Interview Experience in Orlando
Hi guys,
I am soooo exited!!! I past my interview today! Here my experience:
My appointment was at 10 am this morning. I got there early (9am) together with my husband. I had to go to window #9 and gave them my interview letter. I got called for the interview at 10: 45 am. The male officer was very nice and absolutely professional . He swore me in and asked for my passport (s), driver license and Green Card. After that he had some questions in regards to my paperwork. I handed him a copy of the 2008 Tax Return. He also asked for some proof (Bank Statement) that my husband and I live together. I was kind of wondering about that because we are married for almost 13 years. Luckily I had a copy with me. (You can never have enough paperwork with USCIS). He also asked me if this was my husband he saw in the waiting room. He was very smart and his questions where very experienced. Kind of questions you might not answer right if you weren’t truthful. He also asked me if I ever hat any traffic tickets. (Which I had
) I answered yes and he didn’t follow up on it. So everything was fine.
Here my test questions:
What stops one branch of government from becoming too powerful?
What is freedom of religion?
Who is one of you State Senators now?
When was the Declaration of Independence adopted?
Name one problem what led to the Civil War.
Name one state that borders to Canada.
I past all of them (hhuuuuigh)
After that I had to say and write: Washington is on our dollar bill.
The IO is very interested in History and Politics you could tell. He explained some US History to me. Then he congratulated me. He was sooo polite. He was standing up while congratulating and shook my shaky cold hand and smiled at me
. He asked me (like Orl) if I would like to attend the July 3rd ceremony at Disney World. He also told me that they usually have each Friday an Oath Ceremony. But it is postponed until after the “special Disney Oath Ceremony”. The next one @ their office will be July 10th. I agreed to the “Disney Oath”. I had to fill out a form for this special one. The IO told me that I will get the Oath letter and the Disney tickets, instructions… all in one letter pretty soon. He also said that we have to be there very early in the morning. Around 06:30 am. We can also apply for our passports there. He printed the N-652 Form (Naturalization Interview Results) and gave it to me.
This was by far the best USCIS experience I had. In the past I went through hell with them. My immigration journey started 1998 and is now hopefully ending July 3rd 2009.
Thanks to everybody in this Forum. And best luck to everybody!!