Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

good to see approvals

It feels good seeing the pace of LC approvals this week

Following are my details

PD: 10/2004
45 Day Letter Received on: 09/27/2005 Replied On: 09/27/2005
Case #: P-05157-XXXXX
Waiting for the LC

Does EB2 have any impact on the faster approval of the labor compared to EB3?

All the best and hope PBEC continues to improve its performance and help us in getting out of this stagnation.
Let's see

It seems that PBEC has started sending some approvals. Let's hope this isn't temporary and the trend continues.

They have been sending May/Jun 2002 approvals for months now. It will interesting to see when they can move beyond that.
DBEC users slowing down PBEC?

Look at DBEC post# 10872. These people are flooding PBEC with email requests for status and possibly slowing it down even more.

I think we should ask these people to contact their lawyers first for case status. Lawyers have access to a website from which they can pull out the screenshot. That's a more efficient way to get labor status.
2002calabor said:
It seems that PBEC has started sending some approvals. Let's hope this isn't temporary and the trend continues.

They have been sending May/Jun 2002 approvals for months now. It will interesting to see when they can move beyond that.

I am eagerly waiting for that day.... :mad:
If that is the case, lot of people on this board are ready to buy tequila for PBEC CO's, if they continue this approval trend.Good to see so many approvals from PBEC.

RIR, NJ, 09/2002, 45 day letter in Sep 2005
Preparing to file 9th year H1B

saknia said:
Heard from inside sources

CO of PBEC is taking tequila nowadays !!!!!!!

( That's why all these approvals I think)
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EB2/EB3 makes no difference in PBEC

but RIR or Regular makes the difference ..


bharad said:
It feels good seeing the pace of LC approvals this week

Following are my details

PD: 10/2004
45 Day Letter Received on: 09/27/2005 Replied On: 09/27/2005
Case #: P-05157-XXXXX
Waiting for the LC

Does EB2 have any impact on the faster approval of the labor compared to EB3?

All the best and hope PBEC continues to improve its performance and help us in getting out of this stagnation.
pessimistic said:
I Heard From My Lawyer Today Thtat My Labor Is Approved...............


And Best Of Luck For All Of You. Hope You Get Your Labor Soon..

Congratulations!. Now if we see somebody with name "Optimistic" in 140 forum we know who it is. :)
saknia said:
Since you are in Feb 2004 we cann not predict anything at this moment. We need to see how PBEC moves in Mar 2006 and then we can say for sure

If approvals continue this way I think your case will be approved in the time frame of Oct - Dec 2006 ( In next 3 Quareters of this year we can expect them to finish 2002,2003 & come to 2004 in last quarter)

If it happens I would be the happiest but I guess it is just wishful thinking. there are no applications after march 2005 (that is when perm was introduced) in BECS and if the deadline is sep 2007 then 2004 cases will be picked up next year I think.
ragini_nj said:
I am eagerly waiting for that day.... :mad:


looks like our PDs r around the same time..mine is Dec 2002 and 45 letter too around same time..?

Any idea if your case made to Regional before it went to BEC..? also any kind of confirmation after your 45 letter has been replied...??

Hope all of us come of this living hell soooon...
2002calabor said:
It seems that PBEC has started sending some approvals. Let's hope this isn't temporary and the trend continues.

They have been sending May/Jun 2002 approvals for months now. It will interesting to see when they can move beyond that.

I'm pretty sure there are separate queues for different states, for example:

MD = late 2001
NY = late 2001/Jan 2002
CA = may/june 2002
NJ = june/2002

it all goes back to my old theory that they assign batches of cases from a particular state/profession to particular analysts. That would obviously make it easier to check the prevailing rate for several cases at a time, instead of doing case by case for different states/professions.

that's why, in my opinion, we see several approvals for one state, then several for another, and so on ...
3 Approvals made happy?

Already 2006 1/4 yr completed. There are so many cases waiting 2001 and 2002. 2003 Labor certificates are more in count.

Still no hope that they can complete by 2007 Sept. Daily we look at this forum, by Sept 2006 we may see another 15% approvals. Assume that they completed 20% applications by Sept 2006. More than that, may be miracle for PBEC.

