Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Same case as immidude74

PD June 2003
Region Aug 2003
45 days letter rcd & replied Jan 2005
State - PA

GOD... Bless us all...

PBEC please wake up.....WORK(High expectations..they don't work on regular days, why will they work during holidays)

H1's if they don't work..They get fired...Is there anyone to fire these guys....
man, are you dreaming...? Even God can't help!!

madsat1234 said:
PD June 2003
Region Aug 2003
45 days letter rcd & replied Jan 2005
State - PA

GOD... Bless us all...

PBEC please wake up.....WORK(High expectations..they don't work on regular days, why will they work during holidays)

H1's if they don't work..They get fired...Is there anyone to fire these guys....
Was your case RIR or Regular?

waiting_labor said:
I have rcd my laor approvcal today. My details
State Labor: FL Oct 2003
Federal Labor: ATL Nov. 2004
Labor Approval Date: Dec. 12th 2005

Thank you all for your updates

Please tell us if your case was RIR or Regular. My case is RIR with December 2003 Priority Date so I want to know if they are getting close to my case in the queue. Also, when did you reply to your 45-day letter (in case they are going by 45-day letter receipt date to determine processing order)? I replied to my 45-day letter in June 2005. Thanks a lot!
Hope it picks up speed

I think there is reason for hope. They have finally started approving cases at PBEC (although slow). We have been thru months when we would see one or two cases get approved.

They can't sit on it forever. Its a question of who's going to blink first. If we get tired of the wait or lose job then we have to leave. If we manage to wait out another 6 months or so we might all get our approvals!

Maybe I am thinking of Santa Clause coming by to me!

saknia said:
Hi All

The wheels of PBEC Engine has started moving atlats eevnthough very slowly. See the approvals between 11/13/2005 to 12/21/2005

Total Approvals for this period - 20 Cases
( Not Bad though)

Date Known Name State Categ Categ PD
11/3/2005 srawal MD EB3 RIR Jan-02
11/4/2005 whathehec MD EB3 RIR Feb-02
11/7/2005 GCDC VA EB3 Apr-02
11/14/2005 RC10580 NY Nov-01
11/15/2005 Rajel NY Oct-01
11/28/2005 icici MD EB2 RIR Jul-01
11/28/2005 Unknown MD Aug-01
11/30/2005 Juanito NY RIR Jan-02
11/30/2005 VK2003 VA EB2 RIR Mar-02
12/1/2005 Unknown MD RIR Feb-02
12/5/2005 gcislife NY EB3 RIR Jun-02
12/6/2005 Unknown VA Feb-02
12/7/2005 garp MD Dec-01
12/12/2005 Unknown CA RIR Oct-02
12/12/2005 Unknown Harrisburgh Nov-03
12/16/2005 Unknown NY EB3 RIR Jan-02
12/17/2005 smallriver MD RIR Oct-01
12/18/2005 jj71 NY RIR Feb-02
12/19/2005 waiting_laborFL Oct-03
12/21/2005 CGUBI NY Nov-01
coolguy11 said:
How many of you still believe its just a mess. I believe its something more sinister, something deliberate and something totally avoidable if desired...

I also thought so but for the sake fo justice I must say that USCIS has been behaving far much better than DOL. There were a few very favorable provisions also the processing times shrank quite a bit. The restrogression issue is a different story.

Guys have you tried to divide the ammount the goverment spent on the backlog reduction efforts the last couple of years by the size of the backlog ? Try it. Something that makes me think that somebody is fooling us, and american citizens alike.
Sorry I dont agree.

sbdol said:
I also thought so but for the sake fo justice I must say that USCIS has been behaving far much better than DOL. There were a few very favorable provisions also the processing times shrank quite a bit. The restrogression issue is a different story.

Guys have you tried to divide the ammount the goverment spent on the backlog reduction efforts the last couple of years by the size of the backlog ? Try it. Something that makes me think that somebody is fooling us, and american citizens alike.

Some visas expired every year because USCIS was not doing its job right.
I agree there were backlogs in I485. So some visas were getting wasted. The recent provisions to recapture 90,000 visas are exactly those...that expired every year because USCIS couldnt use them because of slow processing.

I485 appears fast not only because of some faster processing but also because not many I485 cases were being filed. All of those would be cases are ours...which are rotting at labor stage right now.

We are going to get screwed at 485 big time...

