Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

EB3 to EB2

my RIR was filed in Oct 2002 in DC in the EB3 category. i received 45 day letter in Dec 2005. i just finished my Masters degree and have also completed 5 years of work experience. what do i need to do to change from EB3 to EB2? what are the benefits in this situation of changing the category? Thanks for any advice.
just curious ...

dont your country need your help now ? you are a high-tech person or other highly educated person .

In these developing countries such as India and China, your contribution to the development and economy will be great.

I doubt by sending this to your home country officials will do anything good ...

This is a PBEC forum .

LedBy said:
this is just a mess or pure luck..

but anyway, congratulations to the person ...

seeing any approvals is good ...

StressTestInUSA said:
Ladies and gentlemen,
My Labor got approved today ......just got an email from the wait begins


45 day letter recd. on :12/28/2005
45 day letter replied. on :12/29/2005
Reply With Quote


how fortunate cud thes guys be...45day letter replied in fag-end of Dec 05...!!
Did ur case go to regional??

StressTestInUSA said:
Ladies and gentlemen,
My Labor got approved today ......just got an email from the wait begins


45 day letter recd. on :12/28/2005
45 day letter replied. on :12/29/2005
Reply With Quote

Congratulations, StressTestInUSA !
Did ur case go to regional??
I was in the same situation as you. July 2002 RIR PBEC. As far as I know you can't change Eb3 to EB2 if 5 yrs experience or MS degree was not specified in the original filing. One option for you is to keep your existing EB3 application with PBEC and file a new one EB2 via PERM. That way, if your PERM is approved and you are from a non-retrogression countries for EB2, you should be able to file I-485 and work permit.

AJ02 said:
my RIR was filed in Oct 2002 in DC in the EB3 category. i received 45 day letter in Dec 2005. i just finished my Masters degree and have also completed 5 years of work experience. what do i need to do to change from EB3 to EB2? what are the benefits in this situation of changing the category? Thanks for any advice.
45 letter received

hey guys

I hope this info is used to up date the tracker
Damir jurisic
PD March 25 2003
45 leetter send feb 10 2006
45 respond feb 13 2006
chinglun said:
dont your country need your help now ? you are a high-tech person or other highly educated person .

In these developing countries such as India and China, your contribution to the development and economy will be great.

I doubt by sending this to your home country officials will do anything good ...

This is a PBEC forum .

I know well it is a PBEC forum. On that context,

You mentioning Chinese and Indian origin people going back to help their country abandoning the green card process doesn’t hold relevance. If that is the case why they waste time coming to this forum?

I am positive that Indian administration does hold some leverage in bringing such issues to a discussion table as it is affecting their community. If it President is going to visit there..that's all I thought.
Still waiting.

I heard PBEC is processing PD June'2002 cases from CA state. Is it true? Any updates would be appreciated.

Philly BEC Case # P-04322-0xxxx
45 Days Letter recieved on 03/22/05 & Replied on 03/25/05
CA SWA PD : 07/25/2002
SF DOL RD : 06/15/2003
Cae type : RIR
Status: Waiting for Labor approval. :mad:

I dont know if any of you realized but DOL web site has a HUGE


I guess they got some complaints from various sources and trying to remind people that they are working to get there on time....

Check it out at:

I hope they are sincere in meeting the 18 month timeline. That would have to mean the certifications are bound to come one after another starting in 2-3 months max.
4MyWife said:
I dont know if any of you realized but DOL web site has a HUGE


I guess they got some complaints from various sources and trying to remind people that they are working to get there on time....

Check it out at:

I hope they are sincere in meeting the 18 month timeline. That would have to mean the certifications are bound to come one after another starting in 2-3 months max.

Hope this will end our miseries...!!

This is truly something new on the website....!!
Well the countdown has begun... hope PBEC really starts approving cases in a rapid pace. DBEC might be well on track but it will be interesting to see PBEC's approval rate in the coming months !!

4MyWife said:
I dont know if any of you realized but DOL web site has a HUGE


I guess they got some complaints from various sources and trying to remind people that they are working to get there on time....

