Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Do you mean your case was moved to TR before it went to BEC?
am_frustrated said:
She said it was prior to BEC days. And i personally think the reason was due to layoffs consequent to the .com bubble burst.
waiting_2001 said:
My Employer Called PBEC this morning to get the status and here are the details

1) 45 day letter is received
2) Case was put in review queue
3) Initial review is completed
4) Next step is to be reviewed by an analyst for approval

It could take up to 6 months but he cannot guarantee if it will take less or more time

PD: November, 27 , 2001
45 Days letter received in middle of 2005 and replied.

That is detailed status!

Which number they called?
VA labor Approved

Hi All,
I'm a silent reader of this forum. I checked my mail box today (13 July 2006) and surprised/happy to know that my labor certified got certified after 3.5 years of waiting. The forum certainly kept my hopes alive. I hope all of you in this forum will get their labor certified soon. See you in the I140/485 forum. Below is my case info.

PD: 01/16/2003
Certified Date : 28 June 2006
Narayana_GC_Pls said:
Hi All,
I'm a silent reader of this forum. I checked my mail box today (13 July 2006) and surprised/happy to know that my labor certified got certified after 3.5 years of waiting. The forum certainly kept my hopes alive. I hope all of you in this forum will get their labor certified soon. See you in the I140/485 forum. Below is my case info.

PD: 01/16/2003
Certified Date : 28 June 2006

Congratulations! Good luck for next steps.
Labor Approved

I got email from HR. My Labor is certified .

My details

ETA Case Number P-04255-XXXXX
Processing Type : RIR
PD : 12/19/2002
am_frustrated said:
She said it was prior to BEC days. And i personally think the reason was due to layoffs consequent to the .com bubble burst.

Did your case make it to Regional, or was it sent to BEC before it reached regional?

I am trying to see if there is any connection between recent NOFs and making it to regional. If the state approved it, I don't see how PBEC can come back after 3 years and argue that recruiting efforts made by the company are not sufficient.
special handlings are jobs like teacher, nurse etc, they are in fast track, not like regular labor.
I saw the database from DOL, some kind of doctors can get labor approved in about 2 weeks, which was from Brigham&women hospital of boston.

ss1026 said:
What do you mean by 'special handling'. I dont think there was any special circumstance or such. And he is EB3
for A1FL

Hello A1FL, it seems both of our cases are running neck to neck (see my signature). I guess we should keep in touch and update each other with any progress.


Al_FL said:
Did your case make it to Regional, or was it sent to BEC before it reached regional?

I am trying to see if there is any connection between recent NOFs and making it to regional. If the state approved it, I don't see how PBEC can come back after 3 years and argue that recruiting efforts made by the company are not sufficient.
NOF unfairness

PBECVictim10000 said:
Just FYI, I read a comment of an immigrant attorney made on the other forum about Stephen Stefanko's retirement, the attorney said it could be a good news because the former head of PBEC was infamous for being picky and strict in RIR applications, in particular, IT cases. I guess Stefanko issued a bunch of NOFs crazyly before his retirement to make our lives tougher.

Can we do something against this unfairness? We have to bring PBEC’s attention that same candidates from DBEC and PERM are getting approval.. Otherwise this will continue for 2003 – 2004 cases also… :mad: :mad:
ladude10 said:
Can we do something against this unfairness? We have to bring PBEC’s attention that same candidates from DBEC and PERM are getting approval.. Otherwise this will continue for 2003 – 2004 cases also… :mad: :mad:

I don't think there is much you can do about this, Stephano is retired so he is not in-charge anymore.
Does Any body know the answar


My case was assigned to analyst on June 9, 2006 . I requested the screen shot yesterday the occuption title and occuption code is still blank . My question is what does it means that analyst is not working on my case at all . when he starts working those fileds will be filled or analyst is working on it . any body whose case has been approved or in the final review are requested to help .

My Understanding is that analyst is still working on it . MY case was shifted from TR to RIR on june 9 but the screen shot was updated on my request on june 12, 2006.

Please help if you know the answar
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Special handling

Thanks for the info. My collegue works for a wireless consulting company so he does not fall under any special handling case. I wish it did since I too would be eligible but it is not the case. And again his PD was Dec 2003

seanzhangny said:
Special handling case is for people teaching in universities, or research in colleges. Also some nurses etc gets special handling treatment.
any news about case status

does anyone have any idea about DOL's Case status link? I heard they will put something by the end of this month.. I have not seen any news on their website though.. any idea?
German or Spanish

waitinglist2003 said:
does anyone have any idea about DOL's Case status link? I heard they will put something by the end of this month.. I have not seen any news on their website though.. any idea?

People in this forum are so frustrated I think they don't care about Status Check or Visa Bulletin. It has became the first priority to analyze if the head of PBEC ( I forgot the name) is German or Spanish.
waitinglist2003 said:
does anyone have any idea about DOL's Case status link? I heard they will put something by the end of this month.. I have not seen any news on their website though.. any idea?

There is a link for Check case status over here...

Look at the right hand side, below you will see. ofcos this link is not active yet, it goes nowhere. But since there is a link there is atleast a hope that they would activate this link by end of this month.
Called 202 number and got my case status. The bad news: nothing happened since the 45-day letter received. So basically, my case has been sitting there and collecting dust for the last 14 months. The good news: I won't be caught in this round of NOF flood. I don't think PBEC can keep sending tons of applications to TR. They would soon realize how much more work they need to do if they keep doing this. Given their lazyness and incompetance, this extra workload gonna deeply depress them. So hopefully, they will stop this NOF non-sense soon. Well, at least I hope so.
wlj_wzz said:
Called 202 number and got my case status. The bad news: nothing happened since the 45-day letter received. So basically, my case has been sitting there and collecting dust for the last 14 months. The good news: I won't be caught in this round of NOF flood. I don't think PBEC can keep sending tons of applications to TR. They would soon realize how much more work they need to do if they keep doing this. Given their lazyness and incompetance, this extra workload gonna deeply depress them. So hopefully, they will stop this NOF non-sense soon. Well, at least I hope so.

whats your PD/state? Did you call that number yourself or someone else did for you?
PD Nov,2003. My boss called twice and both calls were transfered to a voice message. I called once later and got the luck to talk to a live person. By the way, I didn't tell them I was the alien. I didn't say who I was at all ;) .
New User

I'm new to this forum.

My details:

PD: Jun 2001
State: DC
RD: Mar 2004
45 days letter: Dec 04
LC: Waiting for 5 years

My employer called 202 couple of days ago. They asked to send all the information thru mail. It's wierd.

Any feedback on this/

You might have received a NOF..otherwise you might have had your case approved by now. Check with your employer/attorney.

tanveer666 said:

My case was assigned to analyst on June 9, 2006 . I requested the screen shot yesterday the occuption title and occuption code is still blank . My question is what does it means that analyst is not working on my case at all . when he starts working those fileds will be filled or analyst is working on it . any body whose case has been approved or in the final review are requested to help .

My Understanding is that analyst is still working on it . MY case was shifted from TR to RIR on june 9 but the screen shot was updated on my request on june 12, 2006.

Please help if you know the answar