Organizing a Rally/protest against I-485 Backlog in the City of San Francisco

Do you guys know that people in general (native crowd) hate immigration (specially convervative lobby, unfortunately, they are very powerful at the moment). While it is important to make your feelings known to the authorities, it should be done in the manner private to the parties concerned (such as writing letter, e-mails... for whatever it is worth). Organizing public rallies will most likely tick off people who hate immigration. Be careful, the chances of backlash are more than any possible benefit.
Goodsaint and other who think protest/rally should not happen,

Kindly answer in detail to this question. (No high and dry, loose-baseless arguments)

what is that you are expecting would happen as a result of this rally?

at the very least, this rally will create more negative sentiments. Are you not reading news papers ? Everybody is bashing immigration and out sourcing for poor job growth and quality of life.

what exactly you guys are trying to achieve. Do you think INS guys in SFO will see 10 people protesting outside their office and call their counterparts in CSC to speed up the things.

I think it is an stupid idea.
Hi goodsaint,

>Negative sentiments.

a) who will get negative sentiments. you think people going on the streets see 10 people doing rally/protest and immediately form a group of their own and do what? kick us on the street, swear at us, make their own protest or approach INS to tell them don't give GCs to these people or what ???????

Unless you express that you are down trodden in their society how will they ever know. If you think they should not know, then what kind of life are you leading where u hide under your "fear sheet" and say i am safe now.

If you are from India, you would know your history. Learn from it.

>what exactly you guys are trying to achieve.

Good question. We are trying to show INS that if 10 people could take to street and do a protest/rally, there will be 100/1000/100000 and more who will join this next time. It is an effort to let them know of the intensions that more is on its way. Correct now or face music later.

*******Others, please add you own comments on what we are trying to achieve here.*******

Even if it does not bring out anything, i am happy that i did my bit to show my discomfort of the system. Rajiv filed lawsuit. What happened? Did american people protest against it. It is much more wide spread than this simple rally. Why did you not mention about the negative sentiments stuff with him.

Come on...grow up....I will tell u what i told earlier..

Instead of asking, "what is that you are expecting would happen as a result of this rally".... think of what you are going to achieve from it. The whole gamut of anti-immigrant feelings?

Be prepared to face the silent ridicule at work from this absurd display. In fact, if there is a low turnout, our cause might even get watered down. "Goodsaint" put it well: "the chances of backlash are more than any possible benefit".

If you are going to flame me for this response... go for it. Spare me the chatter that we are scared/dead here and you are the master dasher. I will ignore such garbage. Instead, you can choose to be methodical in your response... so that others will appreciate your argument and join you.
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1. There is no point discussion this since we are not at the same "level" here.
2. Efforts not done in right direction not only don't do any good, they often bring unfavarable outcome.
3. Last but not least "you seem to be watching too many stupid indian movies."

Its stupid and will spoil things in long run. If you have courage and can spend money, file a law suit -> writ of mandamus. Otherwise just go back to your one bed apartment.
Let me ask you both (goodsaint and deepak45). Will you guys attend the rally?

If yes, please contribute your time and interest.

If no, please don't post anything here. because,here we are discussing how to make this event happen. You can start your own thread to discourage others into not coming to the rally/protest.

I think its useless to hold a rally in SF. Why SF out of all the places? This is not a national cause like Iraq War, affecting a huge mass. (I know the numbers but please divide it by the popluation of US and multiply by 100 and then think again).

The only place it would make sense is Laguna Niguel outside CSC. If you guys are thinking, you would get press coverage because its SF, then think again.

Also, you could be arrested if things go out of control.

Imagine a situation, where you are in Bangalore or New Delhi and bunch of people from lets say Australia (just as an example) are holding a protest rally against government. How many of you would give a damn thought about it? Most of you would laugh... So think again. Its not the people, you need the attention of. Even the senators have no interest coz it buys them nothing. (dont give me humanity lessons).....

Grow up
Thank you so much tr22. That gives us a lot of boost to do this event. I wish this could convince more to join the protest.

It is not a bad idea to go protest outside Laguna Niguel! It will mean long drives some extra effort etc. But it might make a bigger impact than protesting at SFO.

To the nay sayers out there,

I don't see how the situation could be any worse than it is already. We have no approvals, we have no blue print to reduce backlogs, and we are doing pretty much what we have been doing all along, sitting in our houses waiting.

It is time to make our voices heard, the only way we could do that was Faxes, emails and lawsuits, which we have already tried. It is not time for the next step protests, to show we mean business. What the goal of the rally is to show INS that we exist and we will not be taken for granted any more. This has nothing to do with public opinion, I don't think garnering public opinion on our side is what we are after.

It is imperitive to remind the INS that we exist, and they need to take care of us. That is the main goal.

As far as us taking away US jobs etc. This is EB immigration, we already have jobs, all we want is adjudication, and waiting 2+ years is not really something that should be condoned.
140/hussein, may be we should take a poll. How many are willing to come to Laguna, so we can assess the feasibility. what do you guys think?
See first post in this thread for the most updated details for the rally

I know there has been "many" messages of objections from some people about the idea of a rally. Which is fine, we don't expect everyone to agree with what some are trying to do.

to echo what 140_takes_4ever wrote but I will say: "I Exist" and I hope that everyone feels the same way as that gonna be one of my slogans for the rally. thats all I have to say about that.

In regards to the location: I assume Laguna is in San Jose right?
I'm all for change of location if people vote for that. Several times I posted messages requesting people to suggest a location and at the end we set a deadline and agreed on San Fran so that we can move on...

You would want to open this up again please go ahead but keep in mind that this might delay the suggested date.

lets do this first one in SFO and if we want then we can go to Laguna which about 500 miles from here in southern california.

lets stick to the date and place
After some thought I started feeling that there is no use in protesting at SFO, even if it is necessary to move dates a little bit I'm thinking its better to protest at Laguna Niguel on a Friday by driving down south.

Under the banner of we can find out if we can meet Don too. I know SFO is a vibrant place for protests and there might be a protest a day happening there.

Please dont consider this as backtracking, but as a strategy change. I came to this conclusion after talking to few poeple I know.
Originally posted by rk4gc
Please dont consider this as backtracking, but as a strategy change. I came to this conclusion after talking to few poeple I know.

Yes, we should "fight" right and smart.

Instead of anyone else, we need to show our existence to Donald Neufeld.

I am willing to go to Laguna Niguel when we get our plan set.
Hey 140, rk4gc and wac-02-068,

I am open to drive down south if that is more logical to do so.

If this pushes the date, then also it is fine but we need to see HOW MANY BUY INTO THIS.

Not only the bay area people but people who are in LA and closer areas can also attend this rally.

Also, since you guys are in core team, can you find out from Rajiv what his opinion about this whole event. We can take his viewpoint also before we attempt this feat.

And most importantly, let us put it for poll not get their feedback if we need to do this or not but to see if they would attend if it is in Laguna.

Lets give it more thought....
Originally posted by kadamtal
Hey 140, rk4gc and wac-02-068,

And most importantly, let us put it for poll not get their feedback if we need to do this or not but to see if they would attend if it is in Laguna.

Lets give it more thought....

I personally agree to start such a poll.