If they need us, they will do everything. Now that they dont, they have let visas expire every year....and now there is retrogression bcoz of visa unavailability. They are not even recapturing those that expired last 3 years because of their inefficiency.

Its a bloody conspiracy to kick us out....legally.
No conspiracy

Hey buddy this is no conspiracy.
This is plain economics. From 2000 to 2004 a deluge of H1 were issued. The build up to this was because of pressure from Industries especially IT for more foreign brainpower. Times have changed. There have been spate of layoffs in previous years. Work has moved overseas to India, China. The same Industries do not need you and me anymore.

It is all demand and supply regulated by Uncle Sam. Throw in layers of process and tap is controlled wonderfully. It is our bad luck we got caught in BEC and worse of all in PBEC.
bigbang2001 said:
Hey buddy this is no conspiracy.
This is plain economics. From 2000 to 2004 a deluge of H1 were issued. The build up to this was because of pressure from Industries especially IT for more foreign brainpower. Times have changed. There have been spate of layoffs in previous years. Work has moved overseas to India, China. The same Industries do not need you and me anymore.

It is all demand and supply regulated by Uncle Sam. Throw in layers of process and tap is controlled wonderfully. It is our bad luck we got caught in BEC and worse of all in PBEC.

Don't forget that majority or at least half of the cases are those filed by illegal immigrants in 2001. Most of them were not IT related.
coolguy11 said:
How many of you still believe its just a mess. I believe its something more sinister, something deliberate and something totally avoidable if desired.

Even slow states like california used to process labors in 3 months in 2000 when the economy needed people like us. Now there is so much outcry about H1/L1's taking up all software jobs in this country. Most people who came in the boom time are now finishing up their 6 years. I think they just want people like us to leave. And they are doing it by making the law highly unfavorable to us. If they want to provide immigration relief, they can easily allow us to file I485 regardless of visa availability. The application can sit there and rot while we wait for the priority dates to become current, but it would make all the difference in our lives and provide relief to the hundreds of thousands of legal immigrants. Just having the ability to file an application would make all the difference in our lives. They gave relief to the undocumented workers. Why not do something in good faith for the legal immigrants too. Now they are processing cases for undocumented workers along with legal potential immigrants. Why the hell should an application for an illegal slow down an application for a legal potential immigrant family.

Students started going to other countries for higher studies so they made a seperate category for Master's and increased the number of H1B visas for Master's to 50,000 and made student visa dual intent.

When they had a shortage of nurses, they made a seperate EB category and recaptured the visas for nurces so that they were not affected by retrogression.

I think the backlog center was created to delay applications and not for processing them fast. All centers could have easily cleared the applications by now if there were no BEC's. This funding of 100M could have been better spent hiring few more people in the DOL's.

Now that the visa retrogression dates are badly screwed up and after you clear a 4 year old labor, you are hit with retrogression. How long can one hold on to his job at the same position/salary /designation. Most people cant. And this is why there are delays, so that we all get kicked out one by one.

Forming BEC was a fantastic idea. If I were the govt and if I wanted to cause delays, I would subcontract the job to a private contractor so that the blame goes there. Since there was such a big transition involved in moving 3,60,000 files and reentering data, they have good excuse that the task in hand is big and the files were sent in random order, software crashes in BEC's and so on. Then 45 day letter was another great idea to delay applications. Send 45 day letters at random to create confusion. And they cannot provide status and any processing timeframes aven after 1 year of forming BEC.

On top of that, they started PERM. What can I say. All of us could have been given the opportunity to convert to PERM but they made it so difficult for old timers and so easy for newcomers that people who start the process now can get labor approved in 3-4 months.

If I had the opportunity to go back in time and do it all over again, I wouldnt. I wouldnt waste my time and energy over something that has no timeframes, no fairness, where rules keep on changing daily. I have invested so much time and energy that its difficult to quit now.

Happy 2006.
Good Analysis makes perfect sense too ..nobody cares about visa retro or pbec mess has become like a lottery. lawmakers move fast when they need people like during Y2 K or dotcom. I feel the old saying is True ...the money you have in a (safe) bank is your only friend !!!. my advice is think of gc as a lottery have purchased a ticket ..chance of winning is there but v.v low ...might as well go on with your life and sleep/eat well
Found one more approval from PBEC ..Not mine

Hi found one more approval from PBEC posted in.I think the approval date is Dec 12,2005.

