Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Anand_Mishra, and jchliu, you twos PD/RD are just slighly behind me. Today I just found out my case went to Philadelphia BEC. We are on the same boat.

Anand_Mishra said:
approx a year.
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45 day letter

I'm kind of new to this but I have a RIR case filed with CT in aug 2004, that was shipped to Philly. Lawyer doesn't know anything about the 45 day letter.
From what I was reading it should her the lawyer /employer who shpuld receive it, right???????? From the previous lines I had gotten the impression it came to the beneficiary??????

muti said:
I'm kind of new to this but I have a RIR case filed with CT in aug 2004, that was shipped to Philly. Lawyer doesn't know anything about the 45 day letter.
From what I was reading it should her the lawyer /employer who shpuld receive it, right???????? From the previous lines I had gotten the impression it came to the beneficiary??????


No it doesn't come to employee.. BEC sends letters to Attorney & CC to Employer.
Anand_Mishra said:
approx a year.
What kind of backlog elimination is this?

Have they processed any cases in the last six months.
Anyone have any idea when they would start, if they havent already.
Anyone getting approved yet?
PERM is injustice, lets write letter to congressman, president.

I am hearing a lot about PERM starting from 03/28/2005, as its going to approve labor within 40 days, Its gonna retrogress EB2 as happened to EB3 category couple of month ago.

It's frustrating for me like all of you guyz, I am waiting since last 31/2 years and still I don't see any approval in coming weeks, it'll be another long wait as EB2 is going to retrogress by PERM faster approvals, I think this will be injustice to all the peoples waiting since couple of years and PERM will approve labor within 40days,

If you guyz agree, can we write letters signed by all of us and send it to congressman, President, it might work, or let me now if you have better suggestion then this.
RahulatDC said:
I am hearing a lot about PERM starting from 03/28/2005, as its going to approve labor within 40 days, Its gonna retrogress EB2 as happened to EB3 category couple of month ago.

It's frustrating for me like all of you guyz, I am waiting since last 31/2 years and still I don't see any approval in coming weeks, it'll be another long wait as EB2 is going to retrogress by PERM faster approvals, I think this will be injustice to all the peoples waiting since couple of years and PERM will approve labor within 40days,

If you guyz agree, can we write letters signed by all of us and send it to congressman, President, it might work, or let me now if you have better suggestion then this.

Writing letters does not do any harm to us

This is my view not to demotivate but to get motivated by staying calm where we doesnt have any say as alliens

But saying PERM is injustice is not correct. The main objective is speed up the process. If no PERM we dont have any chance to get LC in 60-90days.
I understand the pain of waiting, these are only a coincendence and somewhere a line needs to be drawn and some one will get affected and unfortunately we all fall in this group.

Just to highlight the above, in SFO earlier to BEC they use to clear 1k to 1.5k LC files in 45-60 days. With that speed SFO should have cleared lc's upto May 2003. Where as In SEP 2004 they cleared Feb 2003 and in last 6 months they are still stuck in March 2003 only because of creation of BEC.
So can we say BEC was injustice for us ?

what more choices do we have as aliens ? only Patience and hang on to our Jobs which are more critical to get our LC's
Good question :) I am not able to understand the DOL or BPC's way of working. So I don't challange them. :p

BPCs have to start with earliest PD(if they follow their word) ie 2000/2001. So it will take time to reach upto 2002/2003 cases. Not much options for us. :(

suttu said:
What kind of backlog elimination is this?

Have they processed any cases in the last six months.
Anyone have any idea when they would start, if they havent already.
Anyone getting approved yet?
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Labor filed in New Hampshire

Hi All,

Please help me with this one.

My labor was in Jan 20, 05. Will it be moved to philly?

Info below;

Priority Date : 20 Jan, 2005
Type : RIR
Date of clearance :
45 day letter notification arrival date: Not yet received

Anyone from NY get any 45 day letters?

Hello... I see everyone getting 45 days letters... Anyone from NY here as well? I want to know what NY is doing and which month they are working on ... I am in mid 2002 and no news yet..... :(

Hello my friends,
Do you have any update from your hotlines
You know that now the only thing we want to know is when are they going to start certifieing the LC and wich criterio are they going to use ... PD ???.

Few EB-2's in PERM

Lemme add to Rincytom's nice analysis.

EB-2 is available only to Mangerial Positions in I.T (high salary 90K+) under ONET which PERM is going to use. So EB-2 guys waiting in BEC's dont have to worry.
Any from NJ received 45 days letter?

My RIR was filed with NJ in June 2002 and I have not received anything from the Philly BPC yet. Does anyone from NJ/NY received 45 days letter from Philly BPC?
"Media" attention for Aliens?

will contacting the "Media" be of any help trying to get some attention
towards speeding up things?

mnhrdc said:
Writing letters does not do any harm to us

This is my view not to demotivate but to get motivated by staying calm where we doesnt have any say as alliens

But saying PERM is injustice is not correct. The main objective is speed up the process. If no PERM we dont have any chance to get LC in 60-90days.
I understand the pain of waiting, these are only a coincendence and somewhere a line needs to be drawn and some one will get affected and unfortunately we all fall in this group.

