Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Rallygum said:
Long wait has come to an end. I would people with PD of 01/02/03 to hang in there and not risk converting their case to PERM.

Got the letter from attorney today.
PD: 11/02
RD: 11/03
Dallas BEC D-04320-*****
45 Day letter - Feb. 05

It is Dallas BEC . WHy it took so long ?!
Is it from PBEC

Your signature says from DBEC. We are confused to 11/2002 approvals from PBEC.

Rallygum said:
Long wait has come to an end. I would people with PD of 01/02/03 to hang in there and not risk converting their case to PERM.

Got the letter from attorney today.
PD: 11/02
RD: 11/03
Dallas BEC D-04320-*****
45 Day letter - Feb. 05
Rallygum said:
Long wait has come to an end. I would people with PD of 01/02/03 to hang in there and not risk converting their case to PERM.

Got the letter from attorney today.
PD: 11/02
RD: 11/03
Dallas BEC D-04320-*****
45 Day letter - Feb. 05
Congratulatons Rallygum. Goodluck for the next stages.
Channel c-Span2 on cox?

Anybody aware of channel 43, C-SPAN2 on cox? It is showing Sen. Jeff Sessions talking in U.S. Senate about immigration bill for both legal and illegal.

Is this a new channel and do US Senate work so late as it is showing Live at 8 PM EST....
Need Help

Hi saknia / Senior Members

MY GC filed on 2002 and it went to RD 2003 it is still in PBEC but one of my friend Applied his LC through my company under DBEC in 2004 EB3 his LC approved but that Person joined in another company for already approved labor and he filed also 485. My company offering that LC for me :confused: , That LC matching for me but this is in EB3 and My won applied in EB2 should I go with the EB3 or wait for MY EB2? Can any one suggest for me :)
In Advance Thank You very much for suggestions.. :)
Last edited by a moderator:
cantstandit said:
this from MSNBC, on the Senate compromise proposal for illegals:

They would be able to apply for legal status later and would have priority over other immigrants applying for green cards.


they have priority over other immigrants?

can you show us the original link to this statement?
they can get a tax Id

the other day in IRS office , I saw a lot of mexicans ( no discrimination )
but this bill is just stupid . it is politics...

va_aug_2002 said:
I am little confused. Can illegal apply for SSN? If not, then how can they show they have worked for at least three and also how can/why should they pay all federal and state taxes???

We need to keep close watch and see how the final bill is drafted and how soon illegal gets Green card. If it is immediately for people staying for more than 5 years, we should definately make lot of noise and sue them for unfair practise.

I don't have anything against illegals getting GC. But can we atleast expect fairness and atleast same if not better treatment for legal immigrants???
aware of the channel

in my area , it was chinese channel long time ago .
but changed to hsipanic channels.

again, this is just politics and money .

comparing to illegal immigrants, we are just minority .

va_aug_2002 said:
Anybody aware of channel 43, C-SPAN2 on cox? It is showing Sen. Jeff Sessions talking in U.S. Senate about immigration bill for both legal and illegal.

Is this a new channel and do US Senate work so late as it is showing Live at 8 PM EST....
chinglun said:
in my area , it was chinese channel long time ago .
but changed to hsipanic channels.

again, this is just politics and money .

comparing to illegal immigrants, we are just minority .
Yes, It has to be politics. If they make everybody legal and have to pay them minimum wages, I wonder what will happen to the employer who were surviving on cheap labors (agriculture and others).

But I liked the channel as I can put face to all the senators (Frist, Mccain) and see them in action and that too so late. It is also giving first hand news. Looks like they hurried in a press conference saying they have a compromise and now they are back to square one and working late to come to some common points. We Will know about it in news tomorrow anyways.
What is the amendment about increasing the immigration visa from 290000 to 450000 ? ... all the PERM guys will get GC in less than a year while we all still keep talking abt BEC :)
fastergcwanted said:
That is exactly correct..There is no proof to show how long have they been here...which is why in fact they are illegals. Most of them will come up with made up paystubs through their relative employers showing they have been here for over 5 years. Are these senators so stupid!!!!

And we will be in this PBEC hell and then 485 retrogression for years to come!!!

This is unbelievable, everybody is going gaga over illegals but nobody cares about legals. This is sheer stupidity and there is no way this is goign to work.

They can't even verify legit applications (our labor application) in 4 years, how in the fuking world they will verify Documents of 10 millions undocumented. Its just beyond me how these people are elected by most advanced country in the world.