Check it out at:

I hope they are sincere in meeting the 18 month timeline. That would have to mean the certifications are bound to come one after another starting in 2-3 months max.

this is my first time seeing that 18 months sign !

I was reading the site this morning and did not notice anything.

hope this is a good sign meaning that are sending out 45 day letter and approvals letters at full speed..

4MyWife said:
I dont know if any of you realized but DOL web site has a HUGE


I guess they got some complaints from various sources and trying to remind people that they are working to get there on time....

Check it out at:

I hope they are sincere in meeting the 18 month timeline. That would have to mean the certifications are bound to come one after another starting in 2-3 months max.
4MyWife said:
I dont know if any of you realized but DOL web site has a HUGE


I guess they got some complaints from various sources and trying to remind people that they are working to get there on time....

Check it out at:

I hope they are sincere in meeting the 18 month timeline. That would have to mean the certifications are bound to come one after another starting in 2-3 months max.

I am not sure if this is really a good news or This is probably a Gimmic,
I belive they will never change the gif that says '18 Months Remaining'.
Last Minute Substitution of Labor Certification

Ever since the news was reported that the substitutions would be eliminated in the near future, there appears to be a frenzy of filing of the substitution I-140 petitions. However, those who consider change of employment to seize the opportunity of the substitution through the new employers should realize that there are two big risks involved in hastily jumping into an action.

One involves the issue of the employer's financial ability to pay the proffered wage at the time of filing of the labor certification application and at the time of filing of substitution I-140 petition. Most of the substitution labor certification were filed years back with the old priority date. At the time the country experienced a serious down-turn of the economy and the businesses struggled to survive. Consequently, there may be a large number of businesses who filed the labor certification applications with a financial record that did not meet the financial ability to pay the proffered wage standards. Additionally, over the years, USCIS has hardened its stance on this requirement and more or less ruthlessly and strictly and narrowly applied the requirement. As a consequence, most of the cases of I-140 denials for the past two years involved the employer's inability to meet this standard. When one files a substitution I-140 petition, the employer will have to establish its financial eligibility from all the way back until the time of I-140 petition. Unlike other information, the financial picture of a corporation is a top business secret and not accessible by the alien employees.

The second risk involves the USCIS change of interpretation of EB-2 and EB-3 statutory requirements, particularly the "education" requirement in the labor certification applications. In old days, the legacy INS adopted more or less flexible policies or interpretation. Consequently, when the legal counsels for the employers drafted the labor certification applications, they followed the rules and policies of the time. Unfortunately, since then the USCIS, including AAO, has adopted a restrictive and narrower interpretation of the requirements, posing a serious challenge to the eligibility of the I-140 petition for the original alien beneficiaries after years of struggle to obtain the labor certification applications from the Backlog Elimination Centers. Accordingly, some of the labor certification applicants who filed the application in early years have lately faced denial of I-140 petitions because of the changes in the USCIS interpretation and policies over the years which no one could anticipate at the time of the labor certification application.

By now, everyone knows what these issues are: (1) Definition of "equivalent" in education requirement; (2) Definition of "Bachelor's Degree"; (3) Definition of "Master's Degree"; Definition of "Bachelor's Degree" in the context of "Bachelor's degree plus 5 years of progressive experience" requirement to make an EB-2 case. These changes have affected Indians more than other nationalities because of the educational systems in India. Currently, there is some indication or anticipation that the USCIS HQ may loosen up the standards on these issues, but the Service Centers, particularly Nebraska and Texas Service Centers, take a very narrow interpretation and produce a lot of denials on these issues.
orangs said:
I am not sure if this is really a good news or This is probably a Gimmic,
I belive they will never change the gif that says '18 Months Remaining'.

If they are pretty serious about the countdown, we should see that gif image being updated every month. Also, we need to see an upsurge in approval rate of PBEC. DBEC appears to be on track and at this rate they will definitely achieve their target. Not sure if PBEC will be able to catch up with them.
4MyWife said:
I dont know if any of you realized but DOL web site has a HUGE


I guess they got some complaints from various sources and trying to remind people that they are working to get there on time....

