Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Wierd logic.

One can be pregnant, or not. Both cannot co-exist together.
Either they follow FIFO or they are not following FIFO.

Their wierd logic that they are following FIFO but the applications get approved out of order is beyond me.

All that talk about "Efficient Approach" and "productivity rate" is all lies.

Delicateone said:
Attached please find this page from AILA, nothing much same old story.........

DOL Explanation of BEC FIFO Procedures

Although the Backlog Elimination Centers (BECs) and ETA regional offices processing labor certification applications do follow FIFO procedures, a number of factors impact the order in which a case ultimately reaches disposition, relative to other cases in the permanent labor certification process.

In developing the backlog reduction system, we determined the most efficient approach was to establish two centers, which means applications will be processed in two locations. However, the overall productivity rate for the two centers is approximately the same.

In some cases, applications with an earlier priority date may be processed or reach disposition later than newer applications. Assuming two applications with the same priority date, there are several factors that account for different processing times for some applications. These include the type of application (RIR vs. TR), the stage of processing at which the application was received by the BEC (applications received from the regions have recruitment completed, and so are further along than those received from the states), the dates of other applications pending at each center (which determines each application's place within the FIFO queue), the quality of the application (applications that raise questions take longer), and the response time of the employer to center requests for confirmation to continue processing the application.
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kiran00 said:
So much of chatter about these amendments confuses me... does this really mean that we can file I485 not caring about Labor being cleared?? If thats the case, who else will be more fortunate than us? If not the case, how does it matter to us being stuck at PBEC?

Please advice.....
I think this bill only talks about recapture of unused numbers and a provision to take out the immigrant visa numbers for the spouses and children of the employment-based immigrants in counting EB annual cap
kiran00 said:
So much of chatter about these amendments confuses me... does this really mean that we can file I485 not caring about Labor being cleared?? If thats the case, who else will be more fortunate than us? If not the case, how does it matter to us being stuck at PBEC?

Please advice.....

No this point 485 only after labor clear.....So this does not have immediate impact for us stuck at PBEC but in the future when we get labor this would be useful....This is also not a sure thing...So guys in PBEC just calm down...
This bill if passed would help those new PERM filers and the law firms.Those who are stuck in PBEC will see no difference until they allow us filing I-485 directly.

vk2003 said:
Yes, much ado about nothing if you're stuck at the PBEC - this will not help you without an approved labor. If you do have an approved labor, you can file for I-485 without waiting for the priority date to become current. However, you will not actually get the GC until your PD is current. Also, the provision to recapture unused visas and getting rid of the spouses & children from the count may temporarily alleviate the backlog for visa numbers. I suppose it does give a ray of hope for people who want to consider switching to Perm.
Budget Bill also allows filing AOS

bklog_sufferer said:
I think this bill only talks about recapture of unused numbers and a provision to take out the immigrant visa numbers for the spouses and children of the employment-based immigrants in counting EB annual cap

Section 8001, (c) 2. allows us to file 485 even if PD isn't current if we pay an additional fee of $500.

So if we ever get out of PBEC, we can file 140 and 485 together, then after 6 months, get EAD.

Pray that the House budget bill can be ammended to match this GREAT senate bill. Pray and write to Congressman.

I am extremely disappointed that PERM, DBEC and others will get EAD before us in PBEC and that FIFO won't be followed. But let's face it. Even if they get it before us, these changes still allow us to get EAD earlier than we will with today's system. So it benefits us all.
I guess the main reason many of us are not shifting to PERM is for fear of losing the priority date - if this bill helps alleviate the backlog, maybe many more of us would switch to PERM.

Does anyone know what the equivalent House Bill number is for S.1932 or the Conference committee schedule?

HondaRider said:
Section 8001, (c) 2. allows us to file 485 even if PD isn't current if we pay an additional fee of $500.

So if we ever get out of PBEC, we can file 140 and 485 together, then after 6 months, get EAD.

