PERM Filing - Audit/Review Status


Can you share both yours and your friends job requirements? Are both the same? Does it requires Masters OR Bachelors + 5 years ?

nhusson said:
filed on June 15th, got in Audit Review within minutes after my employer filled in the sponsorship my case is in Final Review,...

one of my colleages wasn't that "lucky" though, his case status now shows "denied"
this is the first I apply LC.I don't know why.

My laywer told me that it is just we filed earlier so it takes long. Anyone file early in march, april, please share your experience. Most change status from :audit to final occur for people filed in May or June.
GSN, could you explain a little in detail as why DOL fixing glitches have something to do with your audit review status.
Hello Iampppqqq,

It is not true that all cases filed in May have case status change from Audit review - final Review. nning case changes auditreivew - denied and he filed on May 16th.

Did you get a PWD from SWA before applying in PERM. Is that wage exceeds the wage you posted on the SWA job order?
knowDOL said:
Hello Iampppqqq,

It is not true that all cases filed in May have case status change from Audit review - final Review. nning case changes auditreivew - denied and he filed on May 16th.

Did you get a PWD from SWA before applying in PERM. Is that wage exceeds the wage you posted on the SWA job order?
Mine got denied too, filed on May. What will you guys do, refile or possible another rerun?
nning, smile_sac and everybody whose status changed from audit review --> denied after the 24th night re-run please post the following. May be we can speculate something about the possibility of another fix if the denials were inapproprite.

1. Job requirements and Position Title
2. company size
3. PWD date and validity
4. If they have a pending BEC app
5. Answer to H12 question. Job requirement exceed normal to occupation Yes or No.
6. If related degree is accepted or not for education.

hi, I am not sure what you mean, so, you are saying we can request a rerun from DOL? but how? appeal?

knowDOL said:
nning, smile_sac and everybody whose status changed from audit review --> denied after the 24th night re-run please post the following. May be we can speculate something about the possibility of another fix if the denials were inapproprite.

1. Job requirements and Position Title
2. company size
3. PWD date and validity
4. If they have a pending BEC app
5. Answer to H12 question. Job requirement exceed normal to occupation Yes or No.
6. If related degree is accepted or not for education.
H12 - Yes or No??

I am about to file my PERM this week. My title is "Database Administrator", ONET job zone 4, Education and Training Code 5 - Bachelor's degree. But I have Master and about 1 year experience before I join my current employer. So on the ADs we put "Master with 6 months exp."

On the 9089 form my lawyer put "Yes - normal" on H12. Now after reading this thread, the PERM regulation and FAQs, I am thinking maybe it should be No.

Any suggestions?
My application was filed on June 14th. Then HR recieved an email with some verification questions. Now the status is audit review for the past 2 weeks.
Any approvals?
Exp + Edu

Bachelors + 5 years. If the case is effected by the decision logic then the status should change, but my status is the same since forever. I dont know about the H12 field, I need to find that out from my attorney. Is there anything else I need to find out from my attorney. Also how are you guys finding out the status -- through attorney or any other means.

knowDOL said:
Hello smajeti,

When you say Exp + edu combination do you mean Bachelors + 5 years as required or MAsters + 1 year as required. Please confirm. Looks like your case is affected by either the old decision logic or by the new decision logic so I want to know the job requirements.
The case status can be checked by the attorney or the HR. I checked with my attorney and my case status is now Final review.
Any Withdrawals???

My first application was denied immediatelly. My second application which was filed 3 days after that was in Audit Review. After the re-run, Audit Review changed to Final Review. The denied one changed to Sponsorship. Our email server was down this week and we haven't got any email about Sponsorship.

What happens if there is no reply to the email?

I am planning to withdraw the first case. Or should I leave both? I wonder if there are more than one application in the system will that trigger Audit review. Or is it normal? Is there anybody who withdrawed a PERM case? Please share your experiences. Thank you.
final review

My case status also changed from audit to final review . We appliedon 6/15/05. Any news from anybody?
My lawyer states that Final review status usually comes before the case gets certified(approved). They can still ask for evidence e.g recruitment report. So let hope for the best.

How do you guys know that your application was re-run. Do you get any mail in DOL. As said before my app is still in Audit Review and I hear here that everybody's status has changed to Final Review. Dont know whats happening.

My attorney indicated that we can answer all mails for multiple filings that we tried. At some point in the future, DOL will figure out the extra one's because of immediate denials and eliminate them from the system.
did anyone filed conversions in PERM by keeping the original priority date? I filed the conversion from RIR to PERM and my application after verification is changed status to Audit Review. Any one knows how long it usually takes to be in Audit Review
Future Employment

I am considering moving to a new firm as senior s/w engineer. I was thinking of asking them to file for future employment of manager - software engineering (or something equivalent) under job code 11-3021 (Computer and Information Systems Managers) so that MS+2 would be normal job requirement. Do you think there might be problems with this at any stage? My wage does exceed Leve II wage for 11-3021 for that area.

stautus changed from audit review to final review after 24th rerun. The status was in pending audit review since may 25th and I think there were no movement during that time due to the system review by DOL..
PV4466 said:
I am considering moving to a new firm as senior s/w engineer. I was thinking of asking them to file for future employment of manager - software engineering (or something equivalent) under job code 11-3021 (Computer and Information Systems Managers) so that MS+2 would be normal job requirement. Do you think there might be problems with this at any stage? My wage does exceed Leve II wage for 11-3021 for that area.


It looks fine to me as per

It says Onet zone 5 and Education minimum BS or higher. However, you never know till you file. I have read denial of user "nning" whose ONET code is 17-2072.00 which is also Onet zone 5 and Education minimum BS or higher. I am not sure about the denial reason but just thought of giving you info.