Organizing a Rally/protest against I-485 Backlog in the City of San Francisco


Registered Users (C)
Organizing a Rally/protest against I-485 Backlog in California


Hello Everyone,
Purpose: The purpose of this thread is to bring every possible individual that has been & still is affected by the I-485 delays. We want your support and participation in organizing & implementing a protest, for people in the state of CA & nationwide to know of our issues & concerns.

Enough talk lets do the walk. we want everyone to attend, we want everyone to participate. This is a chance for all of us to meet face to face & collectively support this cause.

Please be constructive in your feedback to this thread. If you have no interest in attending and we unfortunately cannot convince you to do so, then do not commit to this task and hopefully you are doing what you can in other areas.

Here is the Scope

City Selected: TBD
Date: TBD

1. Taxation without Representation
2. USA: Land of Hope, Immigrants: Hope of Land
3. WAC #'s
4. Statistics regrading progress of all case processing centers stressing on the California
5. TBD

Note: The top 5 best slogans for the rally will be selected

News papers/agencies contacted for covering this rally:
[this should be done once everything is finalized]

Participants: Total: (20) (Alphabatical Order)
  1. 140_takes_4ever
  2. AnyTimeNow
  3. becky
  4. ben2000
  5. c610
  6. CNW84MYGC
  7. cpquestioner
  8. Hussein,
  9. kadamtal
  10. KahaniGCKa
  11. kashmir
  12. RaviSimi
  13. rk4gc
  14. smallfish
  15. TheRealCanadian
  16. theWarrior
  17. tk_tk
  18. user9292
  19. wac-02-068
  20. wish485

  1. Thanks in advance to everyone for your feedback
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1,200,000 backlogs after 12,000,000,000 $ paid in taxes?

Assuming most EB applicants pay atleast 10,000 $ in tax per year!

May I suggest that we should run this by a lawyer. This should not go against our 485 processing.
Originally posted by c610
May I suggest that we should run this by a lawyer. This should not go against our 485 processing.

This is America. Protest doesn't hurt your case, it helps it. Look at the I-485 plaintiffs, they are getting approved while silent afraid folks sit and wait.
Originally posted by c610
May I suggest that we should run this by a lawyer. This should not go against our 485 processing.

As per the US constitution, it applies to every person who is on US soil. One of the main pillars of the constitution is the Right of Speach, after which comes the right to protest. You CANNOT be victimized for excercising your rights.

The reason why INS gets away with the things it does it because people are scared of reprisals. Take away that fear and we will kick them in their gonads!

In life never be scared of doing things that are right. If the INS does crack down on people who protest peacefully, then for sure I wouldn't want to stay in this country.
KahaniGCKa, thank you.
140_takes_4ever, The RealCanadian I'm assuming that you guys are also in :).

c610 may I say that 140 & realcanadian's postings made you feel much better so I will add your name to the list. ;)

140, is it possible that I can edit my original post and keep that post updated rather than posting a new repeated message.
Also, I think your statistics can be used as a slogan in our rally.

I will be there, even if it is for only a part of the day (in case I get stuck in meetings).

You (or a moderator) can edit your posts, just click on the little "edit" button on the right and it will throw up an update window. Just remember to add the date you changed the post at the bottom in bold so people know you have modified the first post.

It makes a lot of sense to modify the first post, since it should hold all pertinent information to the thread.

Well said! You have courage and justice in your heart, which is quite lacking nowadays in this increasingly materialistic world.

Even though I can't participate since I'm in Phoenix, I'll be there
in spirit with you guys if the protest materializes.

Ride on, dudes!

Phoenix Saint.:D

What I meant was we need to check from our lawyers who are all the people who need to be informed about protests. What if the cops are not informed and some incident triggers an arrest. That goes against ur 485.

I dont give a dam about GC. Its unfair anyway. So what the heck. We may as well go down fighting.
Hussein and others, definitely count me in. 140, i don't think this we can do a full day event as i cannot to be off from work for full day.

But , i think we should definitely check with a local police station what are the requisites for a protest?
Thanks for all the replies and the participation. I will be updating my initial post at the end of each day with the total number of participants and action Items after reviewing this thread.

Contacting the police station is a good idea and it is something that someone need to look into.

What we need is for everyone to start scratching their heads on slogans (140's stat I believe is a good one)
Date, Time
for the event.......
Originally posted by c610
I dont give a dam about GC. Its unfair anyway. So what the heck. We may as well go down fighting.
Well said! :)

You are right about making sure our legal ass is covered! :)

I would prefer the protest to be at the INS office as compared to else where. Either San Francisco or San Jose.

Can we find out where Don Neufield sits? :) Would be a good idea to go protest there, if convinient.


Thanks dude! But I think more than anything, I am so tired of this process that I don't give a damn one way or the other. The jobs are all moving out of here in any case, so why put up with shit along with the uncertainty and fear? This way I have complete peace of mind, and am ready to fight for my rights. Like c610 said, I will go down fighting. :)


Looks like this thread is getting good milage, so for a short while I am going to mark it up as important, so more people can see it. Will take it off once the protest is done with.