Its encouraging to see lot of new people are rising and raising awareness about the backlog.

You guys are faxing the letters anonymously or under false name ? I am sure lot of people are not coming forward because of this limitation. Why can't we call all these suckers, and gripe and whine about PBEC delay. Just imagine big officials geting 100 phone calls everyday about PBEC. Also its better way to vent out our anger.
chinglun said:
the other day in IRS office , I saw a lot of mexicans ( no discrimination )
but this bill is just stupid . it is politics...

With all the confusion, this is what i am reading:

The compromise amendment by Republican senators Chuck Hagel and Mel Martinez would allow undocumented residents to obtain legal status if they meet the following eight requirements:

Pass national security and criminal background checks
Have resided in the United States for at least five years
Have been employed in the United States for at least three of the previous five years
Have paid all federal and state taxes
Register for military selective service
Show sufficient knowledge of the English language and US history and civics
Pay a $2,000 fine, in addition to required application fees
Work for an additional six years after enactment

Undocumented residents living in the United States for less than five years but more than two years could obtain a temporary work visa under the legislation, but first they must:
Submit to visa requirements under current law, including background checks, fees and payment of taxes Exit the country and be fingerprinted and processed at a land port of entry. They would be given priority in applying for "green cards" over future immigrants entering as temporary workers.

Undocumented immigrants living in the United States for less than two years would receive no benefits under the legislation and would be required to leave the country.

They would, however, be allowed to apply for a temporary worker visa once back in their country of origin.
cantstandit said:
this from MSNBC, on the Senate compromise proposal for illegals:

"Under the Republican Senate proposal, illegal immigrants who have been in the US for more than five years – about two-thirds of the 11m – could switch to legal status without leaving the country if they met eight requirements, such as speaking English, having worked for at least three of the last five years and having paid all federal and state taxes.

Illegal immigrants in the US for between two and five years could secure a temporary work visa but must first leave the country. They would be able to apply for legal status later and would have priority over other immigrants applying for green cards.

Illegal immigrants in the country for fewer than two years would be forced to return home and apply for a temporary worker visa. The bill proposes allowing roughly 400,000 new gueast workers to come to the US each year."


If I'm reading correctly and a bill passes exactly as descripted, this is what's going to happen:

- the UCIS will create new visa categories for the 11 million people;

- illegals with 5+ years here will file for adjustment based on these new categories, having to prove they have lived here for 5 years; they will get their EAD and eventually GC after a number of years (can you spell BACKLOG ?); but at least they'll get EAD immediately

- other illegals will also file based on their situation; they'll clog up the system to the end of time

and WE ??? WE ARE NOT MENTIONED in this bill, we'll still be going through the EB bull****

that's gonna be the most bizarre thing ever ... but I bet with ANYONE here that illegals with 5 years will get adjusted easily, without having to go through labor certification, while we'll still be here.

Even more interesting will be that, we could apparently quit our jobs and become illegals, but then when we file for adjustment they'll say, "hey, you were here legally, you had a job, you can't file" !!!

I don't think even KAFKA could imagine such a scenario ...

I'm confused where this illegal immigration issue would cross our road. This is from Don't see any obvious that would eat from others plate:

Officials described a complex series of provisions:

• Illegal immigrants who have been in the country for at least five years could receive legal status after meeting several conditions, including payment of a $2,000 fines and any back taxes, clearing a background check and learning English. After six more years, they could apply for citizenship without having to leave the United States.

• Illegal immigrants in the country for between two and five years could obtain a temporary work visa after reporting to a border point of entry. Aides referred to this as "touch base and return," since people covered would know in advance they would be readmitted to the United States.

Officials said it could take as long as 13 to 14 years for some illegal immigrants to gain citizenship. It part, that stems from an annual limit of 450,000 on green cards, which confer legal permanent residency and are a precursor to citizenship status.

• Illegal immigrants in the United States for less than two years would be required to leave the country and apply for re-entry alongside anyone else seeking to emigrate.

Separately, the legislation provides a new program for 1.5 million temporary agriculture industry workers over five years.

