PERM - Chicago vs Atlanta

Now that no new update, that means only
1. Rajaabhi - FR 06/24-Chicago
the status has changed from "In process" into "certified".
Does anybody waiting for a decision from Atlanta Center longer than a month? I filed an EB3 case on 7/10 and it had been in "final review" before went to "in process"? Anybody on the same boat as me?
Not exactly mj. I think my case is EB3 too and I filed on 7/18/05 in Atlanta. FR then In Process since then. My case details are in "anyone filed PERM today"

Good luck to you and please let us know some details about your case.
zoid said:
After "In Process" state was introduced, we stopped updating this list. Can you all update your current state. This will help us all

1. Rajaabhi - FR 06/24-Chicago
2. irinastaicu - FR 06/24-Chicago, filled 6/15, no conversion, RIR at BEC
3. psam123 - FR 06/28-Chicago
4. AnilMI - FR 06/29-Chicago
5. knowDOL - FR 07/01-Filed 6/14-Chicago(No conversion) - one RIR with SWA not yet in BEC
6. Prats - FR 07/08-Chicago (filed 6/3, denied 6/6, sponsorship 7/6, final review 7/8, in process 7/28); EB2; No conversion but RIR app also pending at BEC (no word on case entry/ 45 day letter)
7. titu1972 - FR 07/12-Chicago
8. einmanninus - FR - 07/14-Chicago -No paper LC application, will start H1B from Oct. (currently using OPT)
9. gsn - FR 06/28-Chicago
10. sd_guy - FR 06/24-Chicago (+4 others in Final Review 6/24)
11. Gc_Reform - FR 06/24 Chicago, Filed 06/10, Pending RIR at SWA, NO BEC, NO Conversion
12. Cabal - FR 06/24 Chicago, Filed 06/6, (Sent Recruit Let 7/18)
13. coolz - FR 6/29 Chicago, Filed : 6/29
14. Jay2005 - FR 06/24; Filed : 06/02 - Chicago (One RIR in BEC, no conversion )
15. nhusson - FR 06/24; filed on 06/15 -- Chicago (No conversion) - one RIR
(SWA CA sep 2004) - not yet in BEC
16. abu2003 - FR; Filed on 05/24/05 - Chicago
17. deshu77 - FR; Filed on 06/02/05 - Chicago (1 more in Same Situation)
18. Goofy101 - FR 6/24, Filed on 5/23 -Chicago (5/24 - 6/24 Audit Review)
19. Bystander6 - FR 7/22, Filed on 7/22 - Chicago
20. CA_GreenCD - FR 7/27 - Chicago
21. ZlikeZebra - FR 6/24 Filed on 6/16 - Chicago
22. nning---Sp 07/06 Filed on May 21st,Audit review to 06/24,denied to july06, sponsorship from 07/06, in process from 07/28---chicago
23. Zoid - IP 7/28, Filed 7/1 - Snail Chicago

17. deshu77 still "In-Process" since 7/28 - Filed on 06/01 -Chicago (AR 6/15 FR 6/24)
Eb3 Atlanta

Mj and Newman]

EB3 Atlanta Filed 7/9 Final Review,,,Then In Process....Same Like U Guys..

Any body from Atlanta Got Certified ..Whats the Filing Date?????

I filed 04/29 no news yet .........

I filed 04/29 and my case moved from Audit Review to Final Review in June End and then to In Process in July end, No news since then, hope something works out soon - wish me luck, would calling chicago make any difference ..........
To Drirshad

I think you should send an email (not calling) to DOL, to ask the status of your application. There is no harm in emailling and you have been waiting for too long. Ask your employer or your attorney to send an email. Good luck.
Calling does not help, since the receptionist asking the call will not give any information. But the email should be answered .
Finally some light on multiple cases

Hello guys,

Finally DOL made it loud and clear about one LC for one employee from one employer and made it clear that you cannot have one leg in one boat and other in other boat and sail along, now attorney's will atleast listen to us and withdraw old case. May be now we should work on withdrawing old cases in BEC so that we do not lose our PERM case and now that EB2 is not retrogressing for atleast Sep and Oct I again gained some hope and energy and paddling along.

