PERM is unjust, let write letter to congressman, President.

Guys calm down a bit. Why don't we write letters to give us chance to convert our application to PERM by keeping our PD. That would be the right move. Pulling some one's leg is not the right move, rather let's write letters to pull us from down. Which makes sense. Otherwise, you will not get much support, I believe.

Let's take action to give us opportunity to convert our application to PERM by keeping our PD and in that case we can extend our H1B beyond six years. Everybody is happy.
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Be fair and then others will be fair to you too

I don't think we are being fair here and I'm with s_chicago on this.
1)PERM is unjust:
I think this one is going to have a tough time to fly. The main issue that I have seen voiced here so far, is about new perm applicants getting their labor cleared in 60 days vs, people who have been waiting for 4 years. Well the fact of the matter is, no one is forcing people to wait anymore. Even if you have been waiting for more than 4 years, you could still convert to PERM, if you want to. And as an added benefit the DOL folks have given us, the waiting guys, the option of keeping the priority date. What more can we ask for?.
I know..I know, the crux of the matter is most of us will not convert to perm. Why?, because we are worried that it will get rejected. Because we are worried that the Wage determination and all other stuff will not be met as per PERM standards and hence we will get rejected. But think about the people who actually apply for perm after March 28th. They also have the same chances of getting rejected, just like us. And they will have to be brave/careless about that and(of course they have no other option) live with the fear of getting rejected for the next 60-90 days. So it is only fair. I mean have you heard the usage "Fortune favors the brave'?.
Let us face it, the chance of getting a rejection in RIR or Normal labor applications are pretty slim, and that's exactly why, given an option, we all would use that route compared to PERM. So, if some poor soul is ready to live in a virtual hell for 60-90 days, then so be it. I think people should just stop being jealous about it. C'mon, you need faster labor, convert to perm, who is stopping ya?

2)What if, DOL decides that to hell with all this backlog reduction and stuff. Let us just convert all existing cases into PERM and decide each application based on PERM's criteria? I wonder how many of us would opt for such an arrangement. I'm sure, 90% of us will not. Because you would want the easy treatment of RIR/Traditional labor process. I mean we want to have the cake and then eat it too. We don't want to go through the rigorous PERM treatment, but we need to get it in 60 days. Does that sound fair to you?

3)"Oh man all those guys who will apply after March 28th will get labor in 60 days. So let us just write a letter to the president(Oh yea..The President of USA no less!), reminding him of the unjustness."
This is nothing but pure jealousy and arrogance. I mean why do we have to be all this hyped up, if some poor guy gets his labor fast. If somebody gets it fast, god bless them. I mean, why is it necessary that if "I am going through a bad experience" every other tom, dick and harry SHOULD go through the same bad experience?. Man, that just ain't right!. This just reminds me of a movie that I saw recently. Martin scorsese's "Gangs of new York". In that people scoff and hurl curses at newly arrived Irish immigrants, saying that all these newcomers are getting a fairer treatment yada..yada.. How are we being differrent?.

So people, just grow up. If you feel that DOL is highly inefficient, then I am with you. If you feel that we are being put into unending agony, through the endless waits for labor, then I'm with you. If you feel that we should write letters and all that stuff, which would ultimately make DOL efficient, which in turn, will get us some relief, then I am with you. But if you think, PERM is unjust, just because you don't get the labor and some new comer come gets it fast, then I'm NOT with you, and trust me, no sane human being will support such callousness.

I say, if some one gets it faster, then god bless him/her..

PS: Before you start to flame me. Please keep these facts in mind.
In USA = ~6 Years
First applied for Labor = 2000-May(Company closed down in 2001).
Next applied for labor = 2003-Aug.
Current status = Still waiting for Labor.
Country of origin = India.
I know, there will postings saying that I'm an under cover agent, I'm from a country not affected by retrogression, I'm a USC.. blah..blah.. But that's your prerogative.

s_chicago said:
Guys, I am sorry if I hurt all of your feelings.
I applied my first labor from my previous company from NJ in June 2002 and then at the end of Dec 2003, I got laid off. I got a job and had to reapply from a new company from Iowa in April 2004. What I am saying here is that I am also in the same boat of pain as you all are. But think, if other labour applications keep coming where ours are sitting idle for years, will only delay our processing.

