Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Received 45-Day Letter

Its a brighter Friday for me today. Heard from HR today that we have received the stupid 45-day letter for my case. They are going to respond it today itself. Not sure how long now the adjudication wait will be. But its good to find that they are real about getting down to business about sending these letters, I hope they get real about processing them also.

My case details are also in the signature - but here are they again.

Case Type: SWA
State: MD
PD: Sept'2003
Please add my info to the tracker

Please add my info to the tracker

Phily BEC
PD Dec 30, 2004
45 day letter Received/sent: No
Case Number: T-05180-88XXX
Case Status : RIR
regarding the proposed Frist bill, in general, the EB changes would virtually eliminate the retrogression for 485.

As I pointed out in one of my earlier posts, in that event, the bottomline will be:

- forget the old labor, file PERM immediately.

It just won't help to scream and complain ... that's the direction the DOL is taking, sort of "take it or leave it" approach. If you complain that your application from 2001 is still pending, they'll say "file PERM and get approved in 60 days" ... the only advantage in having an old PD will evaporate, and it really won't matter, because if there's no retrogression, the PD doesn't matter !

the BEC's will be relegated to last priority, because there is already an alternative, and therefore the DOL will have no incentive whatsoever to clear the backlog.

we'll be bitching and moaning here until the end of time, unless we take the only viable approach: file PERM.

just my thoughts
That ain't easy !!


I understand your point..but that ain't gonna be easy..

1. Say 200,000 cases (out of total 320,000) cases are still pending at BECs with majority being in PBEC, that will open floodgates into PERM Process. USCIS won't be able to keep their word on deciding on cases within 60 Days... (as if they are doing that right now :D ). Then PBEC will be called PERM Backlog Elimination Center rather than Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center. Not only people will lose their original PDs but they will have to wait, though lesser time than they had to in pre-PERM phase, to get their labor approved.

2. Then there is an issue with equivalency cases. Earlier DOL was not bent out of shape on seeing an equivalency case whereas in PERM they are very strict about equivalency of US Bachelors or Masters. People from pre-PERM equivalency will have no option but to wait.

On the flip side, US government will generate huge amount of revenue will these many PERM filings. They just want take money out of H1 in form of Driving License, Social Security, Green Card Filings, yearly H1 extensions but still not give them any Green Cards.

Those who have got them are the lucky bunch or they played their cards right.
P & D

gc-ache said:
I understand that DBEC cases get case # starting with D- and PBEC case number starts with P-, but I have noticed some posting in the forum where DBEC/PBEC cases got case # starting with T. Does anyone have a clue why some applications have 'T' case number ?

When the Data enters partially, the number starts with T in both centers, once they enters full data, it will be P-xxxxx-xxxxx in PBEC and D-xxxxx-xxxxx in DBEC, don't worry, your case is right if you didn't receive 45 days...., once you get 45 days letter it will change to P.
cantstandit said:
regarding the proposed Frist bill, in general, the EB changes would virtually eliminate the retrogression for 485.
just my thoughts

Don't see how this bill will eliminate retrogression:

"Section 402 increases the per-country limits for family-sponsored and employment-based
immigrants are from 7 percent to 10 percent (in the case of countries) and from 2 percent to 5 percent (in the case of dependent areas)."

So it will alleviate retrogression slightly, but won't get rid of it. 7 to 10% is not a big difference.
Guys - Fact is retrogression will be removed one way or other. If not this bill there will be another bill to resolve it.

The only thing that will not go away is the Philly Backlog.
My sincere advice to anyone who has an employer willig to file PERM is file your labor thru PERM. Escpecially those whose PD is 2004 or later.

My employer wont file PERM so I'm stuck.
PBEC is strictly FIFO?

Hi Guys,

I am among one of you and still waiting for my labor approval.

PD Nov 19 2002
Regional Oct 6 2003
45 day letter received Mar 4 2005
Case Number: P-04321-056XX

Just talked with my attorney and she mentioned (second time in last 4 weeks) that she got a call from PBEC for one of her cases and the representative in PBEC mentioned that approvals are strictly based on FIFO and RIR has preference over non RIR.

While looking at number of conversations, I was getting an impression that PBEC is not FIFO but it does not appear to be the case based on what attorney mentioned to me.

Does anybody has any info which invalidates this?

Thanks a bunch
telesync said:
Hi Guys,

I am among one of you and still waiting for my labor approval.

PD Nov 19 2002
Regional Oct 6 2003
45 day letter received Mar 4 2005
Case Number: P-04321-056XX

Just talked with my attorney and she mentioned (second time in last 4 weeks) that she got a call from PBEC for one of her cases and the representative in PBEC mentioned that approvals are strictly based on FIFO and RIR has preference over non RIR.

