• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

People who were selected for DV 2012 (IMPORTANT)

Guyz please let's take it easy, it's not a do or die affair! Remember that some people like DVwasScam was shouting at the top his vioce about this unfair selection, but some of us thought the guy was frustrated. And even adviced him to wait for better luck next dvlottery. But now that the whole thing has changed, those of us that was errorneously selected are now the ones that do not want a cancallation and even plan going to file a law suit. Am not suprised! Because man by nature is selfish and self centred, he only thinks of himself. Those who feel USA is there last hope! What if the dv lottery is done away with, what then happens to you? Going to the 'USA is not an end in itself but a means to an end'.I wish u all a better ending. IJMN!
Keona, I understand that you are already in USA. I have a question.
What if you file yout income taxes and you have to get back 100$, but the IRS sends you a check for 1 milion dollars (their mistake)? What do you do?
1. You call them and say something is wrong and try to get the problem fixed.
2. Cash the check and you buy an apartment, a new car a boat and go cruising for 6 months.
Sorry, but this is a missed point. No one got nothing more but legitimate chance to proceed toward a GC. To say for winners it's been manipulative to stay silent for two weeks is ridiculous. This occurrence will affect all lottery participants, either present or future ones. You'll never be completely sure if you really won and/or if you committed an illegal act of winning the Lottery.
By 60 days time, all these hullabaloo will end. Some of us who won and have accepted our fate about the cancellation may make it for the 2nd time. I have a believe in this.
Why is all this argument? Those who were selected have all rights to be disappointed and try to do something about it. Those who didn't win, what are you doing on this thread? Go and wait for July 15th, you'll get your chance to win. Nobody stands in your way. We are not trying to cancel the redraw. We understand the law and we didn't break it. All we want is to be considered. Guys, pray hard and our prayers will be answered!
Keona, I understand that you are already in USA. I have a question.
What if you file yout income taxes and you have to get back 100$, but the IRS sends you a check for 1 milion dollars (their mistake)? What do you do?
1. You call them and say something is wrong and try to get the problem fixed.
2. Cash the check and you buy an apartment, a new car a boat and go cruising for 6 months.

Trust me my friend, IRS never makes mistakes in your favor.

Don't see a connection - IRS taxes returns now a "random lottery"??? =)

That is really funny, thank you for making me laugh. Honestly thank you!
Aldagal the case of the million bucks and Dv are totaly different..This may be a smokescrean so that Dv is abolished.They did the selection longtme ago n they never detected the error ?I know these guys have the best tech.I would xpect an error like ths from a 3rd world country,not the U.S of A.Anyway Lets pray we get selectd..

That is what I'm trying to say. Something wrong happed. Look at the guy at the video, he himself don't believe a word he is saying. There is something wrong with this lottery.
Why is all this argument? Those who were selected have all rights to be disappointed and try to do something about it. Those who didn't win, what are you doing on this thread? Go and wait for July 15th, you'll get your chance to win. Nobody stands in your way. We are not trying to cancel the redraw. We understand the law and we didn't break it. All we want is to be considered. Guys, pray hard and our prayers will be answered!

Thank you! You didn't win, you have second chance on winning this year, why you want us to suffer for something what in the first place was not our fault.
Thank you! You didn't win, you have second chance on winning this year, why you want us to suffer for something what in the first place was not our fault.

keona, I understand your pain, I feel the same

However writing and complaining on this board will not change anything. Please copy your messages and send them to Congressmen who can do something about it.
This website has direct link to forms on Congressmen's websites so you can just copy and paste so they can hear about this atrocity. It is very easy to do:

I agree that we should definitely make ourselves heard. Btw, the facebook link for petition is not working.
I understand you totally - my wife is too stressed, just walks and don't talk to anyone. For 2 days already (I wish we would have won rather treating us like laboratory rabbits)

I'm so ashamed, first to tell my mother - she is so old and has heart problems, I just do know how she will take that. Because she knew how much I wanted this since I was 7 years old. Now just don't know what to tell her.

Told my boss whom I worked for 6 years, that I'm planing to follow my dream and be a paramedic in US. Now they looking for my replacement. ( I was supposed to file GC anyway next year or 2013 based on my job)

Agree with you 100%

Please don understand - for people in US already is different first days I knew I went to USCIS local office in Newark and they confirmed me that we are eligible for adjustment of status, I've sent right away fee for the DV Lotery and it was cashed on May 10th of 2011.

THAT is why I made life changing decisions - not expecting life screw me over like that...

Sorry, but if your wife can't handle this how would she deal with the interview and what if you would be denied? I guess your wife needs a mental examination....and definately not living in the USA. No social health care and no hand outs, so you and her need to be able to build a life here, and if this is already pushing her to the other side...wow...it is not that you can claim mental distress and get a free ride.
Sorry, but if your wife can't handle this how would she deal with the interview and what if you would be denied? I guess your wife needs a mental examination....and definately not living in the USA. No social health care and no hand outs, so you and her need to be able to build a life here, and if this is already pushing her to the other side...wow...it is not that you can claim mental distress and get a free ride.