How can they complete remaining 80% by Sept 2007, within 1 year. When number of applications processing increase, number of RFE or NOFs also increase. How can they handle RFE, NOFs and Recruitment observation for NON-RIR.

Do you believe the organization which took 2 years for simple Data entry can complete the process within 18 months?
State Factor at PBEC

Do you think they are doing this so that they apply the specific state SWA's approach to those LC applications? For example, previously certain SWAs were more stringent in reviewing certain factors of the LC app or some were more flexible in say using the "same-company" experience etc etc..while processing LC apps. Maybe they are trying to treat MD cases with the mindset of an MD SWA officer (probably when the SWAs closed they all moved the officers to Philly). What do you think?

cantstandit said:
I'm pretty sure there are separate queues for different states, for example:

MD = late 2001
NY = late 2001/Jan 2002
CA = may/june 2002
NJ = june/2002

it all goes back to my old theory that they assign batches of cases from a particular state/profession to particular analysts. That would obviously make it easier to check the prevailing rate for several cases at a time, instead of doing case by case for different states/professions.

that's why, in my opinion, we see several approvals for one state, then several for another, and so on ...
Already 2006 1/4 yr completed. There are so many cases waiting 2001 and 2002. 2003 Labor certificates are more in count.

Still no hope that they can complete by 2007 Sept. Daily we look at this forum, by Sept 2006 we may see another 15% approvals. Assume that they completed 20% applications by Sept 2006. More than that, may be miracle for PBEC.

How can they complete remaining 80% by Sept 2007, within 1 year. When number of applications processing increase, number of RFE or NOFs also increase. How can they handle RFE, NOFs and Recruitment observation for NON-RIR.

Do you believe the organization which took 2 years for simple Data entry can complete the process within 18 months?

Laloo, you hit the nail on its head.

Most of the viewers here are hoping that from May 2006 PBEC is going approve & mail the cases using a high speed laser printer.

When BEC was formed in Nov 2004, I thought RIR cases will take at the most 1 years. Remeber there should be a seperate RIR queue and the no. of RIR cases is very less compared to non RIR. Also RIR processing is easy.

What happens? Few approvals random.

Guys here is the history lesson for you: During Jan 2003 PERM was supposed to be rolled out in six months. But DOL rolled out PERM in 2005 April.
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Already 2006 1/4 yr completed. There are so many cases waiting 2001 and 2002. 2003 Labor certificates are more in count.

Still no hope that they can complete by 2007 Sept. Daily we look at this forum, by Sept 2006 we may see another 15% approvals. Assume that they completed 20% applications by Sept 2006. More than that, may be miracle for PBEC.

How can they complete remaining 80% by Sept 2007, within 1 year. When number of applications processing increase, number of RFE or NOFs also increase. How can they handle RFE, NOFs and Recruitment observation for NON-RIR.

Do you believe the organization which took 2 years for simple Data entry can complete the process within 18 months?


All are hoping and assuming that sooner or later this 45 day nonsense ends..they will be left with no other work , BUT approving/adjucticating the cases..

Atleast if the train starts with the approvals it will keep moving and there is some hope for us..they cant blame anymore on 45 day dataentry story. RFE's NOF's maybe a 25% case and everyone hopes not to fall in that basket

Bottomline is vent out here and just wait :D
TechGuy said:
What happens? Few approvals random.

I am highly skeptical of the "random approval" theory. I simply think that certain "well connected" cases find their way through the system sooner than the rest of us. Even if they somehow got priority treatment or got the exclusive backing of a politician or a powerful corporation, do you think they'll run over here and tell us?
guys what about random closur" i recived a notice of closur after 5 years of waiting for LC. (PD apri; 2001) and my lawyer respond to the 45 latter in time. they said (PBEC) we did not recive it..we send a poof (FEDx tarck NO.) they said nothing.. i called to ask when they will reopen my case they said it will take a long time..i said what do u mean of long time..she said (with so mean voice) I TOLD U I DO NOT KNOW JUST IT WILL TAKE A LONG TIME...ahahahahahah a long time more than 5's okay i will shut my mouse and wait cause i gave them my life to control since 5 years....have a nice dream guys..bye bye

45 in Aug 2005
respond in SEp. 2005 close by erro in 03-2006
reopen (god's only knows when)
give up (sorry i have to fight for my freedom)