While looking at number of conversations, I was getting an impression that PBEC is not FIFO but it does not appear to be the case based on what attorney mentioned to me.

Does anybody has any info which invalidates this?

Thanks a bunch

Could be possible, maybe they are not following FIFO for issuance of 45 day letter, but after seeing the latest approvals of 2001 cases it looks though...

But if they try to follow FIFO, Traditional cases filed after April 2001 when 245i cases were filed can forget about the whole story I guess.
cantstandit said:
regarding the proposed Frist bill, in general, the EB changes would virtually eliminate the retrogression for 485.

As I pointed out in one of my earlier posts, in that event, the bottomline will be:

- forget the old labor, file PERM immediately.

It just won't help to scream and complain ... that's the direction the DOL is taking, sort of "take it or leave it" approach. If you complain that your application from 2001 is still pending, they'll say "file PERM and get approved in 60 days" ... the only advantage in having an old PD will evaporate, and it really won't matter, because if there's no retrogression, the PD doesn't matter !

the BEC's will be relegated to last priority, because there is already an alternative, and therefore the DOL will have no incentive whatsoever to clear the backlog.

we'll be bitching and moaning here until the end of time, unless we take the only viable approach: file PERM.

just my thoughts
I am not convinced ... obviously there is a risk in waiting to hear from pbec as well as filing in perm. I disagree on this point that DOL has no incentive to clear the backlog ..they have a sizeable interest because of funding...they cannot continue like this forever esp because of govt deficits. the main problem I see is when they close legitimate cases in hurry to clear backlog. those unfortunate people will then have to decide I pay the fkg lawyer money to open the case or to file in perm or go back to their country.
Sahil2002 - I got my 45 day back in Feb 2005 and nothing since then. My case is similar to yours, EB2, MD, April 2003, but Traditional.

Who knows how long this will take
Do you know if the case inquired by the PBEC blongs to California? I have never heard PBEC people called out. This only happened in DBEC before.

telesync said:
Hi Guys,

I am among one of you and still waiting for my labor approval.

PD Nov 19 2002
Regional Oct 6 2003
45 day letter received Mar 4 2005
Case Number: P-04321-056XX

Just talked with my attorney and she mentioned (second time in last 4 weeks) that she got a call from PBEC for one of her cases and the representative in PBEC mentioned that approvals are strictly based on FIFO and RIR has preference over non RIR.

While looking at number of conversations, I was getting an impression that PBEC is not FIFO but it does not appear to be the case based on what attorney mentioned to me.

Does anybody has any info which invalidates this?

Thanks a bunch
What is definition of advance degree ?

What is the definition of "Advanced Degree" in Bill Frist's proposal? Is it masters or bachelors too?

If Bill Frist's proposal is accepted, then practically there won't be any retrogression. We still will be rotting in this PBEC HELL :mad:

Let us have a rally on some working day in March or early April lead to PBEC in Phily.
There is Big ABC News OFFICE 2 blocks from where PBEC is .... ABC Cameraman can shoot the Rally from their office.... :)

I say go rally....
help please

guys, does anybody know anything about a company called VTECH Solutions ?

I think they are a bodyshop, filing roles on projects ... they contacted me saying yes, they sponsor GC, transfer visa, etc, etc ..

are they legit ? serious ?

tks for any info, I appreciate it

I am writting in this forum after a long-long time. I don't see usual crowd like USCISMockery, StressTest, JavaConsultant and many other but I am still here, watching and reading the stories of our grief, anger, frustation....

At the same time, I am curious to know if anyone here has ever contacted the following Key personel in DOL

Elaine L. Chao
(202) 693-6000

Chief of Staff
Paul T. Conway
(202) 693-6007

Deputy Secretary
Steven J. Law
(202) 693-6000

Executive Secretariat Director
Ruth D. Knouse
(202) 693-6100

Director of Advance & Scheduling
Amy Barrera
(202) 693-6003

Associate Deputy Secretary
Laura Genero
(202) 693-6000

Just wanted to know. I am thinking of calling their offices to make sure they are aware of this BEC mess.
veluru said:
When the Data enters partially, the number starts with T in both centers, once they enters full data, it will be P-xxxxx-xxxxx in PBEC and D-xxxxx-xxxxx in DBEC, don't worry, your case is right if you didn't receive 45 days...., once you get 45 days letter it will change to P.


My snap shot from the mail "H1B7YR@PHI.DFLC.US" has the ETA Case No# as P-050XX-XXXXX and my lawyer says he never got the 45 days letter yet. But you say that "once you get 45 days letter it will change to P", Is that true? Do I need to follow up with my advocate ??

My Priority Date:07/11/2003 RIR from Atlanta.
Also, Is there anyone from atlanta have got 45 days letter having the same PD(approx)???