User: kish3
Last Updated: 19 Dec 2005 3:43pm PST
SWA Receipt Date (PD): 03 Oct 2003
DOL Receipt Date: 11 Nov 2004
45-Day Letter Received: 12 Jul 2005
45-Day Letter Replied: 11 Aug 2005
Transferred From: Atlanta DOL
Category: EB2-NonRIR
Status: certified Status
Date: 12 Dec 2005

Looking at the PD and the approval date it looks like waiting_labor has registered in a different name (kish) in

GCTitan said:
Hi found one more approval from PBEC posted in.I think the approval date is Dec 12,2005.

User: kish3
Last Updated: 19 Dec 2005 3:43pm PST
SWA Receipt Date (PD): 03 Oct 2003
DOL Receipt Date: 11 Nov 2004
45-Day Letter Received: 12 Jul 2005
45-Day Letter Replied: 11 Aug 2005
Transferred From: Atlanta DOL
Category: EB2-NonRIR
Status: certified Status
Date: 12 Dec 2005
Hi a_to_z_gc,

Did you hear from Senator Feinstein's office ? I recall you had a meeting with one of her staff and I think you were to hear from her office on Dec 1.
Any updates !

a_to_z_gc said:
Hi all,

Pondering over this year, nothing much changed w.r.t PBEC issues.Well, atleast we all are trying different ways to alleviate this burning issue.My deepest condolences to the ones who lost their jobs while waiting for their LC approval from PBEC. I hope they found job somewhere else...

Just thought of wishing you all HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Hopefully next year should bring in some relief on this PBEC mess atleast(don't know where we all would be w.r.t retrogression...). I am sure PBEC is all empty(except maybe handful of them to confuse the calling people more) with it's employees enjoying their holidays! Well, then we should enjoy our holidays too...

Any approval from CA


Did we hear any approvals from CA ?

Its a long wait...I am really disappointed with this process.....

I noticed that PBEC approved some 2003 cases ....What happened to FIFO ?

What happened to talking to media about PBEC 's slow processing ?
mariner555 said:
..nobody cares about visa retro or pbec mess has become like a lottery...

There are some talks about the visa retrogression. Even Congress made some attempts in the latest session to address the issue. Please note that the retrogression appeared relatively very recently and DOL backlog is there 5 years. But you are right; nobody cares or even knows about the DOL backlog.

I think we did a poor job trying to deliver the backlog issue to the public.
Try to find the Philadelphia BEC delay problem in google. Almost all relevant links point to our forum.

It would be very easy to pull the DOL to the light.
USCIS managed to complete 2.2 million cases in one quarter of 2005, while DOL hardly touched their 340,000 in 5 years. And the job required to complete a USCIS case is far more complex than that of a labor application.

In my own opinion, which might be wrong, what they do there is a simple money laundering. Who believes that one needs on average two hours to enter one record in the database, leaving alone the fact that the database already existed ?
In 2004 alone DOL received 72 millions to eliminate the backlog of 315,00 cases.
That's $228 per case !!! Add to this that there were other multimillion fundings dedicated just to that purpose in previous years.

Maybe we should complain about the money fraud to FBI ? Does anyone have a contact there ?
Saknia, I wanted to send you a private message but looks like you have said 'No' to private messages. Can you send me your email id on my private message ?
javaconsultant said:

Did we hear any approvals from CA ?

Its a long wait...I am really disappointed with this process.....

I noticed that PBEC approved some 2003 cases ....What happened to FIFO ?

What happened to talking to media about PBEC 's slow processing ?
Well, I guess that's it then. I came back on this forum after a month and nothing has changed. I was supposed to recieve a feedback from Fienstien's office couple of weeks back but did not hear anything yet.

What a life? I guess, no politician is interested in out matter since we are aliens and literally don't give a damn to our concerns or issues.

Well, I should say relax for now, enjoy your holidays and lets talk about it next year.

Good luck to all.
LC certified ( New York )

45-day letter: one month ago.
PD: Jan. 18th, 2002.
State: New York, Software engineer. :) :) :)

Congrats... Let's pray that approval keeps on coming on a more faster pace.

QWE123 said:
45-day letter: one month ago.
PD: Jan. 18th, 2002.
State: New York, Software engineer. :) :) :)
Happy Holidays

Don't think too much of the PBEC so you might enjoy the holidays.
I wish everyone a meaningful Christmas and a Prosperous & Blessed New Year.
God Bless to all.