Open Scanning - Volunteers welcome. -PLEASE HELP

pinnacle_man said:
max2k1 was scanning part7.

max2k1: Can you let us know?

Hey guys:

Yeah -- am scanning part7.
I'm done with about 5000 of the 6000+ cases .... so I should be done either today or tomorrow.

PS: I think my list of proxies is really bad -- I can hardly get a good scan run :(
toy3kin192 said:
Making an application to process the reports demands quite some effort. I understand we are currently at least 3 making such a tool. This means the effort spent by two of us will not be used. I would suggest that we all work on the same code, adding funtionalities and features. That way each effort adds to the end product instead of competiting.
To work on the same platform we have to select the following:
- language (Java, C++, Visual basic, C...)
- Platform: mainly Windows or Unix
- Owner: One person to drive the project.
- Base code: either rurux, rcherukuri, mine, ...
Pinnacle_man, you may select the language and the platform you want to use this tool on. We can see from there how to continue.

I would think that combining the efforts is the right thing to do.

Lets try to get the entire toolset on Java -- I, for one, run a lot of scans on Linux/Solaris/*nix ... It would be real bummer if the reporting engine was on .Net or some other proprietary platform. Am sure there are lots others like me out there as well....

Since the scanner is already in Java, we're one step closer in that direction. This way we won't have to concern ourselves about platform/OS support etc etc .... much much more easy (esp since the potential clients for this program are unknown now!!).

Maybe we should host this project on sourceforge ( someone suggested this) -- that way developers can commit to small portions ...

I think the biggest issue would be for any one person to commit totally to writing this whole thing ... as we know life and work changes .... lets keep it as close to open source so that developers can easily contribute whenever they have time.


I just dropped the sticky tag for this thread. We usually don't allow threads to stay up beyond a certain time, because they occupy very valuable real estate, and other threads need to get a chance to hog the limelight. This thread seems to be chugging along on its own very well, and will stay on the first page thanks to the interest it generates. Can you monitor this thread for a day or two and if it seems to be suffering because of lack of interest, post here or send me a pm and I will bump it back up.
Just to clarify: There are two columns, named FPxp and FPnx, for applicants who went through fingerprinting, but haven't received RFE. "FPxp" are all pending cases where fingerprints have expired. "FPnx" are all pending cases where fingerprints are still valid.

140_takes_4ever said:

I just dropped the sticky tag for this thread. We usually don't allow threads to stay up beyond a certain time, because they occupy very valuable real estate, and other threads need to get a chance to hog the limelight. This thread seems to be chugging along on its own very well, and will stay on the first page thanks to the interest it generates. Can you monitor this thread for a day or two and if it seems to be suffering because of lack of interest, post here or send me a pm and I will bump it back up.
How to I use .NET version?

I downloaded the ZIP file from the link and I got an EXE file out of this ZIP anaconda.exe (32KB). When I try to run this EXE it gives an error message

c:\Winnt\Microsoft.NET\Framework\...\MSCORWKS.DLL not found

Do you think this is the complete file? If yes, can you please tell me how to fix this problem. If this is not the complete file can you please upload the complete version.

ruxrux said:
If anyone's interested, here's my very short s/w that does it. It's written in C#, so it'll work only if you have .net (you probably do). I'm working on implementing totalling by months, for which a static mapping table is needed, which maps wac to calendar day. I'll provide the first version of the table as well but it'll need to be updated periodically.
Let me know if you have an Anaconda file that this won't parse. I can easily fix bugs.

I'll provide source on request.
I downloaded the ZIP file from the link and I got an EXE file out of this ZIP anaconda.exe (32KB). When I try to run this EXE it gives an error message

c:\Winnt\Microsoft.NET\Framework\...\MSCORWKS.DLL not found

Do you think this is the complete file? If yes, can you please tell me how to fix this problem. If this is not the complete file can you please upload the complete version.
Read the original post ... it says you need the .Net framework.

Go get that from M$ first.
I have it installed on my machine.

I have .NET framework installed on my machine.

max2k1 said:
Read the original post ... it says you need the .Net framework.

Go get that from M$ first.
Scan status

Is it possible, all scanners post the status of their scan. How much has been scanned, and how much is remaining.

Part7 - Scan 100% complete !!

part7 scan is now complete.

pinnacle_man: Output files have been emailed to you.

Finally !!! :D

parolee said:
Is it possible, all scanners post the status of their scan. How much has been scanned, and how much is remaining.

Thanks. Did you have problems using the scanned output files as your input?

For the last few days I have been trying to scan using the previous output file. For some reason, I am unable to scan.

Did you have to create a file exclusively containing the WAC # and then scanned?

max2k1 said:
part7 scan is now complete.

pinnacle_man: Output files have been emailed to you.

Finally !!! :D
pinnacle_man said:
Thanks. Did you have problems using the scanned output files as your input?

For the last few days I have been trying to scan using the previous output file. For some reason, I am unable to scan.

Did you have to create a file exclusively containing the WAC # and then scanned?
Yes - I started the scan using a file with just the WAC#s.

From here on, I can scan using this output file as an input.

As I see it, the original files that you'd sent -- the format was different from what the Anaconda 1.1 scanner looked for. So, it wasn't parsing the status field etc ( so it can't skip approved cases ...)

So yeah - if you have problems, create a file with just the WAC#s
"cut -f1 -d'^V-tab' inputfile >outputfile " should do the trick on unix.
Or you can use M$Excel to cut the first column only (or) send me your file, I can send you the cut file in a jiffy.
Thanks for your response. I will try and let you know.

When I tried to use ruxrux's report generator, it choked. It worked for other part's but not this one. I have sent him your output file for him to debug this program.

pinnacle_man said:
Thanks for your response. I will try and let you know.

When I tried to use ruxrux's report generator, it choked. It worked for other part's but not this one. I have sent him your output file for him to debug this program.

@ruxrux :

Can you send me the source to your scanner ?

You can email it to aus_gg (aT) yahoo

I can try to debug as well ( can't run it as am not using windoze .... ) - but can check with my data.

pinnacle_man said:
Thanks for your response. I will try and let you know.

When I tried to use ruxrux's report generator, it choked. It worked for other part's but not this one. I have sent him your output file for him to debug this program.


I've sent you a new file for part7 just now ...
Check if that works with the reporting program ...

Let me know what happens ...

parolee said:
Is it possible, all scanners post the status of their scan. How much has been scanned, and how much is remaining.


Mine done 50% and I sent those 50% results to pinnacle. Working on remaining and will send remaining once done.
I tried the command you said and it doesn't seem to do the job. When I see it in the UNIX window it looks right but when I bring it back Windows, I still see those square box as field seperators.

I will send you 2 files part 1 and part 3. Please fix it and send it back to me.

max2k1 said:
Yes - I started the scan using a file with just the WAC#s.

From here on, I can scan using this output file as an input.

As I see it, the original files that you'd sent -- the format was different from what the Anaconda 1.1 scanner looked for. So, it wasn't parsing the status field etc ( so it can't skip approved cases ...)

So yeah - if you have problems, create a file with just the WAC#s
"cut -f1 -d'^V-tab' inputfile >outputfile " should do the trick on unix.
Or you can use M$Excel to cut the first column only (or) send me your file, I can send you the cut file in a jiffy.
pinnacle_man said:
I will send you 2 files part 1 and part 3. Please fix it and send it back to me.


No problem - send it over

Edit: - You got mail :)
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