Pray that the House budget bill can be ammended to match this GREAT senate bill. Pray and write to Congressman.

I am extremely disappointed that PERM, DBEC and others will get EAD before us in PBEC and that FIFO won't be followed. But let's face it. Even if they get it before us, these changes still allow us to get EAD earlier than we will with today's system. So it benefits us all.

MDwatch said:
Look at the vote results:

Vote Counts:
YEAs 14
NAYs 85
Not Voting 1

Out of the 14, 10 are democrats .... now who is our friend in the senate ???

Akaka (D-HI)
Byrd (D-WV)
Dayton (D-MN)
Dodd (D-CT)
Dorgan (D-ND)
Durbin (D-IL)
Feingold (D-WI)
Inhofe (R-OK)
Jeffords (I-VT)
Landrieu (D-LA)
Rockefeller (D-WV)
Sessions (R-AL)
Stabenow (D-MI)
Vitter (R-LA)

how many Democrat voted NO out of 85 ? Can you post the figure.
In future, if ever I become citizen of USA, this particular case will always be a dicision making point for who should I vote.

I hope that does yours too..
kiran00 said:
So much of chatter about these amendments confuses me... does this really mean that we can file I485 not caring about Labor being cleared?? If thats the case, who else will be more fortunate than us? If not the case, how does it matter to us being stuck at PBEC?

Please advice.....

Educate yourself...

Are you kidding ? Calm down, none of these bills will help you without labor cleared. Infact it harms us. Just consider a guy, comes to the US today on H1, files for PERM, gets cleared and he will have AOS and Work permit by next summer, and we still would be discussing PBEC nonsense.

We can't do the same (file for PERM), because PERM is not magic wand. It takes lot of effort/money/luck/time (yes time, it takes atleast 2-3 months to prepare the case) to get PERM cleared. Whereas new guy has nothing to loose even if his application is denied.

So our best bet: try your best to raise awareness about PBEC and let other pros (lawyers, lobbying firms and big organizations) focus on immigration bills.
USCIS Mockery is Right

USCISisMockery said:
Educate yourself...

Are you kidding ? Calm down, none of these bills will help you without labor cleared. Infact it harms us. Just consider a guy, comes to the US today on H1, files for PERM, gets cleared and he will have AOS and Work permit by next summer, and we still would be discussing PBEC nonsense.

We can't do the same (file for PERM), because PERM is not magic wand. It takes lot of effort/money/luck/time (yes time, it takes atleast 2-3 months to prepare the case) to get PERM cleared. Whereas new guy has nothing to loose even if his application is denied.

So our best bet: try your best to raise awareness about PBEC and let other pros (lawyers, lobbying firms and big organizations) focus on immigration bills.

Don't waste your time on bills, senate and other similar things retrogression will be solved by itself sooner than you think.
I would more worry about PBEC because without labor you can't do anything.
This is the same thing as you are upset because new 2007 Mercedes 600s is not out there yet and you want to buy it and all you have is 50$ in bank. account :D


Why is it harmful to us backloggees if someone who joined the system after us gets to file their I485 before us?

If the retrogression issue is solved and all priority dates are current, why curse someone else just because they are luckier than us?

We are just unlucky and are caught in the cusp of a changeover from the old broken system to PERM.

I applaud the measures to alleviate retrogression, such as EB recapture and ability to file I485 even if a visa number is not available.

Without these measures, if my labor cleared in a year, I would probably have to wait 3 more years to file I485 and get EAD and AP.

Please stop spreading canards. Give a concrete reason why the new measures hurt us. Sure they help someone else more right now. But to argue that we are stuck in a hole and so nothing else should be done other than our own particular problem, is short-sighted and selfish.