I feel so sorry for you - it's so easy, but you still missing the point. THERE is no "IF". We were not given chance for the interview like you had. It was taken away from us.

"IF" we would be denied a GC at the interview, it would be our fault. But I guess you would never understand.

I feel sad for you my friend... I'm not asking for a free ride, definitely not from you or someone else we make enough to take care of our selves (read previous posts, afterworlds make some assumptions).

My wife who you were calling need mental examination - 3 weeks before Christmas before or after work. She went shopping for children toys (mostly teddy bears) spent her monthly salary. We went to our nearby orphanage on December 24th and she gave away those toys, none of those children said that she need a mental examination or she can't be part of our society. She is very kind person and she cares for me.

I wish you luck, and good health!
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Hello forumites. I have been reading the post for the last few days and it is disturbing. I was one of those winners and now i am hoping again i will get selected. This is however what i have to say. This place looks like some war zone. When i first registered here it was the most beautiful threads that i had read. People were praying for each other and you will find posts where a stranger was telling another person theyd never even met that they were praying they get selected also. Is it so hard for people to collaborate. This is supposed to be a forum.ii it so hard for you to pray for someone else or to hope that some other get selected. It is certainly better than insulting someone else and saying something that is just hard hearted. I dont believe we even make 10000 applicants in this forum. I certainly hpe i get selected and also all of you. though we need to start looking at the fact that we all have one objective and wherever we going we certainly might need each other to realize our dreams there. i just encourage everyone lets pray, lets not have wars on the forums. instead lets pray to GOD and hope that all forumites get selected because that mean we can all come back and share on how to realize that american dream. I do not know what change it makes but i know its a positive thing that we can try.
I believe the lottery winners results should be upheld as with any other lottery it is not the fault of the entrant that the computer system failed for example last month we had a case whereby 3 people won a car on a plane lottery due to a error on the lottery tickets printed, the 3 people were given the cars as it was the lottery companies fault.

As in this case I believe the 22,000 lottery winners should be able to progress with there applications & there should be a new draw in July excluding the 22,000 & may be selecting 50,000 additional winners being the exception for this year only.
the redraw is allready done... the two months period is to create data, affect ambassy point according to adress... concidering that there are 100 000 selected, this processs will take times.
Keona, and everybody else. Listern, i hope that all will read my messege :)
Then just read about it at the dv lottery site

I was the one who wasn't selected by the first time. But i felt that something going wrong
I understand what all of you beeing upset now, who ve won at the 1 of may , but the dvlottery site clearly say why it's happened that the results were cancelled
WHY this error happened to be we will never know!
Now, you don't want this results to be cancelled , but that already happened because it's against US law
The Lottery was't stopped because of that issue, wasn't cancelled at all.
You and other people been given a second chance to win
I understand your feelings, and what you think , specially people who ve been playing for a long time and it was a first lucky win - it's really unfair, but stop follow your emotions, Because signing all those petitions, writting an angry letters to the KCC won't commite anything good for the Lottery at all - it's for free and it gives for us such a big chance
Those things you are doing and posting now can commite that the Lottery whould be cancelled,please just think .
And don't read and listen to people which are interested in closing the Lottery.
You are evern don't know what the results whould be in 15 of july! I really wish you to win
I hope, you will understand what i mean :) And i understand your feelings , but that happened not because of yours fault neither because of our...
I believe the lottery winners results should be upheld as with any other lottery it is not the fault of the entrant that the computer system failed for example last month we had a case whereby 3 people won a car on a plane lottery due to a error on the lottery tickets printed, the 3 people were given the cars as it was the lottery companies fault.

As in this case I believe the 22,000 lottery winners should be able to progress with there applications & there should be a new draw in July excluding the 22,000 & may be selecting 50,000 additional winners being the exception for this year only.

....... so they gave them cars instead of a plane and he accepted this deal, what an idiot! lol
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the redraw is allready done... the two months period is to create data, affect ambassy point according to adress... concidering that there are 100 000 selected, this processs will take times.

If the selection is done within 1 day as you think, why did we have to wait for 6 months until the results were published? And why only 22,000 and not 100,000 were selected after such a long period of time? Also, if you say it takes only 1 day to make the selection, were 6 months not enough to detect a problem and solve it before publishing the results?
If the selection is done within 1 day as you think, why did we have to wait for 6 months until the results were published? And why only 22,000 and not 100,000 were selected after such a long period of time? Also, if you say it takes only 1 day to make the selection, were 6 months not enough to detect a problem and solve it before publishing the results?

I believe all 100,000 had been selected, but of the roughly 1.9 million people who checked the website the first couple of days that the results were available to see if they had won, only 22,000 got the notification that they had been selected. The other 78,000 hadn't checked yet whether they had won or couldn't after the site was taken down.