It also includes provisions for employers to verify the legal status of workers they hire, but it was not clear what sanctions, if any, would apply to violators.
I'm really puzzled by the numbers the DOL released:

Backlog Cases:
Total Received: 363,000+
Total Completed: 108,000+
Total Certified: 50,000
Balance: 255,000

I refuse to believe that completed means "data entered", because it would make no sense at all. From our tracker it's clear that more than 70% got their letters.

that leaves us with: completed = certified + closed + withdrawn

so we'd have closed + withdrawn = 58,000 ... it does look like very high. I don't think that many people would have withdrawn, so it could only be that they are doing mass closings of cases after not receiving the reply to the 45-day letter.

One possibility is that a lot of people who had 245i cases from April/2001 simply gave up, moved away, etc, so their lawyers/employers never replied to the 45-day letter.

hey, btw, whatever happened to their banner "18 months and counting" on their website ? still there ?
I'm confused where this illegal immigration issue would cross our road.

that's exactly my point ... this provision does NOT cross our road, it will be a completely new category, meaning we will still be here trying to get a meaningless piece of paper from the DOL, because we belong to another category (EB).

Actually, maybe we should lobby for them to add H1B holders to the provision so we could file for adjustment without labor, just like the illegals with 5+ years.

Oh, come to think of it, there is one way this crosses our road ... by opening the doors to millions of new applicants, a huge backlog (really HUGE) will be created during the 485 step, so for example, an EAD or AP might take years to be approved, let alone the GC. Citizenship ??? forget it.

At this point, we REALLY need to get our labors approved BEFORE the deluge of applications hit the USCIS, that's all we can hope for.
Help Guru's

Hi saknia / Senior Members

MY GC filed on 2002 and it went to RD 2003 it is still in PBEC but one of my friend Applied his LC through my company under DBEC in 2004 EB3 his LC approved but that Person joined in another company for already approved labor and he filed also 485. My company offering that LC for me , That LC matching for me but this is in EB3 and My won applied in EB2 should I go with the EB3 or wait for MY EB2? Can any one suggest for me
In Advance Thank You very much for suggestions..
cantstandit said:
Oh, come to think of it, there is one way this crosses our road ... by opening the doors to millions of new applicants, a huge backlog (really HUGE) will be created during the 485 step, so for example, an EAD or AP might take years to be approved, let alone the GC. Citizenship ??? forget it.

At this point, we REALLY need to get our labors approved BEFORE the deluge of applications hit the USCIS, that's all we can hope for.

Officials said it could take as long as 13 to 14 years for some illegal immigrants to gain citizenship. It part, that stems from an annual limit of 450,000 on green cards, which confer legal permanent residency and are a precursor to citizenship status.

If this happens most of us would have to go to their countries. I already was penalized badly by the amnesty to illegal immigrants in 2001 and it looks like this is going to be much more severe now.
If the adminitstration managed to process only a fracture of 300,000 cases in 5 years imagine how long it would take to process 14 milions !
And from my previous experience it easioly can happen that we fall at the end of the line,
This bill happening right now is primarily for the illegals and illegals only. If guys like us for employment based stuff needs to be slipped in during this time we need big time lobbying....This was the arguments we had a couple of months ago wether to support or not to support IV team. All this work with lobbying and lobbyist talking as our mouth involves big $$. Until now there is not a single line mentioned for legal immigrants like us.

What these guys say is right..the illegals who are in millions are doing menial jobs where the Americans r not ready to do that job, but we are a threat to the American jobs. We have to justify that.

We are gambling our lives,our kids lives here bigtime...!! Already feeling like we are in a sinking ship.
narayana_pan said:
Hi saknia / Senior Members

MY GC filed on 2002 and it went to RD 2003 it is still in PBEC but one of my friend Applied his LC through my company under DBEC in 2004 EB3 his LC approved but that Person joined in another company for already approved labor and he filed also 485. My company offering that LC for me , That LC matching for me but this is in EB3 and My won applied in EB2 should I go with the EB3 or wait for MY EB2? Can any one suggest for me
In Advance Thank You very much for suggestions..

Since PBEC is approving 2002 and yours is EB2 it is better to wait for that . Maximum another 2 months and all 2002 has to be cleared in 2002. But the Gap for 2002 to2004 in EB3 will be big. Only advantage is you will get 140 approved for 2004 and PD is yours.In current situations that 2004 PD is not a Big Deal with EB3 ( Imagine 11.0 M comeing in to EB3 sooner or later and you don't know when you will reach 2004 in Eb3) . Instead you can file PERM EB2 in 2006

I don't know whether ou are in 7th Year or about your relationship with your employer etc. That might make difference on which to consider as well