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So we call periodically the freakin Philly to see what is happening with my case-since it's probably the oldest one. And guess what for months they were not able to to anything- my case was stuck in "Data Review" stage, I never got 45 day letter nor anything from Philly. Today in some miracle way we got to all of those guys in dept. and than we got transfered to analyst assigned to my case-and guess what-they can't find a paperwork on me. What a f...n mess-i'm stuck here for 6 years , some idiot miss placed the file and no one even bothers to call us or do anything. What would happen if we didn't call or didn't get lucky today???- wait another 6 months to get a letter the case has been close???-Those M..r F...s deserve to burn in hell- and I really hope that Karma will get them sooner or later .
I don't know what else to think about it-we faxed all the paperwork to analyst and hope something will happen soon-but given past history I can't expect too much.
Good luck. Have faith on your GOD. Coz, your GOD is with you and not with them !