Check it out at:

I hope they are sincere in meeting the 18 month timeline. That would have to mean the certifications are bound to come one after another starting in 2-3 months max.

wow, I'm shocked here ... considering how the DOL refuses to commit to anything or to disclose progress, putting that on the website is one of 2 things:

1. they are VERY confident that once the 45-day letters are finished, the manpower they have is more than enough to review all cases

2. someone hacked onto the website :)

now my question again is ... sept/2007 is roughly 18 months away ... can we
assume 6 months to process 2001 and 2002, 6 months to process 2003 and the rest for 2004/2005 ?! I imagine full processing only after June ...
GC_from_NJ said:
Ever since the news was reported that the substitutions would be eliminated in the near future, there appears to be a frenzy of filing of the substitution I-140 petitions. However, those who consider change of employment to seize the opportunity of the substitution through the new employers should realize that there are two big risks involved in hastily jumping into an action.

One involves the issue of the employer's financial ability to pay the proffered wage at the time of filing of the labor certification application and at the time of filing of substitution I-140 petition. Most of the substitution labor certification were filed years back with the old priority date. At the time the country experienced a serious down-turn of the economy and the businesses struggled to survive. Consequently, there may be a large number of businesses who filed the labor certification applications with a financial record that did not meet the financial ability to pay the proffered wage standards. Additionally, over the years, USCIS has hardened its stance on this requirement and more or less ruthlessly and strictly and narrowly applied the requirement. As a consequence, most of the cases of I-140 denials for the past two years involved the employer's inability to meet this standard. When one files a substitution I-140 petition, the employer will have to establish its financial eligibility from all the way back until the time of I-140 petition. Unlike other information, the financial picture of a corporation is a top business secret and not accessible by the alien employees.

The second risk involves the USCIS change of interpretation of EB-2 and EB-3 statutory requirements, particularly the "education" requirement in the labor certification applications. In old days, the legacy INS adopted more or less flexible policies or interpretation. Consequently, when the legal counsels for the employers drafted the labor certification applications, they followed the rules and policies of the time. Unfortunately, since then the USCIS, including AAO, has adopted a restrictive and narrower interpretation of the requirements, posing a serious challenge to the eligibility of the I-140 petition for the original alien beneficiaries after years of struggle to obtain the labor certification applications from the Backlog Elimination Centers. Accordingly, some of the labor certification applicants who filed the application in early years have lately faced denial of I-140 petitions because of the changes in the USCIS interpretation and policies over the years which no one could anticipate at the time of the labor certification application.

By now, everyone knows what these issues are: (1) Definition of "equivalent" in education requirement; (2) Definition of "Bachelor's Degree"; (3) Definition of "Master's Degree"; Definition of "Bachelor's Degree" in the context of "Bachelor's degree plus 5 years of progressive experience" requirement to make an EB-2 case. These changes have affected Indians more than other nationalities because of the educational systems in India. Currently, there is some indication or anticipation that the USCIS HQ may loosen up the standards on these issues, but the Service Centers, particularly Nebraska and Texas Service Centers, take a very narrow interpretation and produce a lot of denials on these issues.


This is a Good post summarizing the factors to be considered for Substitution cases.

In fact others need to consider the facts here and start preparing as well (with Big Compnaies you hardly chage what is there. But still you can ask them to submitt additional things that might help with the approval. Something like Evaluation where you are doubtful of Educational qualifications might help if they are prepared in advance
4MyWife said:
I dont know if any of you realized but DOL web site has a HUGE


I guess they got some complaints from various sources and trying to remind people that they are working to get there on time....

Check it out at:

I hope they are sincere in meeting the 18 month timeline. That would have to mean the certifications are bound to come one after another starting in 2-3 months max.

Lawsuit Team

Capture this Website (AD) and retain. If DOl changes this next month it will be good evidence about how they deceive people