Let us work on parallel measures to dig out of the PBEC mess AND the retrogression issue.
noluck2005 said:
Don't waste your time on bills, senate and other similar things retrogression will be solved by itself sooner than you think.
I would more worry about PBEC because without labor you can't do anything.
This is the same thing as you are upset because new 2007 Mercedes 600s is not out there yet and you want to buy it and all you have is 50$ in bank. account :D

I think it is more like, this bill is building the road for us, and PBEC is building the car. We need the car before we can enjoy the road, but why wait to start building the road until you have the car in your hands.

Yeah Mockery, others may get to use the road before our car is built, but we still get in our car and drive sooner than we would if we stopped the building of the road until our car was ready.

Please understand that I am on your side and have written a dozen letters about PBEC to senators and others. But I also write to support bills like this that supports us, but DOES NOT support amnesty for illegals. Amnesty drives me insane.

My 2 cents anyway. These are my views only and are not intended to start or continue an arguement.
I don't really feel good about this

HondaRider said:
I am extremely disappointed that PERM, DBEC and others will get EAD before us in PBEC and that FIFO won't be followed. But let's face it. Even if they get it before us, these changes still allow us to get EAD earlier than we will with today's system. So it benefits us all.

That's good spirit. But then the fact remains that many of us who have been in US for donkey years will not be able to get what a fresh PERM applicant or an equivalent petition case in DBEC can get (=EAD). Therefore I don't think this calls for celebration for us "donkey year" folks in PBEC. We have to get PBEC pull up their socks way up. The best approach will be to highlight this inequality.

On the visa number recapture, could there be a catch too? they could say the recapture will not be applicable to China/India visa numbers or there are no numbers to recapture for these folks.....
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House bill to match Senate bill S.1932?

vk2003 said:
Does anyone know what the equivalent House Bill number is for S.1932 or the Conference committee schedule?

The only bill I can find is H.R. 3648, which is still in committee and hasn't hit the floor of the house yet. I have read that this is part of the House's measure to address H. Con. Res. 95 which is the drive to reduce the deficit.

Since I don't yet understand the way the bills flow through and so I don't know if the House will group a number of actions into one bill like the Senate did with S.1932.

Any political gurus out there?
We have no issues if someone if a new guy filing PERM gets lucky without impacting rest of us waiting in the PBEC Queue.Think about those who are stuck in PBEC and with 1 year extensions ,their employer unwilling to try PERM .Eliminating retrogression will alone not solve our issue. USCISMockery's views seem to reflect all those who are are dependent on BEC to clear their labor and not PERM.

stucklabor said:

Why is it harmful to us backloggees if someone who joined the system after us gets to file their I485 before us?

If the retrogression issue is solved and all priority dates are current, why curse someone else just because they are luckier than us?

We are just unlucky and are caught in the cusp of a changeover from the old broken system to PERM.

I applaud the measures to alleviate retrogression, such as EB recapture and ability to file I485 even if a visa number is not available.

Without these measures, if my labor cleared in a year, I would probably have to wait 3 more years to file I485 and get EAD and AP.

Please stop spreading canards. Give a concrete reason why the new measures hurt us. Sure they help someone else more right now. But to argue that we are stuck in a hole and so nothing else should be done other than our own particular problem, is short-sighted and selfish.

Let us work on parallel measures to dig out of the PBEC mess AND the retrogression issue.

I agree, this is a great great news for all of us including folks in BPC. It won't harm us at all. No one can get 485 approved out of order unless the date is current. It shortens our wait from 3-4 years possibly to 1 year. Let's support all the efforts to get this through. If it doesn't happen now do you think it will ever happen when we would need it????????????? Think about it, this is the time.

This is not saying let's not do anything for PBEC, but we all know retrogression would have been our next battle, probably a lot bigger than this one. And nothing wrong with winning the future battle now.

stucklabor said:

Why is it harmful to us backloggees if someone who joined the system after us gets to file their I485 before us?

If the retrogression issue is solved and all priority dates are current, why curse someone else just because they are luckier than us?

We are just unlucky and are caught in the cusp of a changeover from the old broken system to PERM.

I applaud the measures to alleviate retrogression, such as EB recapture and ability to file I485 even if a visa number is not available.