5th round FAQ from DOL:

Question: Under PERM, is it permissible for an employer to have more than one labor certification application actively in process for the same alien at any given time? What should an employer do if it has already filed multiple applications for the same alien?
) Under PERM, an employer may not have more than one labor certification application actively in process for the same alien at any given time. We do not intend to issue more than one permanent labor certification for the same alien regardless of the number of filed applications, and whether for the same or different job opportunities. After August 31, 2005, once one permanent labor certification application for a particular alien is certified, all other applications for that alien filed under PERM will be denied. Additionally, once one application has been certified, a Notice of Finding will be issued for any application(s) by the employer for the same alien filed under the prior regulation (in effect through March 27 2005) found pending in either of the Backlog Elimination Centers (BECs). Similarly, once an application for the alien has been certified in a BEC, any pending application in either of the National Processing Centers (NPCs) filed by the employer for the same alien will be denied. In the event multiple permanent labor certification applications for the same alien under PERM are inadvertently certified, we intend to revoke all but the first certification under 20 CFR 656.32. In the event multiple permanent labor
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certification applications for the same alien are certified at both the NPC and the BEC, we intend to revoke the one filed under PERM.
If an employer wishes to file a new application for a particular alien and there is currently an application on file for that alien, the employer may not file the new application until the employer formally withdraws the previously filed application or the employer has been notified, in writing, that the previous application is denied. (For withdrawal information, see the separate FAQ on procedures for withdrawing an application.)
NOTE: If employers currently have multiple applications for the same alien pending under PERM, the employers must withdraw, by August 31, 2005, all applications other than the one they want processed. As of August 31, 2005, if multiple applications from an employer for the same alien are still pending, the last application filed will be the one processed and all the other pending applications will be denied.
NOTE: An employer may not file a new application for an alien while a request for review is pending with the Board of Alien Labor Certification Appeals (BALCA).
zoid said:
After "In Process" state was introduced, we stopped updating this list. Can you all update your current state. This will help us all

1. Rajaabhi - FR 06/24-Chicago
2. irinastaicu - FR 06/24-Chicago, filled 6/15, no conversion, RIR at BEC
3. psam123 - FR 06/28-Chicago
4. AnilMI - FR 06/29-Chicago
5. knowDOL - FR 07/01-Filed 6/14-Chicago(No conversion) - one RIR with SWA not yet in BEC
6. Prats - FR 07/08-Chicago (filed 6/3, denied 6/6, sponsorship 7/6, final review 7/8, in process 7/28); EB2; No conversion but RIR app also pending at BEC (no word on case entry/ 45 day letter)
7. titu1972 - FR 07/12-Chicago
8. einmanninus - FR - 07/14-Chicago -No paper LC application, will start H1B from Oct. (currently using OPT)
9. gsn - FR 06/28-Chicago
10. sd_guy - FR 06/24-Chicago (+4 others in Final Review 6/24)
11. Gc_Reform - FR 06/24 Chicago, Filed 06/10, Pending RIR at SWA, NO BEC, NO Conversion
12. Cabal - FR 06/24 Chicago, Filed 06/6, (Sent Recruit Let 7/18)
13. coolz - FR 6/29 Chicago, Filed : 6/29
14. Jay2005 - FR 06/24; Filed : 06/02 - Chicago (One RIR in BEC, no conversion )
15. nhusson - FR 06/24; filed on 06/15 -- Chicago (No conversion) - one RIR
(SWA CA sep 2004) - not yet in BEC
16. abu2003 - FR; Filed on 05/24/05 - Chicago
17. deshu77 - FR; Filed on 06/02/05 - Chicago (1 more in Same Situation)
18. Goofy101 - FR 6/24, Filed on 5/23 -Chicago (5/24 - 6/24 Audit Review)
19. Bystander6 - FR 7/22, Filed on 7/22 - Chicago
20. CA_GreenCD - FR 7/27 - Chicago
21. ZlikeZebra - EB2 Filed on 6/16 - Chicago, Denied, FR 6/24, In process 7/28
22. nning---Sp 07/06 Filed on May 21st,Audit review to 06/24,denied to july06, sponsorship from 07/06, in process from 07/28---chicago
23. Zoid - IP 7/28, Filed 7/1 - Snail Chicago
Fellow Chicago Sufferers

KnowDOL it is good to see you back. I think past few days have a given as a lot of reasons to feel optimistic. But as always let's have a cautious optimism and keep the luck factor in mind. Here are my thoughts about why we should be optimistic:

1. The retrogression beast has surprised all the nay sayers including us and gave as a much awaited relief. I think we have August, Sept, Oct and Nov. If they declare retrogression in Oct bulletin that will still give us end of Nov to file for 140/485.

2. I think if you don't care about the real Green Card etc (like me) then I think you should be happy as long as you have EAD/AP and wait for 485 approval for 2-3 years. I won't mind it and if is completely fair.

