Open Scanning - Volunteers welcome. -PLEASE HELP

Parolee had sent me this list of proxies. In all fairness, it would be divided by 8 as well.
Currently the registered scanners are


Mr.Vegas is yet to email - Waiting for his response.
rk4gc is helping us with software work.
rurux has extended his help to write a program for reports.

We need 3 more people for scanning.

parolee said:
I got a list of 750 anonymous proxies from a web site, and now I am running a scan to find good ones. I am using project Anaconda for this scan. I'll send the list to pinnacle_man, so that he can distribute with input data files. That way, we will not use same proxies. Of course, we will have problem for the proxies used by other forums, but we should be able to scan the data systematically.

One problem I'm facing is that 'too many inquiries' response is treated as no response. Therefore a good proxy will be removed from the list by mistake. We might be able to take care of this later.

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Pinnacle_man part 1
rurux part 2
Pinnacle_man part 3
rcherukuri part 4
rk part 5
parolee part 6
???????? part 7
485_takes_4ever part 8

We need 1 or 2 people more.
More proxies


I got about fifty more good/ok proxies, which I'll send you tonight. Again I used Anaconda to test proxies.

By the way, are you distributing proxies. If yes, you forgot to send me a list to use.

I'll start scanning tonight, because now I'm done with proxy testing.

I just installed Anaconda and did a dry run without proxies. It works great.
I can scan the wac04... if you provide me a list of proxies and a list on cases. I can find out the cases, (and maybe proxies too) but it might take me a little while.
You need to contact me through email

HI toy3kun192,
Please email me

PS: You will not be able to get more 200 cases with proxies.
We don't have the scan files for WAC04

toy3kin192 said:
I just installed Anaconda and did a dry run without proxies. It works great.
I can scan the wac04... if you provide me a list of proxies and a list on cases. I can find out the cases, (and maybe proxies too) but it might take me a little while.
Hi All,
There appears a problem with the scan tool. There seems to be bug. 485_takes_4ever uncovered this issue by manually checking the results.

I tried and I get the same discrepency. He has offered to debug this program.

Please hold on.

Will keep this forum volunteers posted.

Nothing to get scared


Seems like that error occurs only for the first few entries, when you kick the program. But after that it works fine. so, nothing to get scared. Still trying to find the root cause of that. But generally we are good to go. Iam done with 2000 cases in part8... I will send the file once it is completed.

pinnacle_man said:
Thanks. I am going to send the new list of proxies splitted into 8 parts. Each user will get one part only.

did you send proxies ? I've not received yet. Just to make sure that its not a victim of spam filter.
Part 8 data Successfully scaned.


The report data for part 8 will be now in your inbox... The old proxies itself was sufficient to get the data. Also, please let me know if any other part needs to be scanned.
Part 6 and part 8 have been scanned. Thanks to volunteers

The whole data for FY02 was splitted into 8 parts. part 6 and part 8 was scanned by the volunteers.

part8 cases between 02 - 226 and 02-271

cases approved + card ordered = 312+192

part6 02 -161 and 02-199

cases approved + card ordered = 556+1175

We need help from volunteers who could write a program to generate reports from the raw data.

If you could please email me

Hey PM:

Had some issues with the proxies ... looks like most of them were used up :(

Am about 1/3rd done with my part -- hopefully should be done in a week's time.
