, imagine the combined taxes in $ amt for 300K immigrants.
Multiply it by 4 (the minimum number of years some of us have been here). And if we leave we are not going to use the SS benefits EVER and can be used by US citizens!

A very simple and very CLEVER plan huh?!
Bush isn't that stupid after all

Hello IP Forum,

This is the first time to Forum, Please any body explain to me what is PD ?
I have filled LC from GA in OCT2003.
I recommend all fellow sufferers who are waiting for LC approval to join the conference call with Mr. Rajiv Khanna today at 1.00 PM EST. We can discuss how to sue the DOL in the court of law for the excruciating delays in processing of LC cases and the adverse impact that it has had in our lives.
technoboy said:
Hello IP Forum,

This is the first time to Forum, Please any body explain to me what is PD ?
I have filled LC from GA in OCT2003.

Welcome to the forum!! PD is "Priority Date". It is the date on which the SWA received your Labor Certification petition (unless you are going for labor substitution). It determines your position in the waiting line for getting a greencard (immigrant visa).
the way things are going now, I do not think a law suit will stand in court, because foreigners are in the US as will. But it is a just idea, but I don't think it will hold in court.
mvinays said:
Welcome to the forum!! PD is "Priority Date". It is the date on which the SWA received your Labor Certification petition (unless you are going for labor substitution). It determines your position in the waiting line for getting a greencard (immigrant visa).

Thankx mvinays,
sue DOL

i think the ONLY way to make things happening here is by a law suit.
this is the only language they talk. thinking that we are immigrants and we should not explor this option, is lame. we should find the right lawyer that will
agree to do it for us.
one thing for sure: lets say we sue DOL. even if we win in court, DOL will find a way not to comply for years... ;)
Slade245 said:
i think the ONLY way to make things happening here is by a law suit.
this is the only language they talk. thinking that we are immigrants and we should not explor this option, is lame. we should find the right lawyer that will
agree to do it for us.
one thing for sure: lets say we sue DOL. even if we win in court, DOL will find a way not to comply for years... ;)

Whether DOL will comply depends on the court's ruling.

Mr. Khanna initiated the lawsuit for 485 sufferers and then USCIS dramatically increased the processing speed for 485s from 24 to 28 months to just 6 to 12 months. I feel the lawsuit definitely made an impact although the court finally denied class certification for the plaintiffs.
vc594088 said:
Thanks! My friend did that already but not sure how he can help, so far nothing happened. Good Luck to all of us!!
One more question, before Atlanta ship the cases to BEC, they were working on June2003 cases. How come you didn't get your LC if you are Sept02?

Luck played it roll on me.

It is really important to have a good lawyer. I always keep asking lawer since Aug 2004 about what is going on in DOL and what is he anticipating. He never gave me a proper answer or indication. I knew somebody who was working in State DOL office here. I could have used him to get the things done, if my lawyer would have given me any hint about the BEC. I never wanted to bother my friend earlier because I always thought in matter of couple of month I will get LC.

My RD is actually 05/2003. Ultimately when in Jan 05, Atlanta moved the case to June 03, I asked my lawyer , and broke me the news of BEC. Before that I never mind to follow the BEC stuff, so was in complete dark.

I checked through my friend who is working in State DOL, he confirmed my case has already been moved to PH BEC.

Rest is history .. so far ..

You know, I guess DOL just loves me. So never wanted to give me up..
Free Conference Call Today (18 May) at 1 PM E.S.T

Rajiv will host a conference call at 1 PM Eastern Time Today (Wednesday, 18 May). The discussion will be limited for the most part to litigation against the government for delays and related matters.

Dial 641-985-0100
Access Code: 318388#
mvinays said:
Whether DOL will comply depends on the court's ruling.

Mr. Khanna initiated the lawsuit for 485 sufferers and then USCIS dramatically increased the processing speed for 485s from 24 to 28 months to just 6 to 12 months. I feel the lawsuit definitely made an impact although the court finally denied class certification for the plaintiffs.

conference id and joining instructions please.