3. I really think all our cases filed in Apr, May and June should be approved in alteast next three months. If not then I don't think it is worth another try :)

4. DOL FAQ-5 has cleared the very reason why our PERM applications were stuck. It is good to see doors slamming for all those who were trying to have multiple applications to play safe and exploiting the system.

5. There are approvals reported for May cases. Although we don't know if there is any FIFO but it gives me some hope. May be the rest of Apr/May cases that are stuck will be approved after DOL FAQ-5.

6. One application per employee per employer rule will also clean-up a lot of backlog where people were trying to file EB-2 by changing job profiles. This cannot happen anymore.

7. Removal of all the duplicate applications from BEC and PERM will lead to lesser retrogression. Personally I think they should also enact the rule to stop the labor subsititution completely that would make everything fair and equal. I am sure out of the pending 350,000-400,000 application may be only 1/3 are real rest are ghost applications which will be auctioned by upon approval by some a$$hole. All these time spent on processing those will NOT benefit the right person and delay the real applications.

Good Luck to everyone and let's hope next three months could deliver what we are waiting for. (or what we deserve: But that's politically incorrect :) )

My application was filed on 6/6. Got denied in half an hour. Status did not change on 6/24 rerun. Was waiting to receive letter (or emial) for denial - did not receive that till date. Now, since 6/29 application status is showing in process. So, what should I conclude -denial was an error and they are working manually to verify my application. Or, it is still a denial - but status is changed to in process. i am really very confused.

Do any of you guru's have any insight to this.

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amdee said:

My application was filed on 6/6. Got denied in half an hour. Status did not change on 6/24 rerun. Was waiting to receive letter (or emial) for denial - did not receive that till date. Now, since 6/29 application status is showing in process. So, what should I conclude -denial was an error and they are working manually to verify my application. Or, it is still a denial - but status is changed to in process. i am really very confused.

Do any of you guru's have any insight to this.
If it is system denial due to logic error, officer do manual check, that time denial is lifted and your application is on review mode, during that time it will shows only process, results may be approval or denial based on the petition contents.

Question for great guru

Hi great guru,

Do you have any suggestions or advice for those of us who have filed their applications in May/ June but have not received any response?
Most of us were in Final Review from sometime in June/ July and then moved to In PRocess at the end of July but no news or updates since then. Calling up the Chicago PERM center doesn't help - they do not provide any info over the phone and most of our (I can say for sure in my case) HR Managers and Attorneys are also hesitating to contact the DOL. Is there something else we can do to know what is going on and what the expected time for processing may be?

Thanks and appreciate any inputs.
Thanks Great Guru for the response.
Is this situation same as audit review or it s different from that? Do you have any idea how many ppl have been thru similar situation or it is just my application for now?

Prats said:
Hi great guru,

Do you have any suggestions or advice for those of us who have filed their applications in May/ June but have not received any response?
Most of us were in Final Review from sometime in June/ July and then moved to In PRocess at the end of July but no news or updates since then. Calling up the Chicago PERM center doesn't help - they do not provide any info over the phone and most of our (I can say for sure in my case) HR Managers and Attorneys are also hesitating to contact the DOL. Is there something else we can do to know what is going on and what the expected time for processing may be?

You are patientless. People used to wait 3 to 4 years for labor certification, just couple months can't you wait.
All are @ DOL's officer mercey, if they take another 3 months what Can we do?
Wait for some more time, everthing will be stream lined.

Thanks and appreciate any inputs.
what's sad though is that the reason why there are a bunch of cases clogging the system is because their system was so shaky in the beginning that lots of people were denied without any good reasons, and so were refiling (sometimes the same day) with a minor change, just because of bad programming...

Personaly, I have 2 cases in Process right now, one of them was denied til July 28th and suddenly became In Process...we will probably withdraw that case next week...

Also, I have one case in BEC, but I'm not too worried about this one, since I'm still waiting for my 45d letter, there's nothing much we could do to withdraw it...
I have five duplicate PERM cases. Not sure which one should be kept.

3/28: 1
7/1: 1
7/2: 1
7/8: 2

With minor changes. Which case should be kept in the system, and which four should be withdrawn?
Previously, all were in audit review, now all in process. Cannot withdraw online, although DOL says it can be unless cases are in audit review. That means the status of the all the five cases are still in audit review though they are displayed as 'in process'. Stupid PERM.
The case is for a Ph.D., Assistant Professor position. PWD = level 3.
To raise our hopes, every Fridat atleast one person is getting certified from Chicago. This time it is "cnqj" who got certified on Aug 12th, he is not from IT though.