Isn't it better offloading those from ours?

And top of that they are not getting finally GC before us anyway. Then, how this is unjust?

I only can see it might be unjust to people of those country who has a long awaited pending labour like us and not affected with visa retrogression. There is a chance that someone may get GC quickly by applying PERM before them. And when they get his GC, by that time his country's visa retrogress.

But the probability of the above scenario is very less as the number of total visa reserved per country (other than India/China/Mexico and Vietnam) is more that enough not to get retrogress in very near future. So, PERM is not hurting them as well.

I feel all of your’s pain from the bottom of my heart. Please don’t take it personal.
AMKumar said:
I don't think we are being fair here and I'm with s_chicago on this.
1)PERM is unjust:
I think this one is going to have a tough time to fly. The main issue that I have seen voiced here so far, is about new perm applicants getting their labor cleared in 60 days vs, people who have been waiting for 4 years. Well the fact of the matter is, no one is forcing people to wait anymore. Even if you have been waiting for more than 4 years, you could still convert to PERM, if you want to. And as an added benefit the DOL folks have given us, the waiting guys, the option of keeping the priority date. What more can we ask for?.
I know..I know, the crux of the matter is most of us will not convert to perm. Why?, because we are worried that it will get rejected. Because we are worried that the Wage determination and all other stuff will not be met as per PERM standards and hence we will get rejected. But think about the people who actually apply for perm after March 28th. They also have the same chances of getting rejected, just like us. And they will have to be brave/careless about that and(of course they have no other option) live with the fear of getting rejected for the next 60-90 days. So it is only fair. I mean have you heard the usage "Fortune favors the brave'?.
Let us face it, the chance of getting a rejection in RIR or Normal labor applications are pretty slim, and that's exactly why, given an option, we all would use that route compared to PERM. So, if some poor soul is ready to live in a virtual hell for 60-90 days, then so be it. I think people should just stop being jealous about it. C'mon, you need faster labor, convert to perm, who is stopping ya?

2)What if, DOL decides that to hell with all this backlog reduction and stuff. Let us just convert all existing cases into PERM and decide each application based on PERM's criteria? I wonder how many of us would opt for such an arrangement. I'm sure, 90% of us will not. Because you would want the easy treatment of RIR/Traditional labor process. I mean we want to have the cake and then eat it too. We don't want to go through the rigorous PERM treatment, but we need to get it in 60 days. Does that sound fair to you?

3)"Oh man all those guys who will apply after March 28th will get labor in 60 days. So let us just write a letter to the president(Oh yea..The President of USA no less!), reminding him of the unjustness."
This is nothing but pure jealousy and arrogance. I mean why do we have to be all this hyped up, if some poor guy gets his labor fast. If somebody gets it fast, god bless them. I mean, why is it necessary that if "I am going through a bad experience" every other tom, dick and harry SHOULD go through the same bad experience?. Man, that just ain't right!. This just reminds me of a movie that I saw recently. Martin scorsese's "Gangs of new York". In that people scoff and hurl curses at newly arrived Irish immigrants, saying that all these newcomers are getting a fairer treatment yada..yada.. How are we being differrent?.

So people, just grow up. If you feel that DOL is highly inefficient, then I am with you. If you feel that we are being put into unending agony, through the endless waits for labor, then I'm with you. If you feel that we should write letters and all that stuff, which would ultimately make DOL efficient, which in turn, will get us some relief, then I am with you. But if you think, PERM is unjust, just because you don't get the labor and some new comer come gets it fast, then I'm NOT with you, and trust me, no sane human being will support such callousness.

I say, if some one gets it faster, then god bless him/her..

PS: Before you start to flame me. Please keep these facts in mind.
In USA = ~6 Years
First applied for Labor = 2000-May(Company closed down in 2001).
Next applied for labor = 2003-Aug.
Current status = Still waiting for Labor.
Country of origin = India.
I know, there will postings saying that I'm an under cover agent, I'm from a country not affected by retrogression, I'm a USC.. blah..blah.. But that's your prerogative.

wow...well said AMKumar! just to add that no one is forcing us really to stay in us. we can always pack and go home. no need to get mad if someone is lukcy to get the green card faster...