Just to highlight the above, in SFO earlier to BEC they use to clear 1k to 1.5k LC files in 45-60 days. With that speed SFO should have cleared lc's upto May 2003. Where as In SEP 2004 they cleared Feb 2003 and in last 6 months they are still stuck in March 2003 only because of creation of BEC.
So can we say BEC was injustice for us ?

what more choices do we have as aliens ? only Patience and hang on to our Jobs which are more critical to get our LC's
Labor in NH

Sunday8 said:
Hi All,

Please help me with this one.

My labor was in Jan 20, 05. Will it be moved to philly?

Info below;

Priority Date : 20 Jan, 2005
Type : RIR
Date of clearance :
45 day letter notification arrival date: Not yet received


My labor was filed NH SWA (non-RIR), in June 2004.
My guess is that it got transffered to Philly, but
I have not recieved any letter yet. Guess there is a long wait :(
sri302 said:
Lemme add to Rincytom's nice analysis.

EB-2 is available only to Mangerial Positions in I.T (high salary 90K+) under ONET which PERM is going to use. So EB-2 guys waiting in BEC's dont have to worry.

If I-140 gets back logged due to PERM
May be we have one more BEC for I-140 process on PD and the allready experience staff of Bec will move over there :)
Austin_Hawk said:
will contacting the "Media" be of any help trying to get some attention
towards speeding up things?

As tax payers there is nothing wrong in highlighting our genuine issues at all levels
You never know atleast it may be streamlined for future if not for present.
sri302 said:
Lemme add to Rincytom's nice analysis.

EB-2 is available only to Mangerial Positions in I.T (high salary 90K+) under ONET which PERM is going to use. So EB-2 guys waiting in BEC's dont have to worry.

I agree. If you happened to calculate your prevaling wage under PERM you will find it VERY difficult to satisfy the salary requirement if you want to go EB-2. Not only IT, basically all the engineering positions.
DOL update - This might answer few questions

I don't belong to this thread.Iam from Dallas BEC thread. Just thought this might be helpful to yo'all too.....

1. DOL Watch : Update on BECs / BPCs

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) provided an update on Backlog Processing Centers (BPCs) on March 3, 2005. BPCs have sometimes been called Backlog Reduction Centers or Backlog Elimination Centers. As regular readers of MurthyDotCom and the MurthyBulletin are aware, the BPCs are processing the regular Labor Certification (LC) or the Reduction in Recruitment (RIR) cases that are filed prior to March 28, 2005. Following is a summary of the information released by the DOL for the benefit of our readers.

BPCs Caseload & 45-Day Letters

As of March 3, 2005, the BPCs had received a little more than 180,000 cases. Of these cases, about 86,000 (approximately 48 percent) have been entered into the new BPC database system. Only approximately 40,000 of the 45-day letters have been sent out to date. This is only about 22 percent of the cases they have received. As a result of the 40,000 letters sent, the DOL has only closed approximately 300 cases - less than 1 percent! This is far lower than the percentage that the DOL had expected to have closed out with the 45-day letters.

Staff at the BPCs

The DOL has not tracked how many new cases have been accepted by the SWAs in 2005. The two BPCs currently have approximately 100 contractor personnel at each BPC. The DOL is providing additional resources to complete initial data entry. The goal is to complete data entry by the end of summer 2005. Once data entry is complete, people will be moved from data entry to processing.

Timeframes for Case Processing at BPCs

Atlanta and Chicago still have a total of approximately 10,000 labor certifications that they will be transferring to the BPCs. New York, Boston, and San Francisco will continue to process the cases they have until January 2006. It is not clear if the offices will remain open, if they still have cases at that point, or if they will send their cases to the BPCs. It is still projected that the BPCs will remain in operation for 24 to 30 months, if adequate resources are provided.

Case Reviews and Training of Staff

The DOL indicated that the contractors have begun reviewing cases for compliance with DOL guidelines, though training is continuing. Reviewers will be cross-trained on regular and reduction-in-recruitment (RIR) cases. The DOL does not expect to use a universal standard for RIR filings. Instead, the BPCs plan to apply the standard used in the region where the case was filed.

FIFO for all Cases

The DOL has indicated that they will use the First-In / First-Out (FIFO) method for all cases, regardless of occupation.

Online System

There is no confirmation that an online system may become available to track regular LC or RIR case status. Currently, the BPCs are only planning to provide information on the cases that have been shipped. They intend to provide an eMail system by which individuals may learn whether their cases are at the BPCs, but there is no timeline for this.


It appears that the BPCs still have many 45-day letters to issue. The problem is that some people have received their 45-day letters while a majority of cases filed around the same time have not received these letters. This causes confusion in people's minds. We at The Law Office of Sheela Murthy, P.C. will continue to provide updates on their progress, as and when available.

© 2005, The Law Office of Sheela Murthy, P.C. All Rights Reserved
FIFO for all Cases

The DOL has indicated that they will use the First-In / First-Out (FIFO) method for all cases, regardless of occupation

I dont think we can see any cases before end of summer.after entering all the cases then only they can work in FIFO.
I hope better sense prevails..

If the purpose of the 45-day letter was only to reduce backlog by eliminating cases that are withdrawn, now is a good time for DOL to stop this 45-day thing now as statistically only a low percentage of people are withdrawing. Even if they are trying to find out if the applications are from genuine companies that is, anyways, going to be taken care when the I-140 is filed. DOL should just stop sending these 45 day letters as it is a bad idea now that they know the percentage of withdrawls is so low. They can utilize the time better by starting to evaluate applications.