I hve given 5.5 years of my life to this country. I am not going to give up so easily. If Mr Khanna needs collect fees to file the law suite on behalf of us, I am on board. I will contribute to the collection plate somthing as per my ability to help collect the fund for Mr. Khanna to go ahead with the law suite..
Big lawyer will jump in if there is $ in it

Rajiv is a good lawyer, and kind to the immigration community, but he is not a "big" lawyer yet. What he did and continues doing is commendable.

The problem for class action against DOL is: there is no $ to attract the influntial lawyers. Who will pay for the class litigation? How much money can we contribute to support the litigation? I am willing to chip in 500 dollars. If we can gather up $200,000, some big shot may smell the money. Big lawyer knows how to manipulate the system, how to use the media, before the court could rule on anything, there may be some settlement. For example, cases filed before 12/31/2002 will receive expediate treatment, etc.

Also important is to sue for a solution, not sue for the sake of suing. The proposed solution should not be too complex. For example, asking the DOL to loosen up PERM conversion rules, etc, or to charge $1000 to expediate cases, ect.

All said, there is one thing you have to realize: the intention of the administration. They slow the LC down intentionally. They are not stupid or anything, they can do this in very efficient way if they want. Truth is that the fast processing is not intended. From the bottom of their heart, they don't want to make your life easier. No, absolutely not. Get it?
USCISisMockery said:
Today I am very blunt, so bear with me. I just don't understand our community, particularly Indians. We just can't unite.

If you see my past posts, I have been making these points all along.
My "sticky" post has 7250 views but only 62 replies and only 47 people participated in polls. I also gave choice where I can give "edit" power to someone if they disagree with all of my ideas. Most of the members here thinks that "let them do the work" if it works everybody will benefit.

Majority here are so stupid and selfish they can't even support somebody who wants to organize or unite people. We are bound to be doomed. If something is not done soon, current administration will make sure 300,000 H1Bs are out of this country before they leave power in 2007.
Sorry, if you are offended but its reality.

Atleast you can attend conference call today with Rajiv.

That's what you think.. Does not make it True for everyone.
mudra1234 said:
I STRONGLY believe that th BEC and all the delay in approving LCs is so we H1 get kicked out of the ceountry in 6 yrs.
The main motive behind all this is that it will benefit the Social Security Sytem that's been plaguing the current govt. especially with the baby boomers who are going to be retiring in 2007.
Latest studies show that For every 1 retiree there are only 4 people working.
The number will soon drop to 2 workers per retiree.

you do the math.

If we are forced to leave the country after 6 years of paying 30% of our wages in taxes, imagine the combined taxes in $ amt for 300K immigrants.
Multiply it by 4 (the minimum number of years some of us have been here). And if we leave we are not going to use the SS benefits EVER and can be used by US citizens!

A very simple and very CLEVER plan huh?!
Bush isn't that stupid after all


That is what you call capitalism my friend. Nothing Wrong in it.
sorry gp, but for once i have to disagree with u
by definition:
capitalism: an economic system characterized by by definition capitalism: private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free marketree with u, i don't think that's capitalism,

on the other hand definition of exlpoting:
1 : to make productive use of : UTILIZE <exploiting your talents> <exploit your opponent's weakness>
2 : to make use of meanly or unjustly for one's own advantage <exploiting migrant farm workers>


gp111 said:
That is what you call capitalism my friend. Nothing Wrong in it.
With due respect, I take strong exception to that. US is not true capitalism. It is regulated capitalism. But it looks like the regulations are different for different people of origin. That is not capitalism. That is discrimination.
I understand that it is my privilege to be here and not the rights, and I can go back as and when I want. But as long as I am here and contributing positively towards US economy, I should treated at per with the other American working people. That is what it should be and that what it was, until this administration started changing the manipulating and screwing up the entire process.

Explain me how it is possible that some people of specific country of origin can take their Social Security contribution with them when they leave US but not the same for people of other specific origin. (Don’t' give me crap of bilateral agreement crap. This is my money and I should get it, now or latter).

However, I also acknowledge that fact that lot of immigrants has misused the beautiful process that was there in those days and may be we, the genuine GC applicants are paying the price for that.