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I apologize that this is not a TN question but I am hoping that I can tap into the Canadian content. I (a Candian with H1B, EAD, AP) am flying to Toronto in December for a holiday visit and I do not have a passport. I have never had one. I do plan on returning to the US so clearly I need to get one now. Passport Canada says that you can get a passport in 24 hours but has anyone had actual experience with this? I am trying to determine whether I need to camp outside the passport office in the middle of the night. Any ideas?
First off, be warned that you might not be allowed on flight TO canada without passport (some airlines have -- incorrectly -- raised the level of necessity on this).

In any event, here is the process for getting an expedited passport. Fill out application and have guarantor sign and sign photo. You MUST have this person accessible when you apply, they WILL be called that day. Same for the references you put on the application.

You must show up (early) at the local office, with your airline ticket showing your return date, pay the fee PLUS the expedited fee. You should geive them 2 working days to do this.

Your application, photo, guarantor and references must be perfect to get this done.
I have gone through this process twice for a quick expedite.

Make sure that you go to a passport photo place!!! Passport Canada is a real pain about this. It has to be perfect.

Second, your guarantor will have to sign the back of the picture. This is generally an accountant, lawyer, engineer - anyone that has something to lose. So don't try and go to the passport office without this being signed.

You will need a copy of your travel itinerary in order to justify the quick turn around.

You will need to give the names of a few references and their phone numbers. Make sure you call them ahead of time so they know they might be getting a call. And make sure they like you!!! They will get called right away. I had references getting calls while I was standing at the counter once.

Also, if you call Passport Canada, they can tell you what you need to get into the country documentation wise.
As I said, it is the airlines that are sometimes overzealous in demanding a passport -- so check with the airline -- Cdn authorities can't help you at US airport.

And the guarantor scheme has changed, no longer requiring a professional. You need anyone with a valid Cdn passport.

Other than that simsd pretty much echoed.

Didn't know the part about the guarantor changing - that's good to know as the old method of finding a professional was sometimes a hassle.

Also, I must have been tired when I wrote my post as you are right - I basically repeated what you said - sorry about that - not intending to write over you.
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No prob. The echo was a confirmation -- always good for the confidence of the person asking the question.
Are you kidding me? You know light years more about this immigration stuff than I do. So thanks for placing me as a potential peer. I have always wondered. How is it that you know so much? I mean you know the in depth nitty gritty specifics. Did you study law? Or are you just like me - where we are so frustrated with things here that we try to become as or more knowledgeable than USCIS.
How is it that you know so much? I mean you know the in depth nitty gritty specifics. Did you study law? Or are you just like me - where we are so frustrated with things here that we try to become as or more knowledgeable than USCIS.

I couldn't agree more - I have the same thoughts!
Immig is not my specialty, TRC and a few other know more, its just that I've been through every step...

Cross-border taxation is my true hobby.

I have gone through this process twice for a quick expedite.

Make sure that you go to a passport photo place!!! Passport Canada is a real pain about this. It has to be perfect.


Actually this has changed now. They should be the same as the US passport photos. I got both sets of photos done at a chain drug store (Walgreens) for both my US and Canadian passports. Both passports arrived. I sent the Canadian photos to my parents who got them signed there.

Years ago, I remember I did have to go to a passport office and get the photos done a special way for the Canadian passport, but it has since changed and is the same as the US one now. Or at least it was last year for me...
warlord said:
Actually this has changed now. They should be the same as the US passport photos. I got both sets of photos done at a chain drug store (Walgreens) for both my US and Canadian passports. Both passports arrived. I sent the Canadian photos to my parents who got them signed there.

Years ago, I remember I did have to go to a passport office and get the photos done a special way for the Canadian passport, but it has since changed and is the same as the US one now. Or at least it was last year for me...

While this might be true - The Canadian Passport "requirements" are much more picky! I did mine this summer at Walgreens and when I took them to the passport office in Windsor ON - they rejected them. There was a slight shadow behind one shoulder from the flash and they said there was a glare in my glasses - but the glare could only be seen with the magnifying glass, not just by looking at it. They rejected the photos I brought and made me leave the passport office and go down the street to get new ones done. When I got there, the guy told me that I was already the 14th person that morning (and the passport office had only been opened 1 hr) that had their US taken photos rejected. Luckily, since I had my guarantor sign my original photos, they kept one of them as proof and did not make me get the new ones signed. Good thing because I was hundreds of miles from my guarantor and this was just before they relaxed those rules.

Another note - if you need it right away, take whatever you have with you as proof that you need it expedited. I needed mine expedited as I was getting a new job offer and needed it for my visa, but since I didn't have the job offer with me, they refused to expedite it and I had to return to the office again in 2 weeks. But, if I had the offer letter and it had a start date for one week, or if I had a plane ticket for later that week, they would have expedited it and I could have had it within 2 days.
Actually this has changed now. They should be the same as the US passport photos. I got both sets of photos done at a chain drug store (Walgreens) for both my US and Canadian passports. Both passports arrived. I sent the Canadian photos to my parents who got them signed there.

Years ago, I remember I did have to go to a passport office and get the photos done a special way for the Canadian passport, but it has since changed and is the same as the US one now. Or at least it was last year for me...

We weren't suggesting you get the photos done at the passport office, we suggest you get them done ata place that specializes in the Cdn photo standards. PP canada announced obver the summer than fully half of the US-submitted applications were being rejected, almost exclusively due to photos.
A USC can take their own picture for their passport (doesn't have to even be pro), so, while a Walgreens photo will always pass US PP standards, there is clearly a problem with US photo shop quality when it comes to Canada.

A good practice these days is to have a set made in canada when you are there. Since they are good for a year, you can always time this well in advance of doing your mail-in.

With the guarantor issue now cleared up, the photo is really the only stress point for US residents.
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With the guarantor issue now cleared up, the photo is really the only stress point for US residents...

I guess it depends on your perspective whether the change in guarantor rules is a good or a bad thing.

For those of us who've lived here in the US for a very long time (20 years in my case), we may know lots of American doctors and lawyers--but few if any Canadians living in the local area. Most of my Canadian friends have moved on to other areas.

I would definitely find it easier to get a US citizen doctor/lawyer living in the local area than a Canadian citizen living in the local area.
I guess it depends on your perspective whether the change in guarantor rules is a good or a bad thing.

For those of us who've lived here in the US for a very long time (20 years in my case), we may know lots of American doctors and lawyers--but few if any Canadians living in the local area. Most of my Canadian friends have moved on to other areas.

I would definitely find it easier to get a US citizen doctor/lawyer living in the local area than a Canadian citizen living in the local area.

It's definitely a good thing. Because in addition to the people from the list of professionals, you have an option to have your cdn relatives sign the form. For example, I plan to get my wife's signature when I renew my passport. That's much easier than calling my doctor and requesting him to sign it.
Yeah, just to clarify, you can still use the 'old' list of eligibility -- although this may change.

I was asked for PP while checking in for US Air flight. Told them I understood that I needed it for the the return leg and they let me go. I got the pics taken at a Superstore (used to be Loblaws)...they were on sale for $7.99! Applied for PP on December 27th in Mississauga and picked it up at 4 the next day. Thanks for the help.