Without these measures, if my labor cleared in a year, I would probably have to wait 3 more years to file I485 and get EAD and AP.

Please stop spreading canards. Give a concrete reason why the new measures hurt us. Sure they help someone else more right now. But to argue that we are stuck in a hole and so nothing else should be done other than our own particular problem, is short-sighted and selfish.

Let us work on parallel measures to dig out of the PBEC mess AND the retrogression issue.

After 4 years got my Labor approved. Here are the details. Good Luck to all. Atleast they are working ..but sssssssllllllllloooooooooowwwwwwwwww.

Maryland, EB3-RIR
PD=January 7,2002
RD= April 5, 2004
BPC - Phil - 45 day notice March 2005
BPC -Phil - 45 day reply March 2005
New Case# New Case # : P-04274-xxxxx

Approval Notice Recieved on November 3rd
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After 4 years got my Labor approved. Here are the details. Good Luck to all. Atleast they are working ..but sssssssllllllllloooooooooowwwwwwwwww.

Maryland, EB3-RIR
PD=January 7,2002
RD= April 5, 2004
BPC - Phil - 45 day notice March 2005
BPC -Phil - 45 day reply March 2005
New Case# New Case # : P-04274-xxxxx

Approval Notice Recieved on November 3rd.
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srawal said:
After 4 years got my Labor approved. Here are the details. Good Luck to all. Atleast they are working ..but sssssssllllllllloooooooooowwwwwwwwww.

Maryland, EB3-RIR
PD=January 7,2002
RD= April 5, 2004
BPC - Phil - 45 day notice March 2005
BPC -Phil - 45 day reply March 2005
New Case# New Case # : P-04274-xxxxx

Approval Notice Recieved on November 3rd

Congratulations!!! Best of luck for 140/485. Nice to see a Philly BEC approval after a loooooooooooong time!!! :)
srawal said:
After 4 years got my Labor approved. Here are the details. Good Luck to all. Atleast they are working ..but sssssssllllllllloooooooooowwwwwwwwww.

Maryland, EB3-RIR
PD=January 7,2002
RD= April 5, 2004
BPC - Phil - 45 day notice March 2005
BPC -Phil - 45 day reply March 2005
New Case# New Case # : P-04274-xxxxx

Approval Notice Recieved on November 3rd

Congratulations!!! Best of luck for 140/485. Nice to see a Philly BEC approval after a loooooooooooong time!!! :)

You have a good point,but without getting labor what will you do with the EB current. We all need to get labor first and we need to talk and discuss with senators on this problem.This forum is exclusively for discussing abt Phylli Backlog center.And now a days we are discussing abt the retrogression and H1B quota issue in this thread. Why can't people who want discuss on bills open a new thread and leave this only to Phylly backlog center. Looks like most of the guys who are discussing abt the retrogression stuff are already having their 140's or not able to file their 485's.They are not worried abt our labor pains. And some of us who are waiting for labors are diverted from this problem.Guys who ever want to discuss retrogression and H1 B quota plz open a new thread.No hard feelings.

God make the PBEC to move faster.

Good luck to all PBEC guys


stucklabor said:

Why is it harmful to us backloggees if someone who joined the system after us gets to file their I485 before us?curse someone else just because they are luckier than us?

If the retrogression issue is solved and all priority dates are current, why
We are just unlucky and are caught in the cusp of a changeover from the old broken system to PERM.

I applaud the measures to alleviate retrogression, such as EB recapture and ability to file I485 even if a visa number is not available.

Without these measures, if my labor cleared in a year, I would probably have to wait 3 more years to file I485 and get EAD and AP.

Please stop spreading canards. Give a concrete reason why the new measures hurt us. Sure they help someone else more right now. But to argue that we are stuck in a hole and so nothing else should be done other than our own particular problem, is short-sighted and selfish.

Let us work on parallel measures to dig out of the PBEC mess AND the retrogression issue.