Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Immigration & Employment on CSPAN


Last night I was watching Immigration & Employment on CSPAN and came across very interesting discussion.The program was basically to discuss study of Center of Immigration Studies , a think-tank.
I was really surprised when one of the panelist mentioned that HALF OF THE GREEN-CARDS GOES TO PEOPLE HAVING EDUCATION OF HIGH-SCHOOL....

I was really disappointed with such incorrect facts.. Guys we need to make people aware that people getting Green Cards in Employment section are well-educated and contribute to the economy and to this great country !

Just my thoughts ..........
It depends whether the Green card is employement based or family sponsored. The former requires Collage Graduation in most of the cases .... whereas there are no such requirements for the latter.
javaconsultant said:

Last night I was watching Immigration & Employment on CSPAN and came across very interesting discussion.The program was basically to discuss study of Center of Immigration Studies , a think-tank.
I was really surprised when one of the panelist mentioned that HALF OF THE GREEN-CARDS GOES TO PEOPLE HAVING EDUCATION OF HIGH-SCHOOL....

I was really disappointed with such incorrect facts.. Guys we need to make people aware that people getting Green Cards in Employment section are well-educated and contribute to the economy and to this great country !

Just my thoughts ..........
PBECIsKillingMe said:
Hey Saknia,

I got copy of my 45 DL from my lawyer. What "P-05146-******" number means?

Thanks in advance.

This means that your case in now in their system fully ( previously it should have been T- 05146) .

Now officially you are isupposed to be in the Queue ( Not sure whether one exists going by all 2003 of last few days). Since you got the 45 days letter now the Box is in a Visible are where the officers can pick it up and process your case faster

All the best.

Slogan of the Day or Moral of PBEC - One Case approved (even of 2004) is One less in the Queue

What happened to the 2002 Jan -June 2005 Box for which they issued 45 day letter in Dec2004 - Mar 2005 is a Billion Dollar Question
Kahada said:
Are you sure you can file the PERM with the same job position and description as the RIR? My lawyer just told me that we can not do that. You have to either convert the current RIR with the risk of losing the PD or file a PERM for a new position. Could you verify it?


Thats what my lawyer said too,adviced me against it.
45 day letter for NY case

Heard from ex-employer HR that they recvd the 45day letter filed on Oct28th2003 from NY. will post details when I have them...

aaargh...!! when do we come out of this living hell....!!
Labor Approved

I just got a call from my lawyer and employer that my Labor has been approved

My Details

PD July 14, 2003
RD Aug 29th 2003
State PA
45 days letter r/d & replied Feb 2005

Good luck to everyone, You will all be out soon, very soon...
madsat1234 said:
I just got a call from my lawyer and employer that my Labor has been approved

My Details

PD July 14, 2003
RD Aug 29th 2003
State PA
45 days letter r/d & replied Feb 2005

Good luck to everyone, You will all be out soon, very soon...

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madsat1234 said:
I just got a call from my lawyer and employer that my Labor has been approved

My Details

PD July 14, 2003
RD Aug 29th 2003
State PA
45 days letter r/d & replied Feb 2005

Good luck to everyone, You will all be out soon, very soon...

Congratulations!!!! Good luck with I-140 and I-485.
Looks like PBEC is taking up July 2002 cases :)
Cric said:
It is a 2003 case, not 2002

For PA Cases I think they are all from 2003 when they got transfered ( all 2002 approved before then). That is why when that Box is opened we see 2003 cases.
I wish they open 2003 FL cases...almost all 2002 cases are approved...
saknia said:
For PA Cases I think they are all from 2003 when they got transfered ( all 2002 approved before then). That is why when that Box is opened we see 2003 cases.
Anybody There from WV

Its been a long time since I have seen any WV approvals, If iam correct it was "AwardMYGC" who had the last approval for WV.

Iam curious to know what's happening with WV Cases!!
Anybody out there please share info.

I think they might be going statewise. The last 2 approvals we saw were from PA. The boxes came from each regional center and state so they are probably going by the box.

God! When are they going to open SFO box! I have waited over 2.5 years for federal level labor to clear.

saknia said:
For PA Cases I think they are all from 2003 when they got transfered ( all 2002 approved before then). That is why when that Box is opened we see 2003 cases.
45 Day Letter

This is what I got:

PD: 6/9/2004
45 Day Letter R'cvd: 3/20/2006
45 Day Letter Replied: 3/23/2006
Got my screenshot

I wrote a letter/email to Secretory of Labor Dept. Some one from DOL called me earlier this week. He said, he couldn't locate my case out of 350,000 applications and he is going to order manual search to BEC. The next day, a guy from BEC called me and asked for the lawyer/employer info. He contacted the lawyer to resubmit my application. Looks like they lost my application. My lawyer faxed the copy it. Today i got my screenshot with case number P-06082-XXXXX and also confirmed that BEC generated the 45 day letter. I should be getting in few days. :)

NYLabor2002 said:
My labor was filed from NY May 2002. I haven't receive the 45 day letter. My company and the lawyer requested for the screenshot from BEC. No reply. In the mean while, i got RFE on my H1B 7th year extension asking for the evidence. My lawyer faxed the copy of RFE to BEC and tried to contact thru phone. They couldn't find out my case in their system. Now the next step is, he is going to contact DOL (Washington). The only proof i have is the Fedex receipt which was used to send the application to NY DOL. Is there a chance my case is stuck in the unopened box or missing for ever? :mad:

Is any one in this situation or faced this situation? Please suggest.

i don't think that the pbec is done looking at 2002 cases. i have a priority date of february 2002 and i received my 45-day letter a year and 3 months back(december 2004). still no information about the application. have written to the secretary of labor to ask about details, let's see if i hear anything from them.


priority date - february 2002
regional - july 2003
type - rir
state - pa
45 - december 2004
You Are So Lucky

madsat1234 said:
I just got a call from my lawyer and employer that my Labor has been approved

My Details

PD July 14, 2003
RD Aug 29th 2003
State PA
45 days letter r/d & replied Feb 2005

Good luck to everyone, You will all be out soon, very soon...

July 2003 approved !!!! WOW !!!! You are lucky buddy.