Passport for travel


New Member
If I am a GC holder by marriage, but do not hold a valid passport from my own country, am I eligible for any travelling document from USCIS for going abroad?
Thank you very much for your help.
If you're a refugee or asylee, you can also apply for a Refugee Travel Document, but that is only valid for 1 year, instead of usually 2 years for a Re-Entry Permit.
Mine got expired when I am in US and sent to Indian ambassey in Washington and got new passport with 10yrs validity as old one.
If I am a GC holder by marriage, but do not hold a valid passport from my own country, am I eligible for any travelling document from USCIS for going abroad?
The US will not supply you with a "travel document" to enter a foreign country - you need a passport for that, and the only country able to issue you a passport is the country of which you are a citizen.
The re-entry permit issued by the USCIS is only to allow you to stay out of the US for longer hen 12 months and retain permanent residency.
To re-enter the US you will need both your foreign passport and your green card.
The US will not supply you with a "travel document" to enter a foreign country - you need a passport for that, and the only country able to issue you a passport is the country of which you are a citizen.
The re-entry permit issued by the USCIS is only to allow you to stay out of the US for longer hen 12 months and retain permanent residency.
To re-enter the US you will need both your foreign passport and your green card.

This post is doubly incorrect.

First, one major purpose of the reentry permit is as a passport substitute. The RP has blank pages for foreign countries to place visas on them. I used my RP as a passport for a few years.

Second, technically you do not need a passport to reenter the US. You need your green card OR your RP.